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研究生: 陳弘展
Hung-Chan Chen
論文名稱: 利用卷積神經網路剪枝技術實現實時人體姿態評估系統
Realtime Pose Estimation via Convolutional Neural Network Pruning
指導教授: 姚智原
Chih-Yuan Yao
Neng-Hao Yu
口試委員: 朱宏國
Hung-Kuo Chu
Min-Chun Hu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 資訊工程系
Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering
論文出版年: 2021
畢業學年度: 109
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 70
中文關鍵詞: 人體姿態評估網路剪枝卷積神經網路
外文關鍵詞: Human Pose Estimation, Network Pruning, Convolutional Neuron Network
相關次數: 點閱:462下載:18
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2D/3D 位置,同時為了加快運行速度,我們利用了網路剪枝技術對所使用的卷積神經網
本論文主要可以分成四大部分,第一部分為 2D 人體姿態評估架構設計。第二部分
為 3D 人體姿態評估架構設計。第三部分為網路剪枝介紹與應用。最後一部分為探討搭
配目前主流骨架評估系統效能的方式,包含了 PDJ、mAP 與 FPS 三種。實驗部分,我
們採用現有的 2D 與 3D 深度圖骨架偵測資料庫,搭配 PDJ 和 mAP 評判我們的骨架評估
系統正確率分別為 75.14% 及 83.04%,同時能在 GTX 1050Ti 與 Pixel 5 上跑出 128FPS
及 40FPS,由此可知本論文提出之人體骨架評估系統在保留一定可信度的同時也具有極

Human pose estimation based on convolutional neural network is one of the widely discussed and developed areas in computer vision research. Benefit on the hardware performance advance and the rapid development of convolutional neural networks, there have
been many improvements in detection accuracy and speed. After that, with the increasing popularity of mobile devices, embedded systems, etc, the demand for deploying these
convolutional neural networks on these devices has gradually increased. However, most
of the current convolutional neural networks are very complex and cannot be used in these
devices. For this reason, the research on compressing these convolutional neural networks
so that they can run on these devices has become a popular research direction in recent
In this thesis, we presents a simple and efficient approach for real­time human pose
estimation system. In our study, We employ depth images as the predict target, and we
also employ the popular deep learning method: Convolutional Neural Network(CNN) to
be our architecture to detect 2D/3D joints of the human body automatically. In order to
speed up our system, we employ network pruning method to optimize the speed of the
convolutional neural network we used, so that it can obtain a further speed increase while
maintaining approximate detection accuracy.
This paper was composed of four parts. The first part is the design of 2D human
pose estimation. The second part is the design of 3D human pose estimation. The third
part is the introduction and application of network pruning. The last part is to explore the
evaluation system at the present time, including PDJ, mAP and FPS.
In the experimental part, we used the existing 2D and 3D depth images human pose
estimation database, combined with PDJ and mAP to judge the accuracy of our human
pose estimation system to be 75.14% and 83.04% respectively, and it can run on GTX
1050Ti and Pixel 5 with 128FPS and 40FPS.it can be seen that the human pose estimation
system proposed in this paper retains a certain degree of credibility and also has a very
fast inference speed.

論文摘要 Abstract 誌謝 目錄 圖目錄 表目錄 1 緒論 1.1 研究背景與動機 1.2 論文貢獻 1.3 論文架構 2 相關研究 2.1 彩色圖人體姿態評估 2.2 深度圖人體姿態評估 2.3 網路壓縮技術 3 研究方法 4 研究設計 4.1 訓練資料庫使用介紹 4.1.1 深度圖影像資料庫 4.1.2 人體姿態 2D/3D 正確解答骨架座標生成 4.2 2D 人體姿態評估 4.2.1 輸入影像 4.2.2 輸出影像 4.2.3 網路基礎結構 4.3 3D 人體姿態評估 4.3.1 輸入 & 輸出資訊 4.3.2 網路基礎結構 4.4 網路剪枝的運用 4.4.1 網路剪枝 4.4.2 網路剪枝種類 4.4.3 簡枝演算法 4.4.4 2D 人體姿態評估上的調整 4.4.5 3D 人體姿態評估上的調整 5 實驗結果與分析 5.1 測試資料集介紹 5.2 正確率標準介紹 5.2.1 關節偵測百分比 5.2.2 平均精確度 5.3 研究方法調整結果比較 5.3.1 本研究於各測試資料集上的結果 5.3.2 不同訓練集交叉比較測試 5.3.3 剪枝後的影響結果比較 5.3.4 當前模型的錯誤情況分析 5.4 與他人結果比較 5.4.1 K2HPD 相關文獻比較測試結果 5.4.2 ITOP 相關文獻比較測試結果 6 結論與後續工作 參考文獻

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