簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 羅凱
Kai - Lo
論文名稱: 高品牌價值之品牌識別設計傾向與標誌模式探究
A Study on the Trend of Brand Identity Design and Logo Model in High Brand Value
指導教授: 林品章
Ping-Chang Lin
口試委員: 陳玲鈴
Lin-Lin Chen
Regina W. Y. Wang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學院 - 設計系
Department of Design
論文出版年: 2007
畢業學年度: 95
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 134
中文關鍵詞: 品牌識別品牌價值造形認知內容分析法集群分析
外文關鍵詞: Brand identity, Brand value, Form, Cognition, Content analysis, Cluster analysis
相關次數: 點閱:344下載:16
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  • 面臨全球化時代的市場競爭,台灣產業積極推動自有品牌OBM(Own Branding & Manufacturing)邁向國際,然而如何成功打造品牌,並迅速建立「品牌價值」,成為企業重要的課題。本研究奠基於此動機,蒐彙國際間具有高「品牌價值」之品牌基礎資料,及名稱與標誌(logo)計127個,藉由兩個階段的分析與實驗,進行成功品牌的識別設計模式探究。研究一採取「內容分析法」的歸納邏輯,描述成功國際「品牌識別」設計的共同傾向;研究二透過「集群分析」方式,瞭解設計者與一般消費者對於識別設計認知的異同。經由兩段研究交叉比對與分析,歸納品牌識別之造形形態不約而同的特徵,並依此建構具有高品牌價值之識別設計模式,提供品牌管理者與設計人員進行「品牌工程」之參考。

    Industries in Taiwan are promoting their Own Brand Manufacturing (OBM) design strategy to deal with the market competition in current globalization age. Nonetheless, how to create a successful product brand and establish the brand value within a very short time has thus become an important focus of enterprises. This study is accomplished based on such motivation, by the way of collecting the basic information of high “brand value,” as well as the brand names and their logos, in the international market. The identity design norm of a successful brand is proceeded through two stages of analyses and experiments. The inductive logic of “content analysis” is adopted in Study I. It describes the common trend of designing successful international“brand identity.” Study II is done through “cluster analysis” approach, figuring out the differences between typical consumers’ and brand identity designers’ cognitions. Pattern features of inducing brand identity agree to each other through the overlapping comparisons and analyses of such two stages. Accordingly, the identity and the design norm of high brand value are established, providing the references for brand managers and designers when they are practicing “brand manufacturing.”
    Integrating the analysis of this study, the specific conclusion and suggestions are proposed as follows:
    1.The real “value” and “identity” of brand varies with differing clients and consumers. “Brand identity” and “brand value” correlate with one another. “Brand identity” is initial to building of “brand value,” in particular brand name as well as logo, are all critical elements in supporting “brand recognition.” Consumption behavior is induced by brand identity and good experience will strengthen brand value.
    2.Word marks (51.9%) is the commonest identity design for internationally successful brands, while pictorial marks (8.66%) and abstract patterns (7.87%) are used less.
    3.The 53.54% of sampled brand names are “proper nouns” but this trend is decreasing in favor of “free creation” and “free association.”
    4.Single color is the commonest color scheme (61.42%) in brand identity, though color use has become more flexible as media technology modernized; however, 4 colors or less are still the norm.
    5.“Word marks” identities are more eligible and easier to be identified. Though “pictorial marks” identities tend to be collective, they tend to be confused with “abstract marks” identities in categorization. It suggests that the “symbolic meaning” in identity can be easily overlooked in perceptual stage.
    6.Respondents often point out the identities by their styles and then color differences, though the complexity of design elements that had been identified before is also one of the key factors in attribute identification.
    7.The results of cluster analysis show that similar perceptions are found in respondents of two different educational backgrounds, and there are six clusters of overlapping stimulants (83.46%). It means that these six features are commonly used in the design of high-brand-value identities.
    8.High brand value designs of brand identity are stylistically and chromatically simple and clean, so the naming of brands is exceptionally important. New brands in Taiwan will do well to follow this trend.
    9.Brand value and identity design are dependent on consumers’ comments and cognitions. The second stage of the study takes consumers as the respondents, collecting cluster analysis to investigate the highest common factor of identity design as well as perception style. The reliability of the results is relatively objective and research results can be helpful references for novel brands in Taiwan.

    目錄 ........................................................................vi 表目錄.....................................................................viii 圖目錄....................................................................... x 第一章、緒論.................................................................1 1.1研究背景與動機........................................................... 1 1.2研究目的................................................................. 3 1.3研究範圍與限制........................................................... 4 1.4名詞釋義................................................................. 5 1.5 「品牌」相關的學術論文.................................................. 6 1.6 研究程序................................................................ 8 第二章、文獻探討............................................................ 9 2.1品牌的相關文獻探討........................................................9 2.1.1品牌的歷史............................................................. 9 2.1.2品牌的定義.............................................................11 2.2品牌價值的相關文獻探討.................................................. 13 2.2.1品牌資產.............................................................. 13 2.2.2品牌價值.............................................................. 15 2.2.3品牌價值的衡量........................................................ 16 2.2.4 Interbrand品牌價值衡量方式........................................... 18 2.3品牌識別的相關文獻探討...................................................20 2.3.1品牌識別.............................................................. 20 2.3.2品牌識別的構面........................................................ 22 2.4認知心理學與符號學相關文獻探討.......................................... 25 2.4.1認知心理學相關理論.................................................... 25 2.4.2符號學相關理論........................................................ 27 2.5價值分析相關文獻探討.................................................... 28 第三章、研究方法............................................ .............. 31 3.1研究架構.................................................................31 3.2研究設計.................................................................32 3.2.1研究樣本取樣.......................................................... 32 3.2.2研究一、高品牌價值之識別樣本現況分析.................................. 33 3.2.3研究二、品牌識別設計相似性研究........................................ 39 第四章、研究結果........................................................... 49 4.1研究一、品牌識別現況分析.................................................49 4.1.1品牌基本資料結果分析.................................................. 49 4.1.2品牌識別設計現況分析.................................................. 53 4.1.3 變項交叉分析..........................................................56 4.2研究二、品牌識別造形相似性認知研究之結果.................................60 4.2.1相似性實驗分群判別準則................................................ 60 4.2.2層次集群分析結果...................................................... 60 4.2.3集群分析結果之典範樣本................................................ 67 4.2.4各受測組對各分群之特徵分析............................................ 69 4.2.5不同背景受測組間分群認知異同分析...................................... 78 4.2.6層次集群分析之分群與識別造形統計結果交叉分析.......................... 81 4.3識別設計造形認知交集的主要特徵模式分析...................................89 第五章、結論與建議..........................................................94 5.1結論.....................................................................94 5.2後續研究建議.............................................................97 參考文獻....................................................................98 附錄 附錄一、 全球百大品牌概要彙整..............................................101 附錄二、品牌基本資料彙整...................................................116 附錄三、品牌識別設計資料彙整...............................................119 附錄四、研究受測者資料.....................................................122 附錄五、研究問卷設計.......................................................124 附錄六、集群分析集聚過程...................................................129

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