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研究生: 張家峻
Jia-Jun Zhang
論文名稱: 氮化鎵光偵測器結合Arduino藍芽模組應用於遠端警示
GaN-based photodetector combined with Arduino Bluetooth module for remote warning
指導教授: 葉秉慧
Pinghui Sophia Yeh
口試委員: 葉秉慧
Pinghui Sophia Yeh
Chih-Chien Lee
Shih-Hsiang Hsu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電子工程系
Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 143
中文關鍵詞: 氮化鎵光偵測器光電晶體
外文關鍵詞: GaN, photodetector, phototransistor, Arduino
相關次數: 點閱:436下載:0
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  This paper mainly develops GaN based photodetectors and LED warning light modules. The applications extension and component improvements are made in terms of function, so that the module has better component performance and diverse application functions, we want to success to develop a product in the future.
  In terms of the characteristics of the GaN photodetectors module and LED components, measure the components made in the lab; including two types of UV photodetector (p-i-n structure photodetector and n-p-i-n structure phototransistor) the characteristics about dark current, response time and external quantum efficiency, under different biases; and measure the characteristics of two display components (light-emitting diodes and seven-segment displays), including I-V and L-I efficiency curves.
  On the application of the module function, this research combines the circuit board-Arduino to extend the advanced application functions; through the voltage value output by the OPA current-voltage amplifier circuit designed in the lab last year, through the Arduino board analog reading function, read the voltage signal, and write a program to define the UV hazard level, and do the hazard classification. The output terminal uses a seven-segment display to display the degree of hazard warning.
  The UV light cannot be known through the human eye, it is often harmed by UV light without knowing it. Therefore, another module design combines the functions of the Arduino board and the Bluetooth module to achieve this harm through the Bluetooth transmission is used to achieve the remote warning function, and preventive protection early. For example, when it is detected that an UV lamp is used for disinfection in the room, the door immediately flashes a warning light. This research has made a prototype.

摘要 v Abstract vi 致謝 viii 目錄 x 圖目錄 xii 表目錄 xvi 第一章 導論 1 1.1緒論 1 1.2 文獻回顧與動機 4 1.3市售紫外光偵測器模組介紹 20 第二章 光偵測器理論介紹 26 2.1 光偵測器工作原理 26 2.2 光偵測器架構分類 29 2.2.1 p-n接面光二極體(p-n Photodiode) 29 2.2.2 p-i-n接面光電二極體 32 2.2.3 蕭基位障光電二極體(Schottky Barrier Photodiode) 36 2.2.4雪崩型光二極體(Avalanche Photodiode) 38 2.3 光偵測器檢測參數 44 2.3.1 量子效率(Quantum Efficiency,QE) 44 2.3.2 響應率(Responsivity,R) 47 2.3.3 響應速度(Response Speed) 48 2.3.4 拒斥比(Rejection Ratio) 48 第三章 元件設計與量測儀器介紹 49 3.1 光電元件設計 49 3.2 元件製程 52 3.3 量測儀器介紹 54 3.3.1 I-V與L-I量測系統 54 3.3.2外部量子量測系統(Incident photon to electron conversion efficiency,IPCE) 55 3.3.3七位半圖形化取樣萬用電錶(7-1/2 Digit Graphical Sampling Multimeter) 57 3.3.4 脈衝式雷射二極體LIV系統(Pulsed Laser Diode Test System) 59 3.3.5 電源供應器(Source Meter) 61 3.3.6 紫外光燈具254nm(UV Lamp) 64 第四章 Arduino微電腦控制板功能設定 66 4.1 Arduino介紹 66 4.1.1Arduino UNO微電腦控制板 66 4.1.2Arduino讀取類比信號 71 4.2 藍芽模組介紹 73 4.2.1藍芽模組(HC-05、HC-06)功能介紹與設定 74 4.2.2 Arduino序列阜監控視窗 81 第五章紫外光偵測器透過Arduino藍芽傳輸危害警示裝置 84 5.1系統整合架構圖 84 5.2紫外光偵測器透過Arduino藍芽傳輸危害警示裝置設計結果與討論 86 5.2.1 氮化鎵LED七段顯示器I-V&L-I量測 86 5.2.2 氮化鎵p-i-n光偵測器外部量子效率量測 88 5.2.3氮化鎵n-p-i-n光電晶體外部量子效率量測 97 5.2.4 市售紫外光模組(Groove-UV Sensor)特性量測實驗 107 5.2.5Arduino發送端-讀取類比電壓並發送資料 116 5.2.6 Arduino接收端-接收資料並透過LED發出警告訊息 119 第六章 結論與未來展望 124 6.1結論 124 6.2未來展望 126 參考文獻 127

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