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研究生: 陳郁汝
Yu-ru Chen
論文名稱: 圖形化使用者介面之頁面配置研究-以電子睡眠日誌為例
A Study on the Layout of Graphic User Interface-Using the Electronic Sleep Diary as an Example
指導教授: 唐玄輝
Hsien-Hui Tang
口試委員: 陳建雄
Chien-Hsiung Chen
Chih-Hsiang Ko
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學院 - 設計系
Department of Design
論文出版年: 2010
畢業學年度: 98
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 155
中文關鍵詞: 介面設計圖形化使用者介面頁面配置睡眠產品觸控介面
外文關鍵詞: sleeping diary, layout, graphic user interface, interface design, touch screen
相關次數: 點閱:346下載:33
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  • 使用者介面發展至今已由過去的文字指令轉換成圖形化導向,介面上所運用的視覺元素越來越豐富而多元,但是介面上的要素越多,就更應該透過一個完善的視覺架構來整合,規劃一套完整的頁面配置設計,有助於使用者理解介面中的資訊架構。
    另外,針對介面之頁面配置設計的討論結果如下:(1)頁面配置應具有結構上的意義,所有配置都應有各自代表的作用存在,才能讓頁面建立起無形的操作順序;(2)善用一致性建立規範,可以形成具有邏輯和秩序的頁面;(3)頁面配置與互動設計需妥善整合,可利用物件-運作介面模型(Object-Action Interface Model, 簡稱OAI模型),將介面上的物件、使用者動作、各物件在介面上所呈現的動作同步整合;(4)頁面元素多寡和階層深淺需協調運用,妥善規劃頁面「廣度」與「深度」的分配,取得兩者之間的平衡,才能展現良好的使用性;(5)觸控介面的頁面設計,需格外謹慎考量配置問題,避免頁面訊息被操作者的手部遮蔽;(6)審慎運用頁面配置設計原則:用一致的原則來建立介面的基本設計規範,包含邊界、圖像、文字、色彩;運用象限優先原則時,需考量元素本身的視覺強度是否會造成影響;對稱性平衡若無任何強調性的設計,容易讓使用者無法從頁面中區分優先操作的部份;使用群組原則時,在按鈕字義相似且擺放位置近的情況下容易破壞群組作用;運用連續原則時,若要加強其連續性,可將物件對齊置放於同一個直線上。

    The development of user-interface has evolved from text-instruction in the past to graphic-oriented now, and interface has been more varied due to the application of visual element. The increased number of elements on interface should be integrated through an integrated visual structure. A completed layout design is essential for a user to understand the information architecture of the interface. Nowadays, a growing number of people in Taiwan have sleeping problem. Our subject is Electronic Sleep Diary (ESD), a product developed for insomnia patient, digitizing the traditional sleep diary (TSD) on paper. ESD integrates every element in TSD and applies touch screen as the operational interface to increase the usability. The ideal way of operating a touch interface is to touch on the screen by fingers or a touch pen directly, not like the traditional way of using mouse or keyboard.
    The visual presentation of interface in ESD has to be designed to be accordance with touch interface for its different ways of input. This study is to develop the interface for ESD, being based on general principles and applicable in touch screen. Three different versions of the interface have been designed with two-step experiments to examine their usability.
    The result of examination is that a fine layout can have the users comprehend the order of operation and increase the efficiency of operation.Furthermore, the results of evaluating the interface design of ESD are as the following: (1) A successful interface design needs multi-disciplinary cooperation. It can result in a better interface system; (2) Graphic representation should have direct association that enables users understand the graphic analogy in design; (3) A clear procedure of writing a sleeping diary can increase the efficiency of operation and reduce the time of thinking; (4) Be careful when using jargon in interface. The operation would be affected indirectly due to the misunderstanding of the meaning of the terminology. A detailed description is needed for the use of jargon.
    In addition, the results of discussing the layout design of the interface are as thefollowing: (1) There should be constructional meaning to layout. All layouts should have the self-representative effects, and can help users establish an underlying sequence of operation; (2) Maintaining consistency helps to establish the logic and order of the interface; (3) Screen layout and interaction design should be well-arranged and integrated using Object-Action Interface Model; (4) Balance the tradeoff between the number of elements in single screen and the depth of the hierarchy; (5) The layout design of touch screen should avoid the page information to be covered by user`s hand; (6) Applying the design principle of page layout seriously helps the usability: Using the principle " Consistency" to establish the basic standard of interface design, including border, image, text and color; when using the principle "Quadrant Preference", it should be noticed the visual strength of elements reduce the effect or not; symmetrical balance makes user not recognize the priority of pages; the buttons of similar meanings and with close distance prevent the effect of the principle “Grouping”; aligning objects increase the effect of principle "Continuity".

    Keywords: Interface design, Graphic user interface, Layout, Sleeping Diary, Touch Screen

    目錄 中文摘要i 英文摘要iii 謝誌v 目錄vi 圖目錄ix 表目錄xiv 第一章緒論1 1.1 研究背景與動機1 1.2 研究問題2 1.3 研究目的與目標2 1.4研究之流程與架構3 第二章 文獻探討5 2.1電子睡眠日誌5 2.1.1 睡眠日誌6 2.1.2 觸控式螢幕8 2.2使用者互動介面8 2.2.1 使用者介面設計原則9 2.2.2 資訊架構中的組織結構10 2.3 認知心理11 2.4 圖形化使用者介面之頁面配置12 2.4.1 圖形化使用者介面13 2.4.2 頁面配置13 2.5 介面評估方法25 2.6 文獻小結26 第三章 研究方法與介面發展27 3.1 介面設計與評估方式27 3.1.1 介面互動發展28 3.1.2 頁面配置設計方法28 3.1.3 受測者與實驗流程29 3.2修正版介面之實驗與評估32 3.2.1修正版介面設計32 3.2.2 受測者與實驗流程33 3.2.3 專家評估33 3.3 初版電子睡眠日誌介面設計33 3.3.1 介面互動發展33 3.3.2 頁面配置設計35 第四章 初版介面測試與評估44 4.1 測試結果與討論44 4.1.1 受測者資料44 4.1.2 操作績效結果44 4.1.3 問卷量表結果47 4.1.4 綜合分析52 4.2 小結與後續建議53 第五章 修正版介面之實驗與評估56 5.1修正版介面設計與流程56 5.1.1 兩種不同設計方針的介面56 5.1.2修正版介面設計成果58 5.2 問卷設計64 5.3 受測者樣本66 5.4實驗設計67 5.4.1實驗任務設計68 5.5修正版介面實驗結果分析75 5.5.1 任務操作結果分析75 5.5.2 頁面配置結果分析79 5.5.3 工作負荷指標結果分析85 5.5.4 使用者滿意度結果分析88 第六章 綜合討論與最終介面設計90 6.1 電子睡眠日誌介面的比較90 6.2 頁面配置的討論92 6.2.1 運用配置設計原則於介面的發現92 6.2.2 頁面配置對介面的影響93 6.2.3 觸控介面的頁面配置設計94 6.3 建構介面之頁面配置的流程96 6.4 最終介面設計98 第七章 結論與建議102 7.1研究結論102 7.1.1電子睡眠日誌介面設計結論102 7.1.2頁面配置設計結論103 7.2後續研究與建議104 參考文獻106 英文參考文獻106 中文參考文獻107 網路參考資料108 附錄109 附錄一:第一階段實驗問卷109 附錄二:第一階段實驗觀察與訪談內容116 附錄三:第二階段實驗問卷121 附錄四:第二階段實驗之觀察與訪談內容137 附錄五:專家評估內容140

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