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研究生: 張婷婷
Ting-ting Chang
論文名稱: PdCo/WCχ陰極觸媒合成及ORR活性探討
PdCo/WCχ cathode catalyst synthesis and activity ofoxygen reduction reaction
指導教授: 劉端祺
Tuan-Chi Liu
口試委員: 蕭敬業
Ching-Yeh Shiau
Man-yin Lo
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 化學工程系
Department of Chemical Engineering
論文出版年: 2011
畢業學年度: 99
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 121
中文關鍵詞: 抗甲醇毒化碳化鎢PdCo觸媒
外文關鍵詞: ORR, tungsten carbide, DMFC
相關次數: 點閱:470下載:0
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Platinum is the most effective electrocatalysts for use in Direct Methanol Fuel Cell (DMFC),both anode and cathode, because of it’s high catalytic activity for methanol oxidation in anode and oxygen reduction reactions (ORR) in cathode. Platinum also has very high stability and good corrosion resistant under acidic operating medium. However, platinum is too expensive for use in DMFC and another problem in using platinum at the cathode is the methanol crossover problem. Methanol crossover to the cathode created both over-potential and active site poisoning problems when Pt is used. The search for more active and less expensive non-platinum based catalysts for oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) is one of the most important issues towards the commercialization of DMFC.
This thesis explores using the tungsten carbide as carries of DMFC cathode catalyst, and the possibility of using palladium and cobalt form a binary catalyst, instead of platinum catalyst, as the basic component of the DMFC cathode catalyst. The effect of preparation method for tungsten carbide and cathode catalysts, different precursor, temperature of reduction and catalyst formulations towards ORR activity and methanol tolerance were explored in this thesis. Catalyst performance were studied using Rotating Disk Electrode (RDE) and Cyclic Voltammetry (CV).
Results in this study revealed that all PdCo/WCχ catalysts in 1M methanol 0.7V and 0.8V have better ability of anti-poision than PdCoW/C catalysts in the presence of methanol. It’s been proven that the catalysts synthetized by tungsten carbide as cathode carries have higher activities than carbon black as cathode carries. Moreover, tungsten carbide has positive effect to catalysts on the abilities of anti-poision in methanol. All catalysts of PdCo/WC series has the abilities of anti-methanol poision in 0.7and 0.8V methanol. In the 0.7V environment of 0M methanol, the activity is also better than commercial catalysts JM13100. Therefore, the catalyst acquired by using Palladium and Cobalt not only has abilities of anti-methanol poision but also cost down by using Palladium to replace Platinum. Tungsten carbide prepared with (NH4)6W12O39•xH2O and 900℃ for temperature of calcination as the WC precursor have highest activity. Besides, catalysts prepared using precipitation as method have higher activity than impregnation.

中文摘要 Ⅰ Abstract Ⅲ 致謝 Ⅴ 目錄 Ⅵ 圖目錄 XI 表目錄 XIX 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 前言 1 1.2 鹼性燃料電池 6 1.3 磷酸燃料電池 6 1.4 質子交換膜燃料電池 7 1.5 直接甲醇燃料電池 8 1.6 薄膜電極組 11 第二章 文獻回顧 13 2.1 陰極觸媒材料 13 2.2 Pd/C觸媒 17 2.3 Tungsten Carbide 21 2.4 PdCoW/C與PdCo/WC觸媒的合成與鑑定 24 第三章 實驗設備與方法 27 3.1 藥品 27 3.2 儀器設備 28 3.3 陰極觸媒的合成與鑑定 29 3.3.1 碳載體表面處理 29 3.3.2 碳化鎢載體合成方法 30 3.3.3 陰極觸媒PdCo/WC合成方法 33 3.4 碳化鎢與合金觸媒的表面分析 37 3.4.1 X光繞射分析 37 3.4.2 碳化鎢的表面積與孔洞分析 39 3.4.3 程式升溫脫附法 40 3.4.4 氣相分析儀分析 41 3.4.5 高解析度穿透式電子顯微鏡 42 3.4.6 熱重分析儀分析 43 3.4.7 陰極觸媒PdCo/WC活性測試 44 電極製作 44 旋轉圓盤電極disk上觸媒loading量的估計 45 電極特性的循環伏安法測量 45 陰極觸媒PdCo/WC活性測試 47 陰極觸媒PdCo/WC抗毒化程度測試 47 第四章 結果與討論 48 4.1 碳化鎢載體表面測定 48 4.1.1 碳化鎢載體(WC)BET表面積分析 48 4.1.2 碳化鎢載體(WC)表面官能基測定 49 4.1.3 碳化鎢載體(WC)導電度測試 51 4.2 碳化鎢載體(WC)的合成與鑑定 52 4.2.1 碳化鎢載體(WC)熱重分析 52 4.2.2 碳化鎢載體(WC) XRD分析 54 4.3 陰極觸媒PdCo/WC的合成與鑑定 60 4.3.1 陰極觸媒PdCo/WC熱重分析 61 載體煅燒溫度對陰極觸媒PdCo/WC熱重分析之影響 61 製備方法對陰極觸媒PdCo/WC熱重分析之影響 62 氫氣還原溫度對陰極觸媒PdCo/WC熱重分析之影響 63 不同前驅物對陰極觸媒PdCo/WC熱重分析之影響 64 觸媒500℃煅燒對陰極觸媒PdCo/WC熱重分析之影響 65 4.3.2 陰極觸媒PdCo/WC XRD分析 67 載體煅燒溫度及製備方法對陰極觸媒PdCo/WC XRD之影響 68 氫氣還原溫度對陰極觸媒PdCo/WC XRD之影響 69 不同前驅物對陰極觸媒PdCo/WC XRD之影響 72 觸媒500℃煅燒對陰極觸媒PdCo/WC XRD之影響 74 4.3.3 陰極觸媒PdCo/WC TEM分析 75載體煅燒溫度及製備方法對陰極觸媒PdCo/WC TEM之影響 76 氫氣還原溫度對陰極觸媒PdCo/WC TEM之影響 77 不同前驅物對陰極觸媒PdCo/WC TEM之影響 78 觸媒500℃煅燒對陰極觸媒PdCo/WC TEM之影響 79 4.3.4 陰極觸媒PdCo/WC抗甲醇毒化活性分析 81 陰極觸媒PdCoW/C與PdCo/WC活性之影響 83 載體煅燒溫度及製備方法對陰極觸媒PdCo/WC活性之影響 84 氫氣還原溫度對陰極觸媒PdCo/WC活性之影響 87 不同前驅物對陰極觸媒PdCo/WC活性之影響 91 觸媒500℃煅燒對陰極觸媒PdCo/WC活性之影響 93 第五章 結論 96 參考文獻 98 附錄 105

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