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研究生: 吳培文
Pei-Wen Wu
論文名稱: 可調控層間距奈米銀-氧化石墨烯複合薄膜對於醇類脫水效能之影響
Tunable d-spacing of Silver-grapgene oxide Composite Membrane for Dehydration of Water-Alcohol Mixtures
指導教授: 賴君義
Juin-Yih Lai
Wei-Song Hung
口試委員: 賴君義
Juin-Yih Lai
Wei-Song Hung
Chien-Chieh Hu
Chih-Feng Wang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 應用科技學院 - 應用科技研究所
Graduate Institute of Applied Science and Technology
論文出版年: 2021
畢業學年度: 109
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 101
中文關鍵詞: 氧化石墨烯銀奈米粒子滲透蒸發分離程序
外文關鍵詞: Graphene oxide, Silver nanoparticles, Pervaportion
相關次數: 點閱:721下載:0
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本研究以銀奈米顆粒插層於氧化石墨烯的片層之間,以達成以下兩目的:第一,調控氧化石墨烯的層間距;第二,藉由協同效應,使氧化石墨烯與銀奈米顆粒的抗菌特性被進一步的強化。本研究製備6種不同pH值(1-11)的Ag@GO 水溶液,並且經由壓力輔助裝置將溶液之中的Ag@GO奈米複合物沉積於聚醯胺基材膜上,並分別將其命名為Ag@GOpH1、Ag@GOpH3、Ag@GOpH5、Ag@GOpH7、Ag@GOpH9、Ag@GOpH11奈米複合薄膜,並且探討溶液pH值對於奈米顆粒的尺寸與數量的影響。
在滲透蒸發系統(進料異丙醇:水=70:30)的測試下,Ag@GOpH11的通量能夠達到2756.86(g/m2 h),比純GO薄膜的通量還要高出28.36%;在異丙醇的阻擋率方面,則能夠維持在97.2%以上,與純GO相比,僅損失1.170%。

In this work, silver nanoparticles are suscessfully intercalated between graphene oxide nanosheets to achieve two purposes: First, to tune the d-spacing of graphene oxide nanosheets; Second, to further enhance the antibacterial properties of graphene oxide and silver nanoparticles through synergistic effect. In this work, six Ag@GO aqueous solutions with different pH values (ranging from 1-11) were prepared, and the solutions were deposited on a polyamide substrate through pressure-assisted filtration method. The resulting nanocomposite membranes were named Ag@GOpH1, Ag@GOpH3, Ag@GOpH5, Ag@GOpH7, Ag@GOpH9, Ag@GOpH11, and the influence of the solution’s pH value on the size and amount of nanoparticles were discussed.
Zetasizer, Ultraviolet–visible spectroscopy were performed for the analysis of the aqueous solution. Scanning electron microscope, micro water contact angle, and Raman spectrometer were used for the analysis of the surface morphology and physical structure of the membranes. Attenuated total reflection Fourier transform infrared spectrometer and X-ray photoelectron spectrometer were performed to analyze the chemical properties of the membrane, and the reduction mechanism and intercalation mechanism of silver nanoparticles were further discussed.
Under the pervaporation testing system (feed isopropanol:water = 70:30). In terms of flux, Ag@GOpH11 can reach up to 2756.86 (g/m2 h), which is higher by 28.36% than the flux of pristine GO membrane; in terms of rejection, it can be maintained above 97.2%, which is only 1.170% lower than pristine GO membrane.
In the antibacterial test, Ag@GOpH1, Ag@GOpH3, Ag@GOpH9, Ag@GOpH11 can reach up to 99.99% inhibition rate against Escherichia coli, which is significantly higher than that of pristine GO membrane with 89.3%, which proves the enhanced antibacterial properties of Ag@GO nanocomposites.
The results of pervaporation test, antibacterial test, and various characterization techniques will help to explain the mechanism of nanoparticle generation and the effect of its intercalation on the physical and chemical properties of graphene oxide membranes.

目錄 摘要 I Abstract III 致謝 V 目錄 VI 圖目錄 IX 表目錄 XII 第一章 緒論 1 1.1前言 1 1.2薄膜分離技術 2 1.2.1 薄膜分離概述 2 1.2.2 薄膜材料 4 1.3氧化石墨烯薄膜的改質 12 1.3.1 化學改質 12 1.3.2 物理改質 14 1.4抗菌薄膜材料 16 1.4.1 石墨烯系列材料的抗菌機制 17 1.4.2 金屬抗菌材料的抗菌機制 17 1.4.3 GO/金屬奈米複合材料 18 1.5文獻回顧 20 1.6研究動機與目的 28 第二章 實驗材料與方法 29 2.1實驗藥品 29 2.2實驗儀器 30 2.3實驗步驟 32 2.3.1製備氧化石墨烯 32 2.3.2溶液配置 32 2.3.3薄膜製備 33 2.4材料鑑定與性質檢測 34 2.4.1場發式掃描電子顯微鏡 34 2.4.2原子力顯微鏡 35 2.4.3紫外光-可見光/近紅外光光譜 35 2.4.4雷射奈米粒徑電位分析儀 36 2.4.5高功率X光繞射儀 37 2.4.6微米水接觸角 38 2.4.7衰減全反射式傅立葉紅外光譜儀 39 2.4.8顯微拉曼光譜儀 40 2.4.9 X射線光電子能譜儀 40 2.4.10 滲透蒸發裝置 41 2.4.11 薄膜抗菌效能測試 43 第三章 結果與討論 45 3.1 Ag@GO奈米複合材料於溶液狀態之鑑定與分析 45 3.1.1溶液巨觀分析 45 3.1.2溶液粒徑變化分析 46 3.1.3溶液Zeta電位分析 47 3.1.4溶液組成分析 48 3.2 Ag@GO奈米複合薄膜之鑑定與分析 50 3.2.1薄膜表面型態分析 50 3.2.2薄膜層間距變化 52 3.2.3薄膜表面粗糙度分析 55 3.2.4薄膜表面親疏水性分析 58 3.2.5薄膜物理組成分析 59 3.2.6薄膜化學組成分析 62 3.2.7反應機制 67 3.3 Ag@GO奈米複合薄膜之薄膜分離效能檢測 70 3.3.1針對不同GO:AgNO3添加比例之效能檢測 70 3.3.2針對不同溫度之效能檢測 72 3.3.3針對不同進料醇類之效能檢測 73 3.4 GO與Ag@GO奈米複合薄膜之抗菌效能檢測 76 第四章 結論 78 參考文獻 79

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