簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 陳光捷
Kuang-Chieh - Chen
論文名稱: 拉近健康照護的距離-iHealth政昇處方宅配藥局
Accessible Healthcare with no Limitation: iHealth Express Group
指導教授: 周子銓
Tzu-Chuan Chou
口試委員: 李國光
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 管理學院MBA
School of Management International (MBA)
論文出版年: 2017
畢業學年度: 105
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 69
中文關鍵詞: 社會企業商業模式資源拼湊左右開弓心流理論服務創新社會創新
外文關鍵詞: Social Enterprise, Business Model, Resource Bricolage, Ambidexterity, Flow, Service Innovation, Social Innovation
相關次數: 點閱:590下載:2
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  • 近二十年來,隨著醫藥分業的推行,藥師的角色開始出現了轉變。臺灣的鄉村人口外移嚴重,都市醫療資源過度集中,且少子化的影響加劇了高齡長者照護問題,已經邁向高齡化社會的台灣仍然準備不足。本個案的主角王照允先生於2010年創立了iHealth政昇處方宅配藥局,希望透過藥師送藥到府服務的創新,延伸以往傳統藥師所做不到的「周到」,讓藥師的專業價值更得以妥善發揮。只是這樣立意良善的服務,甫運作卻吃了閉門羹,甚至還有人質疑他們的合法性,公司差一點無法繼續營運下去。王執行長是如何克服難關,讓iHealth能夠浴火重生,到現在服務足跡遍佈全台,年營收上看2億?銀色海嘯即將到來,銀髮族相關的需求會成為二十一世紀最大的潛力市場,本個案描述iHealth是如何透過創新服務,幫助高齡長者提升生活品質並開創藥局未來的新藍海。


    Over the past two decades, with the implementation of Separation of Prescribing and Dispensing to the pharmaceutical industry, the role of pharmacists began to change. The out-migration of Taiwan's rural population has been severely, urban medical resources are over-concentrated, and the impact of the low birthrate has exacerbated the problem of long-term care to the elderly people. Taiwan, which is already ageing in society, is still under-prepared. The protagonist of this case, Mr. Wang Zhao-Yun, founded the iHealth Express Group in 2010, hoping that the innovation service of pharmacists' delivery of prescription medicines to the customer will extend the "thoughtful" practice that traditional pharmacists can not achieve, thus making the professional value of pharmacists a better and properly play. Although this new service is for good purpose, it turned a cold shoulder when operating, and even some people question their legitimacy, the company nearly couldn’t continue to operate. How does Mr. Wang overcome the difficulty as a CEO so iHealth Express Group can be reborn? Now, their service footprints are throughout the country, and the annual revenue is reaching to 200 million. The silver tsunami is coming soon, and the demand for silver-haired people will become the biggest potential market in the 21st century. This case describes how iHealth can help the elderly to improve their quality of life and also create a new blue ocean future through innovative services.

    The case is adapted Harvard Case Study research method to discuss the following issues: social enterprise, business model, resource bricolage, ambidexterity, flow, social innovation, and so forth. The case will also be explored on the viewpoints of: how social enterprise designs and develops its beyond-profits business model, how the organization uses their resource at hand by recombination with new purpose to maximize the value and efficiency, how the organization ambidextrously achieves their goals and develops sustainable business model, ultimately, how social entrepreneur can not only create the positive influences and impacts on the society and environment but also solve social problems by means of social innovation.

    摘要I ABSTRACTII 致謝III 目錄IV 表目錄VI 圖目錄VII 壹、個案本文1 一、序場-走入偏鄉的藥師1 二、銀色海嘯的未來3 三、iHealh政昇處方藥局的創立4 社區藥局的困境4 主動出擊6 藥師送藥帶來關懷7 完全免費的服務8 不計成本的付出9 不簡單的服務10 幫助更多的民眾10 四、免費服務反而得不到信任12 因不了解而產生誤會12 民眾對藥局印象不佳13 變調的醫藥分業14 五、與安養中心的合作14 日本SMS公司的建議14 來自新加坡社會企業競賽的肯定16 六、試辦坪林醫療站服務17 看了醫生後才是問題的開始17 被忽略的環節18 關鍵還是在於人19 七、高齡化的未來20 八、附錄23 貳、個案討論27 一、個案總覽27 未被滿足的需求27 沒有人做過的事情27 二、教學目標與適用課程29 三、學生課前討論問題32 四、個案人物背景33 五、個案分析34 教學目標一:社會企業商業模式之探討35 教學目標二:資源拼湊之探討44 教學目標三:左右開弓之探討50 教學目標四:社會創新之探討56 六、課程結論60 七、教學建議61 八、板書規劃65 參、參考文獻66 一、中文參考文獻66 二、英文參考文獻68 三、網站部分69



    2.衛生福利部(2014),「中華民國102年高齡長者狀況調查報告」,衛生福利部 102.10,台北。

    3.國家發展委員會(2016),「中華民國105人口推估報告」,國家發展委員會 105.8.22,台北。




    7.經濟日報(2014),「創愛的業/藥品藥師親自送 台灣健康宅配使命必達」,《經濟日報B7 2014年7月》,經濟日報,台北。

    8.蘋果日報(2013),「處方箋宅配 創新服務 年營收7000萬」,《蘋果日報,財經新聞2013年11月》,蘋果日報,台北。

    9.TVBS(2014),「藥師變快遞!宅配送藥 搶賺700億」,《TVBS獨家2014年6月》,TVBS,台北。

    10.Alexander Osterwalder、Yves Pingeur (2010),《Business Model Generation》,尤傳莉譯(2012),《獲利世代》,早安財經文化,台北。

    11.黃國蓉 (2013),「施振榮:藝文社企不要怕談營利」,《2013/01/17 經濟日報》。經濟日報,台北。



    14.施世駿 (2016),「台灣長期照護政策發展與國外經驗探討」,國立臺灣大學社科院風險社會與政策研究中心,台北。




    1.How to Grow Social Innovation. Davis, Anna; Simon, Julie; Young Foundation 2013

    2.Baker, T & Nelson, R.E. (2005), “Creating something from nothing: Resource construction through entrepreneurial bricolage,” Administrative SeienceQuarterly, 50, 392-366

    3.Dees, J. Gregory. (1998), “The Meaning of Social Entrepreneurship,” Kansas City, MO and Palo Alto, CA: Kauffman Foundation and Stanford University, October 1998. from http://www.fuqua.duke.edu/centers/case

    4.Geoff, Mulgan et al. (2007), “Social Innovation: What it is, why it matters and How it can be accelerated,” Oxford University, Skoll Center and Said Business School.

    5.Julian Birkinshaw & Cristina Gibson (2004), “Building Ambidexterity Into an Organization,” MIT Sloan Management Review, Summer 2004, Vol 45, 47-55

    6.Martin, L. Roger & Osberg, Sally. (2007), “Social Entrepreneurship: The Case for Definition,” Stanford Social Innovation Review (SSIR).

    7.Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly. (1990). Flow: the Psychology of Optimal Experience. (New York: HarperPerennial, 1991).


    1.iHealth政昇處方宅配藥局官方網站 (http://www.ihealth.com.tw/)

    2.iHealth政昇處方宅配藥局官方粉絲團 (https://www.facebook.com/iHealthPharmacy)

    3.社企流官方網站 (http://www.seinsights.asia)

    4.維基百科 (http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/)

    5.衛生福利部長照政策專區 (http://www.mohw.gov.tw/CHT/LTC/Index.aspx)

    6.MBA 智庫百科 (http://wiki.mbalib.com/wiki/)

    7.UNITED NATIONS (http://www.un.org/en/index.html)

    8.天下雜誌「我們的無畏時代」王照允篇 (2015年8月) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-tdhh5_PhM4)

    9.大愛電視台「行動醫療隊-藥師到你家」(2016年7月) ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D74frKUCVlc)

    10.TVBS「 TVBS 一步一腳印愛心做工益 送到家的趴趴走藥師」(2015年11月) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C_TKE7lXe2Q)
