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研究生: 闕嘉瑾
Jia-Jin Chueh
論文名稱: 行動/未行動的後悔:買賣雙方對交易不同的感受與反應
Action/Inaction Regret: The difference affection and reaction of Buyers and Sellers
指導教授: 葉明義
Ming-Yih Yeh
口試委員: 任立中
Li-chung Jen
Pang-Tien Lieu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 企業管理系
Department of Business Administration
論文出版年: 2009
畢業學年度: 97
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 40
中文關鍵詞: 行動/未行動後悔社會比較規範焦點
外文關鍵詞: action/inaction, regret
相關次數: 點閱:263下載:0
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  • 我們每天都要進行交易,但是財貨的價格常常會變動,買東西時,可能會遇到買貴了或是應該買卻沒買的情況,賣東西時,可能會遇到賣太便宜了或應該賣卻沒有賣的情況,本研究想了解買方與賣方在交易情境中遇到以上不如意的情形時,其後悔程度的差異。研究中發現,人們對於買貴所產生的後悔會比應該買卻沒買還要大,而應該賣卻沒賣所產生的後悔比賣便宜了來得大。另外,人們常會與他人比較,以了解自己所做的決定是否是明智的,當自己的決定結果不如他人時,會想要隱瞞自己的決定或結果,產生說謊的行為,從本研究的實驗中得知,遭遇的負面結果後悔程度越高時,說謊意願越高。更進一步,我們也探討了過去錯過的交易其吸引力大小,對眼前交易所造成的影響。了解到自己錯過一筆好交易後,會使眼前這筆交易的接受意願降低,且這情況在賣方比買方更為明顯。最後,本研究提出,體會到未來價格的穩定與否,也是影響對於眼前這筆交易的接受意願的一個因素。總結來說,本研究主要是比較買賣雙方在交易中的感受與反應,期望了解人們身處不同立場,對於交易的想法差異,以及在意損失與利得的程度。

    We must carry on the transaction every day, but the market price will change frequently, when we go shopping, possibly will meet has bought too expensive or which perhaps should buy but actually has not bought, when we sell some thing, possibly will meet sells too cheaply or should sell actually has not sold, this research wants to understand that the buyer and the seller who meet the unpleasant transaction situation, result in different regret degree. In the research, we discovered that the people regarding the regret of buying too expensive is higher than we should buy but actually have not bought, but the regret of that we should sell but actually has not sold is higher than that sell cheaply.
    Moreover, people can compare with other people to understand that whether the decision is wise or unwise. When one’s decision result is inferior to other people, someone will want to sustain the self-evaluation, perhaps someone will lie. From this research's experiment, when the negative outcomes result in higher regret degree, lying intention would be higher. Furthermore, we have also discussed the attraction degree of transaction which we have missed. It would affect our transact intention. After someone miss a good transaction, will reduce the transaction intention at present, and this situation will be more obvious of the seller than the buyer. Finally, this research proposed the future price stably or not is also the factor which affects transaction intention at present.
    Conclusion, this research is mainly compares transaction feeling and the reaction of buyers and sellers. Understanding people’s feeling and reaction in different transaction situation, and how to affect the degree of loss and gain they concern.

    目 錄 中文摘要I 英文摘要II 誌謝III 目錄IV 第一章 緒論1 第一節 研究背景與動機1 第二節 研究目的3 第二章 文獻探討與假說6 第一節 行動與未行動所招致的後悔6 第二節 買者與賣者的規範焦點8 第三節 社會比較理論9 第四節 inaction inertia11 第五節 預期的後悔與未來價格的不確定性13 第三章 實驗一17 第一節 研究架構與假說17 第二節 研究設計17 第三節 結果與討論19 第四章 實驗二21 第一節 研究架構與假說21 第二節 研究設計21 第三節 結果與討論23 第五章 實驗三25 第一節 研究架構與假說25 第二節 研究設計25 第三節 結果與討論27 第六章 實驗四30 第一節 研究架構與假說30 第二節 研究設計30 第三節 結果與討論31 第七章 結論與建議33 第一節 研究結論33 第二節 研究限制與未來展望35 參考文獻38

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