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研究生: 陳淑玲
Nike Evelinda
論文名稱: 應用價值鍊模型與螞蟻演算法以選擇建築資訊模型(BIM)的委託服務項目
The Application of Hierarchy Value Model and Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) Algorithm for the Selection of Work Items for BIM Execution Plan
指導教授: 李欣運
Hsin-Yun Lee
口試委員: 楊立人
Li-Ren Yan
Jyh-Bin Yang
Cathy C.W. Hung
Yu-Cheng Lin
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 營建工程系
Department of Civil and Construction Engineering
論文出版年: 2021
畢業學年度: 109
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 106
中文關鍵詞: Building Information ModellingBIM Hierarchy Value ModelAnt Colony Optimization AlgorithmBIM Execution Plan
外文關鍵詞: Building Information Modelling, BIM Hierarchy Value Model, Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm, BIM Execution Plan
相關次數: 點閱:430下載:0
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The Building Information Models (BIM) has been implemented in various projects during the past decades as BIM consistently advances around the world. A lot of discussion has centered around BIM potential on solving the common major construction problem which puts the owner in the position to benefit the most from the implementation. Aside from that, BIM allows each project owner to apply BIM uniquely to address the specific problems, tailor its processes and expectations to those goals. Consequently, owners are becoming focused on leveraging BIM to deliver their projects.
However, the owner may lack of BIM knowledge which then makes them unable to see beyond initial spending during the decision making. The poor decision during the selection of BIM Use during the BIM Implementation might result in the inability to exert the auxiliary benefits of BIM, which later could cause an additional loss and unnecessary risk instead. It consequently becomes important for owners to be prepared, so they can better leverage the expertise, and ensure the plan has been done accordingly in efficient way. For a successful BIM Execution Plan (BEP) owner has to understand their BIM goals, to not only focus on what BIM can do in general, but more on what value BIM can specifically provide to complying with the specific needs in the project. The focus has to shift from only requiring BIM into striving for BIM to be done right.
The previous research has focused on the benefit value of the BIM Work Items, and combined those with the concept of Means-End Chain (MEC) to construct a BIM Value Hierarchy Model. BIM Work Items are described as the task will be benefited from the adoption of BIM in the project. This model allows owners to evaluate the value proportion of various BIM Work Items before the purchase. However, as different project will have a different circumstance along with different BIM goals, the different approach is needed and the previous model has not particularly addressed this issue. Besides, the previous research mentioned the potential of the constructed model to assist the owner decides the suitable work item for investment during BEP process and yet the previous research has not come up with thorough application method to enable the potential.
Therefore, this research aims to compose a selection model to find the near optimum BIM work items combination that can attain owner BIM goals and achieve the maximum benefit. The model will attach the importance of the owner’ need and the owner's BIM goal by collecting the owner’ input regarding the goal as part of effort to require the owner's direct involvement during the model development process. Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) Algorithm is applied to simulate the selection of BIM work item, where the solution set would present the necessary BIM Work Items; refers to items that have a significant value in both attaining the owner goal and accommodating project needs. As the BIM Work Item within the solution set has been ensured to have a high compatibility value for the specific situation in terms of project budget and owner's goal for BIM Implementation, the result may provide a recommendation to the owner as a help during the decision making process later.

The Building Information Models (BIM) has been implemented in various projects during the past decades as BIM consistently advances around the world. A lot of discussion has centered around BIM potential on solving the common major construction problem which puts the owner in the position to benefit the most from the implementation. Aside from that, BIM allows each project owner to apply BIM uniquely to address the specific problems, tailor its processes and expectations to those goals. Consequently, owners are becoming focused on leveraging BIM to deliver their projects.
However, the owner may lack of BIM knowledge which then makes them unable to see beyond initial spending during the decision making. The poor decision during the selection of BIM Use during the BIM Implementation might result in the inability to exert the auxiliary benefits of BIM, which later could cause an additional loss and unnecessary risk instead. It consequently becomes important for owners to be prepared, so they can better leverage the expertise, and ensure the plan has been done accordingly in efficient way. For a successful BIM Execution Plan (BEP) owner has to understand their BIM goals, to not only focus on what BIM can do in general, but more on what value BIM can specifically provide to complying with the specific needs in the project. The focus has to shift from only requiring BIM into striving for BIM to be done right.
The previous research has focused on the benefit value of the BIM Work Items, and combined those with the concept of Means-End Chain (MEC) to construct a BIM Value Hierarchy Model. BIM Work Items are described as the task will be benefited from the adoption of BIM in the project. This model allows owners to evaluate the value proportion of various BIM Work Items before the purchase. However, as different project will have a different circumstance along with different BIM goals, the different approach is needed and the previous model has not particularly addressed this issue. Besides, the previous research mentioned the potential of the constructed model to assist the owner decides the suitable work item for investment during BEP process and yet the previous research has not come up with thorough application method to enable the potential.
Therefore, this research aims to compose a selection model to find the near optimum BIM work items combination that can attain owner BIM goals and achieve the maximum benefit. The model will attach the importance of the owner’ need and the owner's BIM goal by collecting the owner’ input regarding the goal as part of effort to require the owner's direct involvement during the model development process. Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) Algorithm is applied to simulate the selection of BIM work item, where the solution set would present the necessary BIM Work Items; refers to items that have a significant value in both attaining the owner goal and accommodating project needs. As the BIM Work Item within the solution set has been ensured to have a high compatibility value for the specific situation in terms of project budget and owner's goal for BIM Implementation, the result may provide a recommendation to the owner as a help during the decision making process later.

TABLE OF CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Error! Bookmark not defined. ABSTRACT Error! Bookmark not defined.ii TABLE OF CONTENTS v LIST OF FIGURES vii LIST OF TABLES ix CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 1 1.1. Background and Motivation 1 1.2. Problem Statement 2 1.3. Research Objective 4 1.4. Research Flow 4 1.5. Thesis Outline 7 CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW 8 2.1. Building Information Modelling (BIM) 8 2.2. BIM Execution Plan 11 2.3. Means End Chain (MEC) Theory 16 2.4. Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) Algorithm 18 2.5. The 0/1 Knapsack Problem 21 2.6. The Related Previous Study 22 CHAPTER 3: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 25 3.1 Research Approach 25 3.2 Framework Design 25 3.3 The Construction of BIM Value Hierarchy Model 28 3.3.1 The Basic BIM Value Hierarchy Model 28 3.3.2 The BIM Value Hierarchy Model for Selection Model 43 3.4 The Development of Selection Model for BIM Work Item 45 3.4.1 The Identification of The Element for BIM Selection Model 45 3.4.2 The Design of Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) Algorithm 46 3.5 The Implementation of ACO 50 3.6 The Case Modelling and Implementation 52 CHAPTER 4: THE RESULT 53 4.1. The Background Information and Problem Description 53 4.2. The Required Data for BIM Work Item Selection 53 4.3. The Evaluation on BIM Performance Value of BIM Work Item based on project owner’ BIM Goal 62 4.4. The Development of Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) Algorithm for the Proposed BIM Work Item Selection Model 67 4.5. The Optimization result of BIM Work Item using Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) Algorithm 72 4.6. The Evaluation on the Effectiveness of The Proposed Model 79 CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSIONS 86 5.1. Conclusion 86 5.2. Research contribution 87 5.3. Research Limitation and Recommendation for Future Work 88 REFERENCES 90

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