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研究生: 蘇稚庭
論文名稱: 金融科技對證券業經營衝擊之探討~ 以經紀業務通路轉型為例
The Impact of FinTech on Securities Industry - An Explorary Study of Brokerage Business Transformation
指導教授: 盧希鵬
Hsi-Peng Lu
Tain-yi Luor
口試委員: 黃世禎
Sun-Jen Huang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 資訊管理系
Department of Information Management
論文出版年: 2017
畢業學年度: 105
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 73
中文關鍵詞: 金融科技商業模式通路轉型數位券商AI智慧理財
外文關鍵詞: Digital brokerage, E-trtade
相關次數: 點閱:446下載:1
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  • 就台灣金融業而言,證券業規模相對較銀行業小,而台灣股市近十年來市場量能萎縮,直接衝擊券商獲利,無論是基本環境不利投資或證券稅徵議題,皆影響投資人交易意願,因此不少證券公司合併或裁撤據點,此外FinTech在銀行端改變金流、服務模式,相形證券業也因規模、獲利及應用場域未被充份開發,在FinTech議題發揮的更少,而科技助長跨業競爭的可能,新創及資訊公司蓬勃發展,間接侵蝕證券業在微利時代的生存的空間。




    In the case of the Taiwan financial sector, the securities industry is relatively small compared with the banking sector. However, the stock market in Taiwan has shrunk in the last decade, thus directly impacting brokerage profits. Issues such as the adverse environmental effects of investments and securities tax levies affect the willingness of investors to trade. Consequently, many securities companies merge or are abolished. In addition, financial science and technology (FinTech) has changed cash flow and bank service models, and it is not prone to issues in the securities industry because of its scale, profit, and immaturity. The possibility of science and technology promoting entry competition and the flourishing of new ventures and information companies indirectly erode the profit space of the securities industry in the era of mergers.
    In May 2016, the Financial Supervision and Management Committee proposed the “White Paper on the Development Strategy of Finance and Technology,” thus formally opening up the prelude of the financial industry of Taiwan and using “innovative digital technology to build smart financial industries” as a vision. This paper proposes 11 important policy objectives in the securities industry, including increasing the single ratio of promoting securities networks to 70%, promoting automated trading mechanisms (for example, robot financial advisors and fund network sales platforms), strengthening the securities and futures cloud services, and widening the application of big data. In addition, the statutes relate to the opening of a securities business and the corresponding tasks involved and rekindling digital brokerage competition.
    In the current work, the impact of FinTech on the securities brokerage business is investigated through data collection and questionnaire. The influence of entity positions on the changes in access policies is also discussed. On the basis of the development of foreign securities networks, AI-based financial management, and FinTech applications, this work attempts to depict the business model of a securities brokerage business in the FinTech era under conditions characterized by changes in the business environment and the presence of guest groups and their entity positions (branches), which are considered barriers to channel transition and profit generation.
    According to the results, general investors believe that FinTech has a certain degree of influence on the securities industry and that the necessity of entity positions and salespersons is reduced. Nevertheless, customer group management is inseparable from access to services, and securities dealers should be active in redefining related service modes and business strategies and models. Businesses should be oriented toward diversification, including the development of wealth management businesses or the integration of different industries. Furthermore, digital financial services and top customer management capacity should be strengthened through the integration of online and offline services to ensure effective access.

    摘要 1 ABSTRACT 3 誌謝 5 目錄 6 圖目錄 8 表目錄 10 第一章、 緒論 11 1.1 研究背景 13 1.2 研究動機與目的 16 1.3 研究設計與架構 16 1.3.1 研究設計 16 1.3.2 研究範圍及流程 17 第二章、 文獻探討 18 2.1 證券業現況 18

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