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研究生: 羅天一
Tainyi - Luor
論文名稱: 企業數位學習的架構及影響因素
A Framework of Corporate E-learning Program
指導教授: 盧希鵬
Hsi-Peng Lu
口試委員: 陳靜枝
Ching-Chin Chern
Chianson Yu
Victor W. Liu
Pin Luarn
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 管理研究所
Graduate Institute of Management
論文出版年: 2008
畢業學年度: 96
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 63
中文關鍵詞: 態度求知慾企業數位學習傾向使用反應
外文關鍵詞: attitude, need for cognition, corporate e-learning, intention, reaction
相關次數: 點閱:351下載:16
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  • 雖然近年來已有很多”數位學習”的研究,但對於”企業數位學習”的研究相對較少。本文著重二項研究:第一項研究為在1998至2006年約8年多的期間內,SSCI學術期刊中對於有關”數位學習”536篇文獻的研究並進而引發出第二項研究:提出一個可行的”企業數位學習架構”並找出影響因素。第二項重點研究以某金融公司建置數位學習系統為實證,考慮使用者的求知慾、對數位學習的態度及使用意願。本項研究並作了使用後的反應調查。以簡單廻歸檢定後,我們發現使用者的實際率與使用意願兩者的關係是不相關的。我們由文獻及訪談中擷取影響數位學習使用的十項關鍵因素。在檢定高意願高使用率及高意願低使用率二組使用者的差別後,發現”使用時間”及”技術問題”二項關鍵因素足以影響使用者對於數位學習系統的使用率。本項研究可提供企業在未來建置”企業數位學習”的參考。

    While numerous previous studies have focused on the use of e-learning programs, little is known about the corporate e-learning programs (CELP). This dissertation contributes to the area of computer assisted learning (CAL) and CELP by providing two studies: (1) identify trends and lacunae for future CAL research after surveying 536 CAL publications appearing in 71 SSCI (Social Science Citation Index) journals from 1998 to February 2006, (2) propose a framework and affected factors of CELP. The second study was surveyed in a financial company which developed their CELP by themselves We surveyed users’ need for cognition, attitudes towards corporate e-learning and intentions (INT) for the use of corporate e-learning (UGE) in relation to the CELP. Learning outcomes on the basis of users’ perceptions of CELP utility, CELP satisfaction, affective reaction to CELP, and the actual CELP usage was also collected after ten months of installation. We found a gap between INT and UGE. The second investigation identified potential factors that contributed to the differences in UGE between two groups of high-INT learners. Results indicated that “time management” and “technical problems" were the two critical factors that led to UGE differences. Findings of this study can provide corporates a better understanding of CELP.

    TABLE OF CONTENTS 中文摘要 Ⅰ ABSTRACT Ⅱ 誌  謝 Ⅲ TABLE OF CONTENTS Ⅳ LIST OF FIGURES AND TABLES Ⅵ 1. INTRODUCTION 1 2. LITERATURE REVIEW: TRENDS AND LACUNAE FOR FUTURE COMPUTER ASSISTED LEARNING (CAL) RESEARCH 4 2.1 Introduction to CAL research 4 2.2 Research methods 7 2.3 Research results ------------------------------------------------------------------------13 2.4 Discussion -------------------------------------------------------------------------------26 3. HYPOTHESIS DEVELOPMENT 30 3.1 Financial industry and e-learning 30 3.2 Need for cognition 31 3.3 Attitude, Intention, and Actual Usage 32 3.4 Reaction to CELP 33 3.5 Mind the gap 36 4. METHOD --------------------- 37 4.1 Sample and procedures 37 4.2 Measures 39 4.3 Analysis 41 5. RESULTS 43 5.1 Mind the Gap: A formative evaluation of CELP 44 6. DISCUSSION-------- 48 7. CONCLUSION ------ 50 7.1 Trends and lacunae for future CAL research 50 7.2 Corporate e-learning programs 51 8 LIMITATIONS AND FUTURE RESEARCH DIRECTIONS 52 8.1 Trends and Lacunae for Future CAL Research 52 8.2 Corporate e-learning programs 52 REFERENCES 50 作者簡介 64 授 權 書

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