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研究生: 張記恩
Chi-an Chang
論文名稱: 營建業專案導向矩陣式組織流程再造模式之研究
Project-Oriented Business Process Reengineering for Construction Firm with Matrix Organization
指導教授: 鄭明淵
Min-Yuan Cheng
口試委員: 鄭道明
T.-M Cheng
Chif-Hwang Tseng
Sy-Jye Guo
Nang-Fei Pan
Wen-Der Yu
Jui-Sheng Chou
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 營建工程系
Department of Civil and Construction Engineering
論文出版年: 2014
畢業學年度: 102
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 116
中文關鍵詞: 專案導向企業流程再造知識學習矩陣型組織營造廠
外文關鍵詞: Project-Oriented, Business Process Reengineering, Knowledge Management, Matrix Organization, Construction Firm.
相關次數: 點閱:367下載:9
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  • 近年來營造廠面對規模龐大、複雜性及技術困難度高之工程專案,傳統常使用的功能式組織已無法滿足專案需求,而若全面改採專案式組織,則又受限於專業訓練無法持續、團隊無歸屬感之問題,因此,採用矩陣型組織來滿足專業分工與專案導向需求不失為一項好的選擇,然而矩陣式組織仍有團隊成員需同時面對專案經理與功能經理導致權責分工不清,以及專業知識及技能傳承不如功能組織等問題。參閱過去相關文獻,亦有提出矩陣式組織應採專案目標管理、建立有效資訊分享系統及附予具體績效評議等建議,然如何具體應用與操作實踐,卻顯少有學者進行探討。
    本研究擬由專案需求的角度出發,運用系統化企業流程剖析模式,評估既有流程與專案參與者之需求落差,協助專案經理快速釐清專案目標功能,配合運用知識管理單、雙迴路學習模式概念進行流程再造,解決矩陣式組織專業知識及技能傳承不如功能組織等問題,並採用組織趨勢分析(Trend Analysis)明確釐清再造後流程於矩陣式組織運作之合作協調權責,最後,搭配流程價值觀念進行具體績效評議,提供營造廠尋求最適合組織執行之專案流程及持續改進之用。
    1.運用「知識項目流程目標達成矩陣」 快速掌握專案目標,並有效檢視再造前流程之「服務缺口」與「效能缺口」等流程缺失,作為流程再造時的重要參考。

    In recent years, construction project has been of huge scale, complexity and high-tech. It has been unable to meet demand when construction firm uses functional organizations to implement the project. Projectized organizations are nearly opposite to the functional organizations, focusing on the project itself, and being more loyal to the project. However, there’re disadvantages that may cause inefficiencies in resource utilization, and project team members may find themselves having less allegiaces after completion.
    Matrix organizations are a mixture of functional and projectized organizations, taking advantage of the strengthes of both and combining them into one. But there are still disadvantages in terms of lack of customer focus, low level of function knowledge transfering, the dual reporting relationships and need for a balance of power. Through literature review, it is proposed that the company using matrix organizations should strengthen project target management, knowledge information sharing system and quantify the performance evaluation. However, as for how to practice and implatment in a company, the relative researches are few.
    As far as project orientation, this research systematically constructs a pattern of the operation flow of a construction firm, and evaluates the gap between the project participant’s needs and existing process services. It also aims to assist the project manager in quickly defining project target and in quantifying the performance gap and service gap of existing process. By linking single-loop and double-loop Knowledge Management Learning Concept, and Business Process Reengineering (BPR), it helps to conquer the low level of function knowledge transfer problem in matrix organization. In addition, this research applies Organization Trend Analysis to clarify the cooperation and coordination of reengineering process to make better balance of power in matrix organization. Finally, it adopts the process value appraisal to help construction firm seek the appropriate project processes for continuous improvement purposes.
    Based on the aforementioned concepts, this research establishes the Project-Oriented Business Process Reengineering Model for construction firm with matrix organization. The major contributions of this research presents as follows:
    1.Applying Target Component Achievement Matrix to assist the project manager in quickly defining project target, and in quantifying the performance gap and service gap of existing process. It aims to be an important reference for construction firm to implement BPR.
    2.This research quantifies the project target contribution value of esch existing process activity and knowledge data, and providing an important reference for design of new processes.
    3.According to the measurement of process performance and service gaps, this mode uses the knowledge life cycle model concept, with single-loop and double-loop learning outcomes table for process redesign. It does ensure the consistency of process design results.
    4.This research applies Organization Trend Analysis to calculate process cooperation and coordination resistance value. That enables construction firm to assess the fitness of new processes in the implementation of the matrix organization.
    5.Last, this research uses altering cost and evaluation process resistance as an illustration, aiming to calculate the process value before and after reengineering. The purpose is to ensure that accountable information is top-down delivered, rather than uncertain subconscious anxiety for decision-making process.

    目 錄 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 研究動機 1 1.2 研究目的 2 1.3 研究範圍 3 1.4 研究內容 3 1.5 研究步驟 4 1.6 論文架構 6 第二章 文獻回顧 7 2.1 專案管理與組織 7 2.1.1專案管理 7 2.1.2專案組織型態 9 2.2 企業流程再造 13 2.2.1流程再造的定義 13 2.2.2營建業管理流程再造模式 14 2.3 組織趨勢分析與模糊偏好關係 18 2.3.1 組織趨勢分析 18 2.3.2 模糊偏好關係 20 2.4 企業環境與知識管理整合 22 2.4.1企業環境與知識管理 22 2.4.2 知識管理應用於企業流程之演變 25 2.5知識學習與知識生命週期 28 2.5.1 知識管理之學習迴路概念 28 2.5.2 知識生命週期的概念 31 2.6小結 32 第三章 營建業專案導向矩陣式組織流程再造模式的架構與觀念 33 3.1再造模式之整體架構說明 33 3.2 專案流程目標與知識學習 36 3.2.1 流程目標與知識之關係 36 3.2.2效能及服務缺口計算 38 3.2.3 作業項目知識需求強度指標 40 3.2.4 釐定知識項目貢獻度 42 3.3 再造流程設計方法 49 3.3.1 流程塑模方法 49 3.3.2 單、雙迴路學習程序 51 3.4 再造流程適用與價值評估 54 3.4.1 組織趨勢分析 54 3.4.2 流程價值評估 59 第四章 專案導向之矩陣式組織流程再造模式的實施與應用 61 4.1 案例介紹 61 4.2 釐定專案目標 61 4.2.1 確立流程目標要素 62 4.2.2 評估流程目標要素重要性 63 4.3 既有流程重現 64 4.3.1 尋找流程相關知識項目與作業項目 64 4.3.2 建立流程模型 65 4.4 流程評估 67 4.4.1 評估流程目標達成度 68 4.4.2 檢核作業項目的知識需求強度 70 4.4.3 計算知識對流程目標之貢獻度 71 4.5 流程設計 74 4.5.1 單迴路學習流程設計 74 4.5.2 雙迴路學習流程設計 76 4.5.3 再造流程重現 81 4.6 組織適用分析 86 4.6.1 既有流程於功能式組織阻抗分析 86 4.6.2 再造流程於矩陣式阻抗分析 94 4.7 流程價值評估 103 4.7.1 再造新流程目標達成度分析 103 4.7.2 再造前後流程成本結構分析 105 4.7.3 評估再造前後流程價值 108 第五章 結論與建議 110 5.1 結論 110 5.2 建議 112 參考文獻 113 附錄A組織阻抗權重值問卷調查 A-1


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