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研究生: 顏均叡
Jyun-Ruei Yan
論文名稱: 以噴霧乾燥法製備不同銀前驅物生物活性玻璃之體外生物活性與抗菌性質之研究
Investigation of in vitro bioactivity and antibacterial property of spray-dried Ag-doped bioactive glass treated with different Ag
指導教授: 周育任
Yu-Jen Chou
口試委員: 施劭儒
Shao-Ju Shih
Chen-Hao Wang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 機械工程系
Department of Mechanical Engineering
論文出版年: 2024
畢業學年度: 112
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 93
中文關鍵詞: 生醫陶瓷生物活性玻璃銀摻雜生物活性抗菌
外文關鍵詞: Bioceramic, Bioactive glass, Sliver-doped, Bioactivity, Antibacterial
相關次數: 點閱:74下載:0
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According to research, the bioactive glass proposed by Hench's team has better degradability than other bone implants, and forms hydroxyapatite in the human body to bond with bones to accelerate tissue repair. In addition, bioactive glass can be doped with different functional elements to meet different needs. During the process of tissue implantation and wound repair, the probability of inflammation and bacterial infection is extremely high. Therefore, this study uses silver with excellent antibacterial ability. as doping elements. In terms of manufacturing process, the advantages of spray drying method such as high production efficiency, easy control of morphology, and less restriction of precursor solution were used to prepare the silver-doped bioactive glass in this thesis.
This study uses spray drying method to prepare bioactive glass and different precursor silver to explore the component distribution, in vitro biological activity, antibacterial ability, and the impact on bioactive glass particles. And it is supported by different analysis methods, such as X-ray diffractor electron microscope and other instruments to analyze the sample characteristics.
Experimental results show that bioactive glasses doped with different silver precursors have good bioactivity and antibacterial ability. However, our process and formula cannot achieve a different distribution of silver than previously prepared by spray pyrolysis.

目錄 1 第一章、緒論 1 1.1 研究背景和動機 1 1.2 研究目的 2 2 第二章、文獻回顧 3 2.1 骨骼與骨修復 3 2.2 骨填充材 6 2.2.1 天然高分子聚合物 6 2.2.2 合成高分子聚合物 7 2.2.3 生醫陶瓷 8 2.2.4 聚合物陶瓷複合材料 8 2.3 生醫陶瓷 9 2.3.1 生物惰性陶瓷 9 2.3.2 生物活性(表面反應性)陶瓷 10 2.3.3 可吸收性生醫陶瓷 11 2.4 生物活性玻璃 12 2.4.1 玻璃網路 12 2.4.2 生物活性之機制 14 2.4.3 生物活性玻璃的組成和發展 19 2.5 生物活性玻璃的合成方式 21 2.5.1 傳統玻璃法(Conventional glass method) 21 2.5.2 溶膠凝膠法(Sol-gel method) 22 2.5.3 噴霧熱解法(Spray pyrolysis method) 23 2.5.4 噴霧乾燥法(Spray drying method) 24 2.6 噴霧乾燥法之介紹 25 2.6.1 設備和製程原理 25 2.6.2 製程參數對噴霧乾燥法之影響 27 2.6.3 粉體之控制因子 28 2.7 功能性元素之應用及發展 30 2.7.1 銀對於抗菌之影響 30 2.7.2 元素分布之應用 31 3 第三章、實驗方法 32 3.1 實驗設計與流程 32 3.2 樣品製備與實驗藥品 34 3.3 實驗儀器之介紹與分析方法 36 3.3.1 X 光繞射分析儀(X-ray diffractometer, XRD) 37 3.3.2 場發射/掃描式電子顯微鏡(Scanning electron microscope, SEM) 及能量散射X射線分析(Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, EDS) 38 3.3.3 傅立葉轉換紅外線光譜儀(Fourier transform infrared spectrometer, FTIR) 39 3.3.4 穿透式電子顯微鏡(Transmission electron microscope, TEM) 40 3.4 體外生物活性試驗(In vitro test of bioactivity) 41 3.5 體外細胞毒性和相容性測試(In vitro test of cytotoxicity) 42 3.6 大腸桿菌抗菌能力測試 43 4 第四章、實驗結果 44 4.1 前驅物溶液濃度與形貌關係 44 4.2 生物活性玻璃性質分析 46 4.2.1 晶體結構分析 46 4.2.2 樣品形貌及粒徑分布 47 4.2.3 穿透式電子顯微鏡分析 49 4.2.4 成分組成半定量分析 52 4.3 體外生物活性分析 53 4.3.1 晶體結構分析 53 4.3.2 表面形貌觀察 55 4.3.3 元素組成分析 56 4.3.4 官能基及鍵結分析 57 4.4 體外細胞毒性實驗 59 4.5 抗菌能力實驗 60 5 第五章、結果討論 62 5.1 銀摻雜與濃度對於生物活性玻璃形貌之影響 62 5.2 銀摻雜在此製程對於生物活性之影響 63 5.3 不同製程和配方對於元素分布之探討 64 5.4 不同前驅物銀摻雜對本製程之影響 66 5.5 銀摻雜對於細胞毒性之影響 66 6 第六章、結論 67 7 第七章、未來展望 68 8 第八章、參考文獻 69

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