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研究生: 蔡碧欣
Pi-Hsin Tsai
論文名稱: 從PCT 進入歐洲之專利申請與布局研究–以蘋果公司手勢專利為例
A Study of Patent Portfolios and Prosecution entering from the PCT system to the Euro System-Gesture Patents of Apple as an Example
指導教授: 劉國讚
Kuo-Tsan Liu
口試委員: 王世平
Shih-Ping Wang
Yun-Ching Yeh
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 應用科技學院 - 專利研究所
Graduate Institute of Patent
論文出版年: 2014
畢業學年度: 102
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 158
中文關鍵詞: 專利分析專利策略歐洲專利局軟體發明專利國際專利系統(PCT)歐洲專利分割
外文關鍵詞: Keywords: patent strategy, European Patent Office (EPO), software patents, PCT, divisional applications.
相關次數: 點閱:1665下載:22
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  • 近年來,觸控技術與生活息息相關,像是智慧型手機、觸控面板、觸控式螢幕等等,這些產品在人類生活已緊緊結合更密不可分。隨著蘋果這家公司在各大洲揭開所謂的專利戰爭,人們開始意識到專利的重要性。
    長期以來,專利相關資料分析已經成為一種用於判斷企業價值、科技的發展指標,甚至發展成不同的分析手法與學門。然而,在檢視過去的文獻資料中,專利分析大部分著重的是Apple在美國的訴訟資料,或是以美國專利局的專利資料庫進行分析,而沒有針對其他有潛力的市場進行研究。然而,歐洲也是相當重要的市場之一,歐洲專利的申請費以及維護費也是出了名的耗費成本,無論在申請或是在各方面都比其他國家的花費明顯高出許多。因此,欲於歐洲受到保護的專利,除了必須是掌握關鍵技術的專利外,如何進行專利布局也是各企業必須面臨的問題之一。尤甚,歐洲專利局(European Patent Office)對於進步性的審查是出了名的嚴謹,尤其在「進步性」的判斷,更是建立了高聳的障礙,尤其在軟體以及相關發明,更是嚴格,讓專利申請人傷透腦筋。
    有鑒於此,本研究挑選了34件Apple公司觸控技術相關專利,該34件專利選用平行申請的兩個系統:國際專利申請系統(PCT system)以及美國系統,其中有13件專利後續藉由國際專利系統指定歐洲為指定國進入國家階段,此研究將探討Apple公司如何在歐洲針對觸控面板的手勢專利進行專利布局。

    Patent portfolios have long been used as the indicators of business value, and the development of technology. However, among the previous studies, some merely focus on the analysis of the patent portfolios in US or on the analysis of the information from litigation.
    It is known that Europe is one of the important markets in the world and that it requires a huge amount of money to afford a patent in Europe. Thus, on the one hand, the patent who expects to receive the protection in Europe is undoubtedly an important asset to the company itself. On the other hand, how to select the optimized route which helps balance the cost and the quality to enter the competitive market of the Europe is also an important task for patent applicants. Additionally, European patent office (EPO) is well-known for its strict examination on the software and the relevant inventions, especially on the criteria of inventive steps in EPO. Thus, the gesture patents of Apple have been selected. Since Apple has gained much experience in deciding the best strategies in many continents over the years and has launched the so-called "war" in applying for patents, this research aims at analyzing Apple's strategies of applying for patents in Europe. The results are expected to set an index for the industries, especially the small and medium enterprises in Taiwan.
    Therefore, in this study, Apple’s 34 gesture patent applications which used bi-system, namely the parallel filing with USPTO and PCT, have been selected. More specifically, among the 34 applications, the 13 applications that were designated to enter the national stage of Europe and were under the examination of EPO were closely investigated.
    The objectives in this study, therefore, are to take Apple as an example to derive the strategy taken by Apple via analyzing the patent applications of Apple which entered from the PCT system to the Euro system, to examine how Apple has overcome the examining issues of EPO, and to identify Apple's strategy of filing several divisional applications during the prosecution period in EPO.
    The result of this study shows that Apple used the PCT system to enter Europe and designated European Patent Office to conduct international search. It is found that some divisions are based on the unity concerns of international search report; however, some divisions were simply automatically being divided. Thus, it is believed that by using the PCT system, the applicants can have sufficient time to plan their strategy, since EPO is known for its high quality and fast search skilled. In this study, it is also found that the obscure inventive steps in EPO tend to be more open to the software and relations inventions. It is further found that Apple used the divisional application in order to overcome the unity problems. Moreover, the results show that Apple expects to wait and see how the market goes and decides which inventions to be patented. Thus, for the third party, it may be like an “invisible bomb” to them.
    Keywords: patent strategy, patent portfolios, European Patent Office (EPO), software patents, PCT, inventive step, divisional applications.

    Abstract I 摘要 II Acknowledgments III Table of Contents IV List of Tables and Figures VI Chapter I Introduction 1 1.1Background and Motivation 1 1.2 Literature Review 3 1.2.1 References related to the Patent Portfolio Analysis and its Strategy 3 1.2.2 References Related to the Filing Strategy and the Patentability in Europe 6 1.3 Methodology 9 1.4 Scope and Contents 10 1.5 Summary of Chapter I 11 Chapter II Selecting the First Filing Office and ISA in PCT System 13 2.1 Introduction 13 2.2 An overview of PCT system 14 2.2.1 Introduction 14 2.2.2 The features of the PCT system 15 2.2.3 PCT Procedures 15 2.2.4 The International Search 17 2.3 A Popular route for US companies 17 2.4 Euro-PCT applications entering the European phase 20 2.4.1 Supplementary European Search Report 20 2.4.2 The requirements of claims of EPO 21 2.5 Summary of Chapter II 22 Chapter III From PCT to European phase 24 3.1 Introduction 24 3.2 International Search Report conducted by EPO 30 3.2.1 The General overview of the results of search report and the comparison of the claims structure between the PCT applications and the US applications 30 3.2.2 Summary of section 3.2 34 3.3 Reducing the number of claims for entering the European phase 38 3.4 Office Action of EPO and the Response under International Search Report 42 3.5 Summary of Chapter III 54 Chapter IV Prosecution of Novelty and Inventive Step in EPO 56 4.1 Introduction 56 4.2 Novelty and Inventive Step in EPO 57 4.2.1 Examination of Novelty 57 4.2.2 The “problem-solution-approach,” a known method to assess inventive Step in EPO 57 4.3 How to overcome objections of novelty and inventive steps during the European Examination 59 4.4 Why patent applications have been refused in EPO 77 4.5 Summary of Chapter IV 89 Chapter V The Unity of the Invention and the Divisional application in EPO 93 5.1 Introduction 93 5.2 European Divisional Applications 94 5.2.1 When to file European divisional application 94 5.2.2 Additional remarks on the divisional applications in EPO 95 5.3 How to overcome the lack of unity of invention 95 5.4 The divisional application without a lack of unity invention 118 5.5 Summary of Chapter V 134 5.5.1 Comments provided for those having problems regarding unity 135 5.5.2 Comments provided for those who expect to file voluntary divisions 136 5.5.3 Summarized comments of Chapter V 138 Chapter VI Summary and Further prospects 140 6.1 Summary 140 6.1.1 The Filing Strategy adopted by Apple 140 6.1.2 Apple’s strategy for arranging the claims to enter Europe 141 6.1.3 The inventive step for gesture inventions of Apple in EPO 142 6.1.4 The strategy of using divisional divisions 142 6.2 Future Prospect 143 References 144


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    Master’s Thesis

    1. Tsai, M.Y. (2012). A comparative study of American and European business method patents. National Chung Cheng University.(Master's thesis). Retrieved from National Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations in Taiwan.
    2. Chen, S.C. (2007). The determination of inventive step-the review of Taiwan supreme administrative court's opinion on patent validity by European problem / solution approach. Shih Hsin University.(Master's thesis). Retrieved from National Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations in Taiwan.
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    4. Jung, J.K. (2011). A study on the strategic deployment of patents and its applications for high-tech companies. National Taiwan University. (Master's thesis). Retrieved from National Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations in Taiwan.
    5. Chao, C.C. (2013). An enterprise patent portfolio and lawsuit strategy analysis: a case study about mobile smart devices. National Cheng Kung University. (Master's thesis). Retrieved from National Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations in Taiwan.
    6. Huang, Y. H. (2013). Smartphone patent analysis- take Apple、Samsung、HTC three companies for example. Yuan Ze University. (Master's thesis). Retrieved from National Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations in Taiwan.
    7. Chen, C.H. (2013). Use patent litigations to explore the market competition of Taiwan's smartphone industry: the discussion of the corporate strategy layouts of Apple, Samsung and HTC. Tunghai University. (Master's thesis). Retrieved from National Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations in Taiwan.
    8. Chen, C.Y. (2012). Patent analysis of various IPRs relationships among smartphone firms in the North America region. National Taiwan University. (Master's thesis). Retrieved from National Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations in Taiwan.
    9. Tsai, C.H. (2012). Development of trend of engineering system evolution on patent analysis. National Taiwan University. (Master's thesis). Retrieved from National Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations in Taiwan.
    10. Ko, C. I. (2011). A study of claim analysis and patent strength analysis in e-paper Technology. National Taiwan University of Science and Technology. (Master's thesis). Retrieved from National Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations in Taiwan.
    11. Liu, S.Y. (2011). A study of claim analysis and patent strength analysis in touch technology. National Taiwan University of Science and Technology.(Master's thesis). Retrieved from National Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations in Taiwan.
    12. Hsu, L. C. (2012). A study of patent portfolios in touch panel gestures of Apple incorporated. National Taiwan University of Science and Technology. (Master's thesis). Retrieved from National Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations in Taiwan.

    Journal Articles, Papers

    1. Frietsch, R., Neuhausler, P., & Rothengatter, O. (2013).Which road to take? Filing routes to the European Patent Office. World Patent Information, 35(1), 8-19.
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    4. Abnett, R., & Millburn, J., &Sadler, P. (2010). How thinly can you slice an invention? How to avoid double-patenting objections on EPO divisional applications (European Patent Office). Patent World, Issue 219, 28-31.
    5. Willoughby, K.W. (2013). What impact does intellectual property have on the business performance of technology firms? International Journal of Intellectual Property Management,6(4), 316-338.
    6. Belenzon, S., & Patacconi, A. (2013). Innovation and firm value: An investigation of the changing role of patents 1985-2007. Research Policy, 42(8), 1496-1510.
    7. Luo, S., & Zhao, H. (2013). Commercial success criterion in business method patent's non-obviousness judgment. WIT Transactions on Information and Communication Technologies, 46(2), 1637-1642.
    8. Felix D., & Hingley, P. (2013). Predictive accuracy of survey-based forecasts for numbers of filings at the European Patent Office. World Patent Information, 35(3), 187–200.
    9. Malva, A.D., & Hussinger, K. (2012). Corporate science in the patent system: An analysis of the semiconductor technology. Journal of Economic Behavior &Organization, 84(1), 118–135.
    10. Tanaka, Y., & Wang, D.J. (2011). Granted patents have the same level of inventive step? A new approach to distinguish patent protection based on the level of inventive step. International Journal of Intellectual Property Management, 4(4), 270-282.
    11. van Zeebroeck, N., & de la Potterie, B.P.(2008). Filing strategies and patent value. Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 20(6), 539-561.
    12. Stellmach, J.A. (2011). Assessment of inventive step for organic chemical reactions: Structure-reactivity-relationships in the frame of the problem-solution approach (PSA). World Patent Information, 33(1), 11-15.
    13. Lazardis, G., & Van Pottelsberghe de la Potterie, B. (2007). The rigor of EPO’s patentability criteria: an insight into the “induced withdrawals.” World Patent Information, 29(4), 317-326.
    14. Scott, J.R.M., & de Jonge, S. (2009). When is a search not a search? Part 3 - The worst of the worst: When complex applications also lack unity. World Patent Information, 31(3), 190-192.
    15. Engelfriet, A. (2009). The mess that is the European software patent, Journal of Internet Banking and Commerce, 14(2), 1-3.
    16. Blind, K., Cremers, K., &Mueller, E. (2009). The influence of strategic patenting on companies' patent portfolios. Research Policy, 38(2),428-436.
    17. Jetter, N., Quinones, E., & Zachariades, N. (2008). Developing a strategy for foreign patent filing. Optics and Photonics News, 19(9), 8-9.
    18. Van Zeebroeck, N., Stevnsborg, N., van Pottelsberghe de la Potterie, B., Guellec, D., &Archontopoulos, E. (2008). Patent inflation in Europe. World Patent Information, 30(1), 43-52.
    19. Liu, K. & Wang, C. (2013). A technical analysis of autonomous floor cleaning robots based on US granted patents. European International Journal of Science and Technology, 2(7), 199-216.
    20. Liu, K. & Yen, Y. (2013). A quick approach to get a technology-function matrix for an interested technical topic of patents. European International Journal of Science and Technology, 2(6), 85-96.
    21. 劉國讚、許秝禎 (民102)。現代國際專利申請策略之分析─以Apple公司的手勢專利為例。專利師,第15期,頁17-40。
    22. 劉國讚(民96)。歐洲專利及歐洲專利司法制度之調和化進展之研究。智慧財產權月刊,107期,頁62-83。

    Newspaper and Media

    1. Cao, C. (2013, April 19). A political tool that violates market principles. LianheZaobao, p.13.
    2. Weber,M., & Leguizamon–Morales, D. (2013, Oct 28).The EPO rescinds its current practice for divisional filings. Mondaq Business Briefing. Retrieved from: http://www.martindale.com/intellectual-property-law/article_Jones-Day_2008324.htm
    3. Barraclough, E. (2010, Sept 01). EPO defends changes to rules on divisionals. Managing Intellectual Property. Retrieved from:
    4. Brinckerhoff, C.C. (2013, Oct 25). It's back to the future for the EPO divisional application deadline rules. Mondaq Business Briefing. Retrieved from:

    Conference Presentations and Interviews

    1. Goddar, H.(2013, July).To patent or not to patent – How German SMEs anduniversities. Paper presented atWIPO regional consultation meeting on technology transfer: The development agenda project on intellectual property and technology transfer – Common challenges – Building solutions, Singapore.
    2. Reed,D. (2011). Strategic use of the PCT: A user’s perspective. Retrieved from World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) website: http://www.wipo.int/export/sites/www/pct/en/pct_strategies/strategic_use_users_perspective.pdf
    3. Lucke, A. (2013, August 27).Personal interview.
    4. Kretschmann, D. (2013, August 28). Personal interview.
    5. Goddar, H. (2013, August 29). Personal interview.