簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 杜家宏
Chia-Hong Du
論文名稱: 整合繁體和簡體中文及英文斷詞斷字系統之發光二極體檯燈專利分析研究
Analytical study of LED patents based on the integrated traditional Chinese, simplified Chinese and English Term Segmentation and Word Segmentation System
指導教授: 林榮慶
Zong-Ching Lin
口試委員: 傅光華
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 機械工程系
Department of Mechanical Engineering
論文出版年: 2011
畢業學年度: 99
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 89
中文關鍵詞: LED檯燈檯燈專利散熱支架光源控制
外文關鍵詞: patents analysis, support arm
相關次數: 點閱:244下載:1
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  • 本文首先將搜集發光二極體(LED)檯燈的繁體和簡體中文及英文專利文件,並進行LED檯燈繁體和簡體中文及英文專利的IPC分析。此外本文亦發展繁體和簡體中文及英文專利之創新性零組件元件字斷詞法,及擴充專利相關技術詞與功能詞之第一層斷詞點,進一步建立創新第二層斷詞點的方法。依照前述之繁體和簡體中文及英文斷詞斷字法方法,本文歸納繁體和簡體中文及英文專利之零組件關鍵字及技術詞句與功能詞句。並應用所搜集的LED檯燈相關繁體和簡體中文及英文專利,收集同義字,建立繁體和簡體中文及英文同義字對照表。接著建立LED檯燈相關繁體和簡體中文及英文專利的技術/功能矩陣,並進行以技術觀點為主的LED檯燈繁體和簡體中文及英文專利分析。本文並應用判斷一件專利所歸屬的技術或功能類別之方法。此方法為先利用上述建立的繁體和簡體中文及英文同義字表,配合元件字、技術字群及功能字群之關鍵字之出現次數,建立關鍵字相關的模糊值,進而應用次數常態化概念,建立相關公式,算出該繁體和簡體中文及英文專利可能歸屬之技術或功能類別的概率值。

    First of all, the paper collects the traditional Chinese, simplified Chinese and English patent documents of light emitting diode (LED) table lamp, and conducts international patent classification (IPC) analysis of the Chinese and English patents of LED table lamp. Besides, the paper also develops an innovative term segmentation and word segmentation method of the components of Chinese and English patents, expands the first layer’s term segmentation points of patent-related technical terms and functional terms, and further establishes an innovative method of the second layer’s term segmentation points. According to the abovementioned term segmentation and word segmentation method, the paper induces the keywords, technical terms and functional terms of the components of Chinese patents and English patents, and also applies the established table of traditional Chinese, simplified Chinese and English patents of LED table lamp to collect synonyms. After that, the paper establishes the technical/function matrix of the Chinese and English patents of LED table lamp, and makes technical-viewpoint-based analysis of traditional Chinese, simplified Chinese and English patents of LED table lamp. If it is required to judge what technical or functional kind a patent belongs to, the paper uses the table of Chinese and English synonyms established above and the number of occurrence times of keywords to establish the related fuzzy values. In addition, the paper applies normalization concept of the number of times to establish the related equations, and further calculates the probability Pj that a patent may belong to a certain functional or functional kind. After that, with LED table lamp taken as an important carrier, the paper analyzes the various IPC statistical charts of inventors and countries. Besides, the paper establishes a table of competitors’ core competitiveness, with company taken as the column, IPC code as the row, and the number of patents as the element; as well as a trend chart of main competitors’ research and development (R&D) activities, with company taken as the column, year as the row, and the number of patents as the element. According to the innovative term segmentation and word segmentation method of the traditional Chinese, simplified Chinese and English patents established above, the paper makes the related term segmentation and word segmentation analysis on the component words, technical terms and functional terms of the traditional Chinese, simplified Chinese and English patents of LED table lamp. After that, the paper semi-automatically and semi-manually makes technical and functional analysis of the abovementioned patents, and further constructs a technical/functional matrix of the related patents of LED table lamp. Using the established technical/functional matrix, the paper further establishes different statistical charts of technique-based inventors and countries for analysis, and a chart of competitors’ core competitiveness. Furthermore, the charts are compared with the results achieved by IPC analytical method. The related traditional Chinese, simplified Chinese and English patents of LED table lamp searched above, as well as the results acquired from the above IPC analysis and technical analysis can provide useful references for enterprises and engineers in producing new patents and save their R&D time, and also can make enterprises understand the core competitiveness of competitors.

    摘要 III Abstract V 誌謝 VIII 目錄 IX 圖目錄 XII 表目錄 XIII 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 研究背景 1 1.2 研究動機 2 1.3 文獻回顧 3 1.4 研究範圍 6 第二章 LED檯燈介紹 8 2.1 LED發光原理 8 2.2 LED檯燈 9 第三章 專利分析研究方法 10 3.1專利分類的意義 11 3.2專利種類 11 3.3專利種類 14 3.3.1國際專利分類 14 3.3.2美國專利分類 15 3.3.3歐洲專利分類 16 3.4專利資訊檢索 17 3.5繁體和簡體中文及英文專利之國際分類碼IPC分析 19 第四章 繁體和簡體中文及英文專利之零組件元件字斷詞法以及技術與功能詞句之第一層及第二層斷詞點 21 4.1 繁體、簡體中文零組件元件字斷詞點 21 4.2 英文零組件元件字斷詞點 25 4.2 技術詞句之第一層及第二層斷詞點 27 4.3 功能詞句之第一層及第二層斷詞點 32 第五章 建立技術功能矩陣 36 5.1 技術/功能別之字群建立 36 5.2 歸納相關專利之同義字對照表 37 5.2 歸納相關專利之同義字對照表 37 第六章 利用機率值Pj判斷專利所屬之技術或功能類別 40 第七章 LED檯燈之繁體和簡體中文及英文專利分析結果與討論 43 7.1 LED專利搜尋與專利之技術/功能別的歸類 43 7.2技術/功能別之字群建立 45 7.3 LED檯燈的技術/功能矩陣建立 52 7.4 LED檯燈繁體和簡體中文及英文專利之IPC分析及技術分析 54 7.5 IPC分類與技術功能矩陣比較 60 7.6 利用機率值來驗證所屬專利之技術類別 62 7.6.1 模糊值的設定 62 7.6.2 驗証新專利所屬之技術類別或功能類別 64 第八章 結論與未來研究方向 69 參考文獻 71 作者簡介 73

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