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研究生: 李婉琦
Wan-Chi Li
論文名稱: 預測性與修復性維修外包下的通路合作
Channel Coordination under Predictive and Corrective Maintenance Outsourcing
指導教授: 曹譽鐘
Yu-Chung Tsao
口試委員: 郭伯勳
Po-Hsun Kuo
Vincent F. Yu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 工業管理系
Department of Industrial Management
論文出版年: 2017
畢業學年度: 105
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 44
中文關鍵詞: 預測性維修維修外包合約通路合作修復性維修
外文關鍵詞: Predictive maintenance, Maintenance outsourcing, Contracts, Channel coordination, Corrective maintenance
相關次數: 點閱:488下載:0
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在工業4.0中,生產系統引進預測性維修是一項重要的策略。預測性維修即為使用感測器以及數據資料進行狀態監控,以使系統能在當機前先一步進行維修。本研究考慮了一個有意願投入資源於預測性維修的製造商以及一個可承接維修計畫的外部承包商。模型的目標即在最小化成本下決定最佳預測性維修投入程度。為達成通路合作,我們提出了三種激勵性合約: (i) 維修成本補貼合約; (ii) 運轉時間指標與紅利合約; (iii) 運轉時間額外獎勵合約,吸引並提高承包商的合作意願,以降低雙方成本並創造雙贏的局面。而此三種合約都擁有激勵承包商與製造商精進各自技術的能力,並為在達成通路合作後所獲得的額外利益提供了不同的分配方式。我們也同時討論了當失效率與維修時間與成本改善時此三種合約的可行性。研究結果顯示,當失效率與維修時間或成本改善時,運轉時間指標與紅利合約以及運轉時間額外獎勵合約可在滿足特定條件下達成通路合作。

For Industry 4.0, introducing predictive maintenance into production systems is an important policy. Predictive maintenance uses sensors and data analysis to monitor production systems so that maintenance could be performed before the system shutdown. This study considers a manufacturer who willing to make the predictive maintenance effort and an external contractor who can undertake maintenance activities. The objective of this model is to determine the optimal predictive maintenance effort to minimize total costs. To achieve channel coordination, we propose three incentive contracts: (i) maintenance cost subsidization contract; (ii) the uptime target and bonus contract; (iii) the uptime reward contract, which enhances the cooperation willingness of the contractor and decreases the costs of both parties, thus leading to the win-win situation. Moreover, all contracts have the ability to motivate contractor and manufacturer to be sophisticated and provide different options for allocating the additional profit yielded from channel coordination. We also discuss the feasibility of the contracts when the failure rate and maintenance capability could be improved. The result shows that the uptime target and bonus contract and the uptime reward contract can achieve channel coordination by satisfying specific conditions when the failure rate and maintenance capability are improved.

摘要 II ABSTRACT III CONTENTS IV LIST OF FIGURES VI LIST OF TABLES VII CHAPTER 1 1 1.1 Background and Motivation 1 1.2 Research Objectives 3 1.3 Research Organization 4 CHAPTER 2 6 2.1 Channel Coordination 6 2.2 Maintenance Outsourcing 8 2.3 Predictive Maintenance 9 CHAPTER 3 11 3.1 Notations and Assumptions 11 3.2 Based Model 13 3.3 Coordination contracts 16 3.3.1 Maintenance Cost Subsidization Contract 17 3.3.2 The Uptime Target and Bonus Contract 19 3.3.3 The Uptime Reward Contract 21 CHAPTER 4 25 CHAPTER 5 28 5.1 Conclusion 28 5.2 Future Research 29 REFERENCE 30 Appendix 34

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