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研究生: 李彩霞
Tsai–Hsia Lee
論文名稱: 領導變革,將危機轉化為契機 --台灣承攬統包工程個案研究
Leading Change to Turn Crisis into Opportunity -- A Case Study of Turnkey Project in Taiwan
指導教授: 鄭仁偉
Jen-Wei Cheng
口試委員: 陳俊男
Chun-Nan Chen
Chia-Fen Chi
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 企業管理系
Department of Business Administration
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 66
中文關鍵詞: 領導權變危機管理變革管理價值共識
外文關鍵詞: Contingency Theories of Leadership, Crisis Management, Change Management, Value Consensus
相關次數: 點閱:531下載:0
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本論文的個案公司在合併子公司追求成長的驅動下,承接了第二國際展覽館的統包案件,許多的工法都是台灣首例,個案公司缺乏統包工程相關經驗,錯估案件複雜度,讓此案陷入罰款危機。總經理Johnson 調兵遣將、運用資源緩解了第二國際展覽館危機。本論文同時論述了在組織內部處於合併後的磨合階段時,總經理Johnson 如何帶領團隊克服難關。在罰款危機告一段落後,個案公司隨即大幅進行組織變革,持續了近十年的變革之路。在變革過程中,總經理Johnson 和組織成員間建立了高度信任,相互尊重,進而達成價值共識,逐步執行各項策略行動方案。

Driven by the pursuit of growth of the merged subsidiaries, the case company in this thesis has undertaken the turnkey project of the Second International Exhibition Hall. However, many of the new construction methods of this turnkey project are used for the first time in Taiwan. The case company is lack of experiences in turnkey project before, and misjudged the complexity of the project, which makes the case company falling into a crisis of fines. This thesis discusses how General Manager Johnson redeploying resources to alleviate the crisis of the Second International Exhibition Hall project, and leads the team to overcome challenges when the organization is in the postmerger stage. After the fine crisis event, the case company immediately initiated a company-wide change programs, which lasted for nearly a decade. During the change process, Johnson and team members have established a high degree of trust and mutual respect, and then reached a value consensus and implemented various strategic action plans step by step.
This thesis is written in a Harvard-style case study, which includes two parts: the
case content and the teacher's teaching note. Guided by the teacher, this thesis takes the turnkey project as an example to discuss the six indicators of crisis management and the leaders' consideration of the principles for dealing with crisis. At the same time, it explores how to turn crisis into a turning point for change and build enterprise value in the process of organizational change. It is expected that this case study can provide business reference for senior management in the business community.

目錄 中文摘要 I ABSTRACT II 誌謝 III 目錄 IV 圖目錄 V 表目錄 VI 壹、個案本文 1 一、開場白 1 二、個案公司背景與概況 2 三、統包工程與傳統工程的異同比較分析 3 四、個案緣由 5 五、附錄 12 貳、教師教學指引手冊 24 一、個案總覽 24 二、教學主題適用課程 24 三、課程教學重點與時間分配 26 四、個案人物背景 28 五、學生課前準備 29 六、個案分析 29 七、教學項目 30 課程目標一:領導權變理論之探討 31 課程目標二:危機處理之探討 34 課程目標三:變革管理之探討 38 課程目標四:價值共識之探討 44 參、個案回顧與總結 47 肆、板書規劃 48 伍、參考文獻 54 一、中文文獻 54 二、英文文獻 55 三、網站資源 56

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1. 工商時報電子報
2. 生態探訪:探訪南港展覽館綠建築-建立永續發展的生態城市
3. MBA 智庫百科:領導權變
4. MBA 智庫百科:危機管理
5. MBA 智庫百科:變革管理
6. MBA 智庫百科:價值共識

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