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研究生: 詹前炯
Chien-jiung Jan
論文名稱: 國軍資通系統服務品質規劃與管理之研究
A Study on Planning and Management of Quality of Service for Military Information Communication Systems
指導教授: 黃世禎
Sun-jen Huang
口試委員: 盧希鵬
Hsi-peng Lu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 資訊管理系
Department of Information Management
論文出版年: 2011
畢業學年度: 99
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 78
中文關鍵詞: 服務品質非同步傳輸模式網際網路通訊協定多重協定標籤交換虛擬私有網路
外文關鍵詞: Quality of Service, Asynchronous Transfer Mode, Internet Protocol, Multiprotocol Label Switching, Virtual Private Network
相關次數: 點閱:486下載:1
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在網際網路之蓬勃發展下,網際網路通訊協定技術已是網路運用的最新趨向;電信網路與資訊網路將逐漸融合形成為IP Based的網路。新一代的國軍資通系統骨幹網路,已朝向電信網路與資訊網路全數整合於非同步傳輸模式技術為核心的網路平台上,並以多重協定標籤交換技術執行IP Based的網路運用,同時在硬體設備及通信協定上也全數具備了服務品質(Quality of Service , QoS)管控能力。探討國軍資通系統所具備ATM、IP、MPLS架構與QoS技術,分析國軍電路需求特性,發現運用虛擬私有網路及服務品質的能力,建立適切的QoS規劃與管理作為,為有限的通資資源下,解決國軍資通系統網路頻寬管理問題及提高電路存活率的有效方法之一。

With the vigorous development of Internet, Internet protocol (IP) technique is the newest trend for network applications. Tele-communication and data-communication will be gradually combined to an IP based network. The new Military Information Communication Systems (MICS) has integrated the tele-communication and data-communication on a platform with asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) as the core technique, and utilized the multiprotocol label switching (MPLS) to conduct IP based network applications. Meanwhile, the Quality of Service (QoS) control is euipped on both hardware and communication protocols. Under limited communication and information resources, we discuss ATM, IP, MPLS structures and QoS technique, analysis the requirement of the MICS features, discover the capability to utilize VPN and QoS, to establish suitable QoS planning and management workflow, in order to solve the bandwidth management issues of the MICS and to improve circuit survivability.
For the circuit features of MICS management, the experiences and mechanisms of priority set ups still need to be improved. How to set up QoS control methods for MICS, manage bandwidth flexibly, ensure circuit quality, enhance network efficiency and ensure information communication capabilities will be critical issues of network management.
By studying network structure and its QoS ability, eight suggestions such as QoS applications, control mechanisms and response measures etc. are acquired according to user’s circuit requirements. 1. Network service providing unit controls and sets the service side equipments in order to improve the processing efficiency. 2. Evaluating the network efficiency and produce analysis report regularly for providing equipment management information and strategic adjustments. 3. Adjust packet loss rate precisely and predict the bandwidth usage in order to achieve the function of QoS protocol. 4. Fitting the QoS as required to ensure the maximum network efficiency. 5.3 Network supervisors from each service may notice the function and limitation of the QoS to achieve the full-spectrum control. 6. Set up the QoS parameters according to international standards and the requirement of the end users in order to support planned or non-planned large bandwidth requirement such as major exercises. 7. Specify the unit in charge of QoS, and assign the rules for management and network bandwidth control to achieve the full-spectrum management from terminal to terminal. 8. Create QoS management subsystem for unify bandwidth control capability and effectively support the QoS management for the whole system. Hope the unit in charge may focus on the development and operation of QoS mechanisms in order to increase the capabilities of communication and information infrastructures for the armed forces.

摘 要 ABSTRACT 誌 謝 目 錄 表目錄 圖目錄 第一章 緒論 1.1 研究背景 1.2 研究動機 1.3 研究範圍與目的 1.4 研究流程 1.5 本文架構 第二章 文獻探討 2.1 非同步傳輸模式(ATM)網路 2.1.1 ATM簡介 2.1.2 ATM網路的優缺點 2.1.3 ATM之服務品質 2.2 網際網路通訊協定(IP)網路 2.2.1 IP之特性 2.2.2 IP網路優缺點 2.2.3 IP與ATM重疊(IP over ATM) 2.2.4 IP交換技術 2.3 多重協定標籤交換(MPLS) 2.3.1 MPLS網路運作 2.3.2 MPLS的優點 2.3.3 MPLS的運用 2.3.4 MPLS網路架構 2.3.5 MPLS運作平台 2.4 虛擬私有網路(VPN) 2.4.1 VPN的技術 2.4.2 VPN的分類 2.4.3 VPN的應用 2.4.4 VPN的優點 2.4.5 MPLS VPN 2.5 服務品質(QoS) 2.5.1 QoS定義 2.5.2 QoS的量度(Metrics) 2.5.3 IP網路的QoS 2.5.4 ATM網路的QoS 第三章 研究設計 3.1 研究方法 3.2 研究對象 3.3 研究方式 第四章 國軍資通系統QoS研究 4.1 國軍資通系統概況說明 4.1.1 國軍骨幹通信系統 4.1.2 骨幹網路的QoS 4.1.3 電路特性探討 4.2 國軍通資網路QoS研究 4.2.1 QoS的運用 4.2.2 QoS管理機制 4.2.3 QoS管理配套措施 第五章 結論與建議 5.1 研究結論 5.2 研究建議 5.3 後續研究建議 參考文獻 附錄 A 專家訪談議題列表 附錄 B 專家訪談執行記錄表 附錄 C 專家訪談問卷

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