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研究生: 梁禎玲
Chen-ling Liang
論文名稱: 台灣高科技產業人才管理研究
The Research on Talent Management Practices of Taiwan High-Tech Companies
指導教授: 鄭仁偉
Jen-wei Cheng
口試委員: 廖文志
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 企業管理系
Department of Business Administration
論文出版年: 2010
畢業學年度: 98
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 132
中文關鍵詞: 人才管理人力資源管理
外文關鍵詞: talent management, human resource management
相關次數: 點閱:378下載:0
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  • 1997年麥肯錫即預告企業人才爭奪戰即將開打,台灣也不能倖免。人才爭奪的對象,已不再是侷限地域、產業,而是成為國與國間,乃至全球化的人才爭奪。各公司已體認如不在徵選、培育、用人、留才、工作環境及制度面,去強化人才管理,將會讓公司置身於嚴重的人才短缺問題。如何落實執行良好的人才管理,已是許多CEO心中最重要的任務。

    In 1997, McKinsey & Co. predicted that the war for talent was about to be unleashed, and Taiwan would not be able to escape. The fight for talent was no longer restricted by region or industry, but would transcend national boundaries, becoming a global battle. Individual companies already recognize that if they do not strengthen talent management in recruitment, development, employment, retention, work environment and structure, they will be faced with the issue of a serious talent shortage. The question of how to implement the best talent management has already become the most important task for many CEOs.
    Due to the rapid development of Taiwan’s high-tech industrial, companies face severe competition amongst themselves, translating into a very heated competition for talent. Skilled employees are a company’s most important asset, and how to attract and retain talent, allow employees to grow within the organization and bring about organizational growth has already become the most important issue for companies.
    This paper examines three Taiwanese high-tech companies that received awards for National HRD InnoPrize, and utilizes a grounded theory method to probe into how these companies implemented and executed talent management, defined its approach, timeframe, difficulties faced, the necessity for a talent management system and the successful results it brought, etc.
    The research produced the following key findings: 1) A close connection exists between a company’s talent management strategy and its buisiness strategy. 2) It is recommended that the promotion of talent management start with top management and proceed down from there. 3) For talent selection standards, performance are the most important key indicators, and mainly coincide with the company’s core competency, managerial competency or potential, etc. 4) Established competency model or key behavior index make the hiring process more focused and objective, and can be linked to individual and organizational performance, and let employees know how their efforts are included in the talent pool. 5) Talent management starts with talent selection, but in addition to professional skills, the visiting companies generally look at core competency or cultural-fit in their selection. 6) If there is strong CEO support in the entry stage, problems that talent management faces are quickly solved. 7) In companies that just implemented a talent management, not having a system is not a factor for not being successful. 8) Talent management performance indicators include leadership potential, performance, contribution, competency maturity, potential, and turnover rates, etc.

    摘 要 I Abstract II 誌 謝 III 第一章 續論 1 第一節 研究背景 1 第二節 研究動機 2 第三節 研究目的 2 第二章 文獻探討 5 第二節 人才管理的發展趨勢 6 第三節 人才管理的意涵 7 第四節 實施人才管理的原因及對象 10 第六節 人才發展的策略思惟 25 第七節 人才管理系統/流程/機制 28 第八節 人才管理的指標及成效 31 第九節 人才管理面對的問題及建議 32 第三章 研究方法 36 第一節 研究程序 37 第二節 質化研究 38 第三節 紮根理論 41 第四節 訪談流程與訪談內容 43 第五節 資料編碼、分析、歸納等程序原則 45 第四章 質化資料實證分析 48 第一節 受訪企業及受訪專家介紹 50 第二節 公司導入人才管理原因的研究發現 51 第三節 人才管理的施行對象及針對不同職務的作法之研究發現 54 第四節 公司導入人才管理的時程、作法及所遇到的困難及克服方式研究發現 58 第五節 公司發展人才的方式及作法之研究發現 62 第六節 目前人才管理系統的必要性及修正方向研究發現: 68 第七節 人才管理對公司或人資功能上帶來的成果研究發現: 69 第八節 研究發現的歸納 72 第五章 結論與建議 74 第一節 本文研究結論 74 第二節 對要導入人才管理的高科技公司之建議 77 第三節 對後續研究的建議 79 第四節 本研究的限制 80 參考文獻 81 中文部份 81 英文部份 82 附錄 84

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