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研究生: 林冠鋐
Kuan-Hung Lin
論文名稱: 二硫化錸二維層狀晶體之光學非等向性研究
Optical anisotropic properties of two-dimensional ReS2 layered crystal
指導教授: 黃鶯聲
Ying-Sheng Huang
口試委員: 程光蛟
Kwong-Kau Tiong
Ching-Hwa Ho
Ruei-San Chen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電子工程系
Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering
論文出版年: 2015
畢業學年度: 103
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 74
中文關鍵詞: 二硫化錸二維層狀半導體拉曼光譜儀光致激發螢光調制光譜
外文關鍵詞: Rhenium disulfide, two-dimensional semiconductor, Raman spectroscopy, Photoluminescence spectrum, Piezoreflectance
相關次數: 點閱:285下載:3
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本論文是以化學氣相傳導法利用三氯化碘 (ICl3) 和溴 (Br2) 為傳導劑成長ReS2來得到此二硫化錸半導體之晶體,同時對此系列晶體之特性藉由光學量測的方式對其特性加以研究及討論。由X-ray繞射及拉曼量測之分析可以確定此系列單晶為單相化合物結構。
拉曼光譜上觀察到二硫化錸半導體有18個拉曼振動模式在範圍130-500 cm-1 之間。厚度相依的拉曼光學實驗上,我們發現用機械式剝離法得到的三至五層的二硫化錸和塊材的二硫化錸在拉曼光譜上,其拉曼振動模式和拉曼頻率並沒有隨著厚度的減低而有任何的變化,所我們可以由其結果得知在晶體結構上二硫化錸並沒有隨著厚度減低而有太大的改變。
在調制光譜的實驗中,變溫極化光學實驗和在低溫下的極化角度變化實驗中顯示在光學實驗上b軸所造成的光學非等向性和其激子訊號有強烈的相依性。在光激發螢光的實驗中,我們觀察到的激發螢光的來源與調製光譜上所觀察到的來源是一致的。並且在極化的激發螢光實驗中,我們觀察到在先前文獻中指在較高能量出被定義為第三個激子訊號,並不是獨立的第三個激子訊號來源,因為我們觀察到這個訊號隨著極化片的極化效應是與第一和第二個激子訊號一致的。我們利用類氫原子模型和雷德堡公式得第一和第二個激子 ( and ) 被視為基態 (ground state),高能量端的光激發螢光為激發態(excited state)。

Rhenium disulfide crystallizes in distorted structure of triclinic symmetry. Re atoms in each monolayer are displaced from the centre of octahedral coordination units forming zigzag chain along the b-axis. Lattice distortion leads to the anisotropy of optical and electrical properties in van der Waals plane.
ReS2 compound semiconductors with different doped have been grown by chemical vapor transport using ICl3 and Br2 as a transport agent. X-ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopy are used for the structural analysis of Rhenium disulfide, and the lattice parameters are determined by x-ray diffraction.
Raman spectroscopy of ReS2 has 18 modes at the range 130-500 cm-1 Raman shift. The few layer flake and bulk crystal of ReS2 has measured on Raman spectroscopy, and show thickness independent on the Raman shift.
The band edge excitonic transitions are studied by piezoreflectance. The polarization dependence of PzR spectra provides conclusive evidence that the band-edge excitons and originated from different origins due to splitting of valance band. The observed photoluminescense emission lines are attributed to various interband transitions occurring in different polarization directions within the in plane crystal. In un-polarized photoluminescence spectrum, we observed multipeaks on higher energy side and polarized results showed the same polarized behavior on higher energy side as series of and respectively. Base on these results, the Bohr hypothesis model and Rydberg formula show and are ground state (n=1) and excited state (n=2,3..) are observed on the higher energy side.
Our study show that the Rydberg series were observed in photoluminescense spectrum and the emission lines from recombination of electrons and holes are occurring at Γpoint. In conclusion, ReS2 is a direct band gap semiconductor.

Abstract III Acknowledgements IV List of Figures VI List of Tables IX Chapter 1. Introduction 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Structure and bonding of ReS2 1.3 Outline of dissertation Chapter 2. Crystal growth and structure analysis 2.1 The single crystal growth 2.2 The crystallographic study of ReS2 system single crystals 2.2.1 Powder X-ray diffraction: experimental details 2.2.2 Powder X-ray diffraction: results and discussion 2.2.3 Raman spectroscopy: experimental details 2.2.4 Raman spectroscopy: results and discussion Chapter3. Experimental setup for measurements 3.1 Modulation spectroscopy 3.2 Piezoreflectance (PzR) 3.3 Photoluminescence (PL) 3.4 Temperature dependence characteristics of semiconductor Chapter 4. Optical characterization of ReS2 single crystals 4.1 Temperature-dependent Piezoreflectance in ReS2 4.2 Temperature-dependent photoluminescence in ReS2 4.3 The optical anisotropic properties of ReS2 39 4.4 The photoluminescence results of bulk ReS2 at micro-PL set-up 4.5 Summary Chapter 5. Optical characterization of different doped ReS2 5.1 Results and discussion 5.2 Summary Chapter 6. Conclusions References

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