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研究生: 謝明峰
Ming-Feng Hsieh
論文名稱: 風險指標之實證研究─以美國上市公司債資料為例
Empirical Study of Riskiness Index – Using Corporate Bonds of Listed Companies in the United States
指導教授: 黃瑞卿
Rachel-Juiching Huang
口試委員: 張光第
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 財務金融研究所
Graduate Institute of Finance
論文出版年: 2012
畢業學年度: 100
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 86
中文關鍵詞: 利率風險信用風險CVaRVaRRiskiness公司債
外文關鍵詞: Interest Rate Risk, Credit Risk, Cvar, Var, Riskiness, Corporate Bonds
相關次數: 點閱:459下載:2
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本文以Robert J.Aumann與Roberto Serrano於2008年發表於Journal of Political Economy的文章提出的新方法來衡量美國上市公司公司債的風險指標,並同時計算各公司債的殖利率標準差、Value at Risk (VaR)、Conditional Value at Risk (CVaR),深入探討新的風險指標與目前市場上常使用的標準差、VaR、CVaR有何不同。



Since the financial tsunami happened in 2008, risk management has become one important issue in finance area. Many traditional methods such as standard deviation, VaR or CVaR approaches can be used to measure the level of risk. However, some recent studies indicate that a good risk indicator should possess the characteristic of stochastic dominance. The traditional risk measures such as Var or CVaR do not have this feature.

In this paper, we use the method which considers the stochastic dominance and proposed by Aumann and Serrano in 2008 to measure the risk. We use this indicator, called as Riskiness, to measure the risk for the all corporate bonds of listed companies in the United States. In addition, we also compare the results to those calculated by the method of the standard deviation, Value at Risk (VaR), and Conditional Value at Risk (CVaR).

Our empirical evidence shows that the Riskiness performs relatively well in the analysis of credit risk and interest rate risk compared with other methods. Thus, our study finds that this new method does not merely easily implement in the real world, but also have good economic properties. We also discuss some drawbacks of this new method in the study.

We believe that after constantly modifying this indicator, the Riskiness will be able to carry forward in the future.

中文摘要I AbstractII 目錄III 圖表目次V 第一章緒論1 第一節研究背景1 第二節研究動機3 第三節研究目的4 第四節研究流程4 第二章文獻回顧5 第一節風險衡量指標之重要性及發展簡史5 第二節標準差與債券風險衡量6 第三節VaR與債券風險衡量6 第四節CVaR與債券風險衡量9 第五節其他債券投資風險相關之文獻11 第三章資料與研究方法14 第一節資料來源、研究變數定義、說明及篩選準則14 第二節風險指標之計算方式18 第三節標準差之計算方式20 第四節VaR之計算方式20 第五節CVaR之計算方式21 第六節獨立樣本之T檢定22 第七節迴歸模型之建立與迴歸變數之選取23 第四章實證結果26 第一節基本敘述統計量分析26 第二節風險衡量指標之檢定結果27 第三節風險衡量指標之迴歸結果28 第五章結論、研究限制與建議34 第一節結論34 第二節研究限制與建議36 圖附錄38 表附錄41 參考文獻72 附錄78

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