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研究生: 王維漢
Wei-Han Wang
論文名稱: 文教產業數位學習系統導入個案研究
A Case Study on the E-Learning System Deployment in Cultural and Educational Industry
指導教授: 黃世禎
口試委員: 盧希鵬
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 資訊管理系
Department of Information Management
論文出版年: 2011
畢業學年度: 99
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 111
中文關鍵詞: 數位學習文教產業顧客關係管理關鍵成功因素
外文關鍵詞: digital learning, culture and education industry, customer relationship management(CRM), critical success factors(CSF)
相關次數: 點閱:517下載:0
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  Cultural and educational industry can be considered as an alternative educational sys-tem of traditional schools or a kind of continuation of the traditional teaching method. For the consumers who have demands in this industry, "learning" is undoubtedly the most im-portant function. Cultural and educational industry is essentially a format of traditional in-dustry that retains a lot of conventional structures and ways of management. However, in addition to emphasize the importance of customer relationship management, it is also nec-essary to pursue the integration of technology and internet, and eventually to open up a unique e-learning model.
  In this study, e-learning (or digital learning) is defined as "a kind of learning model that integrates video learning and online learning with the assistance of technology and internet." Video learning is via video equipment and related systems, while online learning is through the internet and related devices. They can operate independently as well as complement each other, as they share a huge collection of learning resources that have been compiled by the case company for many years. This study focuses on the application of e-learning in a particular case company in cultural and educational industry, which can be divided into many different categories and fields. The process integrates traditional learning and e-learning models and develops into a new pluralistic learning model, so that customers can have a variety of choices in the learning process.
  This study adapts a case company in cultural and educational industry as an example to explore its several major learning models, and the operation and evolution in different stages of development of each learning model. Through the research and analysis of a practical case, it is expected to achieve the following objectives: investigating different types and models of learning, planning and designing, promotion and implementation pro-vided by the case company, as well as evaluating the effectiveness of the application of e-learning.
  Based on academic theories, this study explores the planning and structure of the e-learning system, investigates the possible problems in the process of design and imple-mentation, and eventually constructs a holistic e-learning system model in the case com-pany. Furthermore, this study analyzes the development of the whole system, reviews the overall outcome, and explores the methods of customer relationship management among different customer groups and the critical success factors. Finally, this study also provides suggestions for future research directions.

第1章 緒論  1.1 研究動機  1.2 研究目的  1.3 研究範圍  1.4 論文章節 第2章 文獻回顧  2.1 數位學習的意涵  2.2 數位學習的優缺點  2.3 數位學習的類型與模式  2.4 數位學習的系統與導入方式  2.5 數位學習的成效與成功因素  2.6 數位學習的市場與發展趨勢 第3章 研究方法  3.1 研究架構  3.2 研究設計  3.3 研究流程  3.4 研究限制 第4章 個案研究與分析  4.1 個案公司簡介   4.1.1 背景   4.1.2 競爭策略   4.1.3 學習模式  4.2 數位學習系統之規劃與設計   4.2.1 問題概述   4.2.2 分析考量   4.2.3 規劃與架構  4.3 數位學習系統之推動與執行   4.3.1 推動過程   4.3.2 顧客關係與資源管理   4.3.3 建置成果  4.4 數位學習系統之推動成效評估   4.4.1 成效檢討   4.4.2 關鍵成功因素 第5章 結論與建議  5.1 結論  5.2 建議  5.3 未來研究方向 參考文獻

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