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研究生: 黃力宇
Li-yu Huang
論文名稱: 雙頻帶注入鎖定除頻器與左手及右手共振腔三頻帶壓控振盪器之設計
Design of Dual Band Injection-Locked Frequency Divider and Triple-Band Voltage-Controlled Oscillator Using a Left-handed and a Right-handed Resonator
指導教授: 張勝良
Sheng-lyang Jang
Ching-wen Hsue
口試委員: 馮武雄
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電子工程系
Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering
論文出版年: 2014
畢業學年度: 102
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 102
中文關鍵詞: 壓控振盪器除頻器
外文關鍵詞: triple band vco, fual band divider
相關次數: 點閱:285下載:0
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首先,本論文為在除二除頻器中,為了增強注入信號在混波器的閘級,將注入信號送至前置放大器,當混波器的閘級偏壓在低於臨界偏壓或是截止區會有一個大的輸出電壓。量測結果顯示,直流偏壓為0.85V時,在未注入信號時,高頻部分為3.23 GHz 到3.59 GHz,低頻部分為1.71 GHz 到1.73 GHz。在注入能量0 dbm時低頻段和高頻段的除二鎖定範圍各自從2.8 GHz到5.3 GHz(61.7%)以及5.1 GHz到10 GHz( 64.9 %)。

其次,使用左手和右手LC共振之三頻帶振盪器之設計,此三頻帶振盪器包含一對交叉耦合的nMOSFETs 和 兩對可變電容當作頻率轉換開關和頻率調變的機制。此振盪器是使用台積電0.18微米矽鍺 BiCOMS製程。在直流偏壓為0.8V時,其核心消耗功率高(中,低)頻各別為1.8(1.86,2.06)毫瓦。此振盪器氣信號可操作在頻率範圍為8.44GHz到8.71GHz, 6.74GHz到6.86GHz, 4.22GHz到4.47GHz,其晶片面積為1.045 × 1.064 mm2。

最後,在一個三頻帶振盪器使用可變電容和MOS當開關之設計,此壓控振盪器使用一對可變電容作為頻率調變,此振盪器是使用台積電0.18微米CMOS製程。在直流偏壓為0.85時,其核心消耗功率高(中,低)頻各別為3.28(3.42,3.35)毫瓦。此VCO信號可操作在頻率範圍為7.17到7.32GHz, 4.58到5.76GHz, 3.49到3.75 GHz,其晶片面積為1.067 × 0.776 mm2 。

First, in this thesis the injection signal is fed to a pre-amplifier to enhance the injection signal at the mixer gate in the divide-by-2 ILFD. The gate of mixer is biased in sub-threshold or off-state region to provide large output voltage. Measurement results show that at the supply voltage of 0.85 V, the free-running frequency is from 3.23 to 3.59 GHz for the high-frequency band and from 1.71 to 1.73 GHz for the low-frequency band. An external injected signal power of 0 dBm provides a low-band divide-by-2 locking range (61.7%) from 2.8 to 5.3GHz and a high-band locking range (64.9%) from 5.1~10.0GHz.

Secondly, by exploiting a left-handed and a right-handed LC resonator, a triple-band (TB) oscillator is designed. The TB oscillator consists of a pair of cross-coupled nMOSFETs and two pairs of back-to-back varactors for both band switching and frequency tuning. The proposed oscillator has been implemented with the TSMC 0.18μm SiGe 3P6M BiCMOS technology and the core power consumption of the high (middle, low)- band core oscillator is 1.8(1.86, 2.06) mW, at the dc drain-source bias of 0.8 V. The oscillator can generate differential signals in the frequency range of 8.44-8.71GHz, 6.74-6.86GHz, and 4.22-4.47 GHz. The die area of the triple-band oscillator is 1.045 × 1.064 mm2.

Finally, a triple-band (TB) oscillator with a varactor and MOS-mode switching is designed. The VCO uses a pair of varactors used for frequency tuning. The proposed oscillator has been implemented with the TSMC 0.18 μm 1P6M CMOS technology and the core power consumption of the high (middle, low)- band core oscillator is 3.87(4.03,3.95) mA and 3.28(3.42, 3.35) mW, respectively at the dc drain-source bias of 0.85 V. The VCO can generate differential signals in the frequency range of 7.17~7.32GHz, 4.58~5.76GHz, and 3.49~3.75 GHz. The die area of the triple-band VCO is 1.067× 0.766 mm2.

Abstract III Table of Contents V List of Figures VII List of Tables XI Chapter 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Motivation 1 1.2 Research Motivation 3 1.3 Framework of the Thesis 4 Chpter 2 Principles and Design Concepts of Voltage-Controlled Oscillators 6 2.1 Performance Parameters 6 2.2 Basic Principles of Oscillators 10 2.2.1 Feedback (Two-Port) Oscillators 11 2.2.2 Negative Resistance 13 2.3 Categorization of Oscillators 15 2.3.1 Ring Oscillator 15 2.3.2 LC-Tank Oscillator 17 2.4 Overview of the Cross-Coupled Oscillator 23 2.5 Voltage-Controlled Oscillators 27 2.6 Phase Noise and Q factor in Oscillators 28 2.6.1 Linear Time Invariant (LTI) Model - (The Lesson’s model) 30 2.6.2 Linear Time Variant (LTV) Model - (The Hajimiri’s Model) 34 2.6.3 Kinds of Noise 40 2.6.4 Phase Noise in Wireless Communications 43 2.6.5 Quality Factor 46 2.7 Phase Noise and Q factor in Oscillators 48 2.8 Appearance of Dual-Resonantce 54 2.8.1 Dual-Band Resonator 54 2.6.2 Two Series-LC Resonators 58 Chpter 3 Principles and Design Concepts of Injection Locking Frequency Divider 59 3.1 Principle of Injection Locked Frequency Divider 60 3.2 Locking Range 62 3.1 Direct ILFD 65 Chapter 4 Wide-Locking Range Injection-Locked Frequency Divider With Injection Mixer DC-Biased in Off-State 66 4.1 Introduction 66 4.2 Circuit Design 70 4.3 Measurement Result 67 Chapter 5 Right–Handed Resonator Voltage–Controlled Oscillator With Switchable Inverter 70 5.1 Introduction 78 5.2 Circuit Design 79 5.3 Measurement Result 84 Chapter 6 A Triple–Band CMOS Oscillator Using Stacked Right–Handed and Left–Handed LC Resonators 89 6.1 Introduction 89 6.2 Circuit Design 90 6.3 Measurement Result 94 Chapter 7 Conclusion 99 References 101

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