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研究生: 林史和
Shih-ho Lin
論文名稱: 台北市整建住宅更新現階段執行中面臨課題與建議探討 (以水源路一期、水源路二、三期及吳興街二期整建住宅為例)
Taipei entire constructs in the housing renewal present stage execution faced with the topic and the suggestion discussion -ShuiYuan Rd one issue of, ShuiYuan Rd two, three issue of and WuXing St two issues entire constructs housing as example-
指導教授: 李威儀
Wei-i Lee
口試委員: 林慶元
Ching-yuan Lin
Yung-horng Perng
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學院 - 建築系
Department of Architecture
論文出版年: 2006
畢業學年度: 94
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 106
中文關鍵詞: 都市更新整建住宅
外文關鍵詞: Entire constructs the housing, urban renew
相關次數: 點閱:248下載:0
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  • 台北市整建住宅更新現階段執行中面臨課題與建議探討

    研 究 生:林 史 和
    指導教授:李 威 儀 博士
    時 間:95年7月

    論 文 摘 要












    Taipei entire constructs in the housing renewal present stage
    execution faced with the topic and the suggestion discussion

    -ShuiYuan Rd one issue of, ShuiYuan Rd two, three issue of and WuXing St
    two issues entire constructs housing as example-

    Academic advisor:Dr. Lee,Wei-i
    Date: July, 2006


    Taipei entire constructs the housing one of for Taipei City government housing renewal policy important administration, near for ten year government positive impetus, besides all previous revision metropolis renewal rule and the correlation law do law of basis for the impetus renewal, and invests the suitable manpower, the physical resource and the funds impels to construct the housing renewal entire, because besides a ShuiYuan Rd one issue entire constructs the housing the M.R.T cataclysm to complete the renewal, other 24 renewal progress still not obvious result ,therefore this research mainly aims at entire constructs in the housing present stage renewal execution to hinder the progress impetus reason the discussion, and attempts the suggestion countermeasure by to take entire constructs the housing renewal impetus improvement the reference.

    This research by way of entire constructs the housing development, the literature and the law review, the success completes the renewal and right now impels to renew the case investigation and the analysis and the interview expert, the controlling organization, develops the entrepreneur and so on to understand although entire constructs the housing renewal at present under government's impetus, however in the law mechanism, government's system stratification plane and the execution stratification plane and inhabitant's cognition and the mutual recognition still had the following topic: (1) inhabitant conformity is unable to achieve the mutual recognition (2) entire to construct the housing property right to be unable with the dissipative (3) the present volume reward is unable to satisfy inhabitant's expectation (4) renewal fund not clear to originate has not had in the whereabouts (5) renewal to lack the explicit inhabitant to place plans (6) government the role which acts in the renewal impetus could not to be clear about (7) present stage folk to develop the entrepreneur non-wish to participation entire constructs the housing to renew the enterprise (8) to lack to entire constructs the significance and the advantage which the housing inhabitant education and the guidance impetus renews and so on, hindrance renewal impetus march, now is as follows after this research discussion analysis suggestion improvement countermeasure:
    (1)Concerned inhabitant conformity mutual recognition: the suggestion leads by the government establishes the male department station work room, unifies the social worker personnel, the community plans resources and so on teacher to give in psychological and the specialty guidance and the education inhabitant, in addition in advance arranges in order the budget payment impetus renewal initial period by the government to need the funds, after the renewal obtains the part deduction again by the inhabitant, enhances the inhabitant conformity mutual recognition and participates in the renewal.
    (2) Related property right unclear and dispute: the suggestion had been established “entire by the government constructs the housing special case group” and subscribes decides “the property right to recognize and “the temporary agreement recognizes the means” with the ownership means” the property right unclear part, in addition to dispute male supposes the property right which and disobeys constructs, fast subscribes “male supposes the sell means” and the relocation compensation way,
    (3) Present volume reward is unable to satisfy the inhabitant to expect that, suggestion station work room which had been established by the government, penetrates the social worker personnel, the community gauge artist and so on carries on thorough investigation each household inhabitant to use the demand actually and to bear ability, whole computation community overall demand volume, and after considers the local public utility receptivity and social fairness gives the adjustment volume to satisfy the inhabitant to use and to bear ability actually the demand.
    (4) Related renewal capital source: if suggestion by government for leads the executor, still wrote up the guarantee by the government to lend money the fund to the bank loan, if develops the entrepreneur by the folk to participate in the renewal, then by should develop the entrepreneur to process voluntarily.
    (5) Related reproduction periods inhabitant places the question: regardless of the suggestion leads by the government or by the folk is the executor, the government must initiative or the assistance, unified collective placement, needs the funds to include bears together.
    (6) Related government acts in the housing renews: suggested the separable two stage (1) first stage may introduce the folk by government leadership conformity inhabitant and the property right clear (2) second stage to develop the entrepreneur to unify the specialized team to participate in the renewal enterprise plan and the right transformation applies for and builds the construction, finishes hands over the room and so on, picks up the government and the folk leadership superiority characteristic impetus renewal enterprise.
    (7) Related present stage folk develop the entrepreneur non-wish participation renewal: the suggestion works out “the folk by the government to participation entire constructs the housing renewal means” the preferential benefit means and the reward measure, attracts the folk to participation together entire constructs the housing renewal work.
    (8) Related guidance and educates the inhabitant to participate in the impetus renewal: the suggestion arranges in order the budget by the government, plans the teacher by the station work room social worker personnel and the community and specialized enlightens and the education on the inhabitant psychological factor, the time causes the inhabitant to melt in the heart to have doubts and the understanding renews to individual, the community may promote the housing quality and improve the metropolis function.

    Key word: entire constructs the housing, urban renew

    目 錄 中文摘要……………………………………………………………………I 英文摘要……………………………………………………………………III 謝 誌………………………………………………………………………VI 目 錄………………………………………………………………………VII 圖目錄………………………………………………………………………IX 表目錄………………………………………………………………………X 第壹章 緒論 第一節 研究動機與目的……………………………………………………1 第二節 研究範圍與限制……………………………………………………2 第三節 研究方法與研究流程………………………………………………3 第貳章 台北市整建住宅發展歷程與法令、文獻、政府施政回顧 第一節 台北市整建住宅發展歷程…………………………………………5 第二節 整建住宅文獻回顧…………………………………………………13 第三節 整建住宅更新法令回顧……………………………………………21 第四節 台北市政府對於整建住宅推動更新執行概況……………………30 第五節 小結…………………………………………………………………39 第叁章 台北市整建住宅個案調查與分析 第一節 台北市水源路一期整建住宅個案調查與分析……………………42 第二節 台北市水源路二、三期整建住宅個案調查與分析………………49 第三節 台北市吳興街二期整建住宅個案調查與分析……………………61 第四節 小結…………………………………………………………………74 第肆章 台北市整建住宅課題調查與分析 第一節 專家受訪者對整建住宅課題的認知與建議………………………82 第二節 主管機關受訪者對整建住宅課題的認知與建議…………………86 第三節 開發業者受訪者對整建住宅課題的認知與建議…………………90 第四節 小結…………………………………………………………………93 第伍章 結論與建議及後續研究 第一節 結論與建議…………………………………………………………101 第二節 後續研究……………………………………………………………106 參考文獻....................................................參1 附錄 附錄一 訪 談 議 題……………………………………………………附1-1 附錄二 專家、主管機關、開發業者訪談記錄……………………… 附2-1 附錄三 台北市整建住宅都市更新流程圖…………………………… 附3-1

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