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研究生: 陳伶貞
Ling-Zhen Chen
論文名稱: 居家照護系統的護理師身分識別協定之設計
On the Design of Medicator Authentication Protocol for Home Healthcare System
指導教授: 羅乃維
Nai-Wei Lo
口試委員: 查士朝
Shi-Cho Cha
Kuo-Hui Yeh
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 資訊管理系
Department of Information Management
論文出版年: 2016
畢業學年度: 104
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 44
中文關鍵詞: 居家健康照護符記身分識別安全分析
外文關鍵詞: Home Healthcare, Token-based Authentication, Security Analysis
相關次數: 點閱:303下載:1
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  • 由於醫療科技的發展,人類平均壽命增長的高齡化人口趨勢下,導致在最近幾年來長期照護的需求逐漸擴增。因此在高齡人口的健康照護方面上,資訊科技的應用也是日漸增多,其中居家健康照護(Home Healthcare)相關的新科技發展,採用物聯網(Internet of Things)的概念,在受照護人員的居住環境中設置環境感測器(Environmental Sensor)或是在受照護人員身上設置體表感測器(Body Sensor),來收集受照護人員身上健康照護相關的詳細資訊,藉以讓醫院能進一步的診斷及治療。
    根據本研究的觀察認為一般體表感測器的儲存空間,不足以儲存長時間累積的大量感測資料,因此推薦在居家環境中利用居家閘道器(Home Gateway)儲存受照護人員的體表感測器資訊。當醫院的居家護理師至受照護人員住處拜訪時,身上的智慧型裝置(Smart Device)則透過無線網路通道傳輸,以獲取儲存在居家閘道器中的受照護人員資訊。但在這樣的環境底下,居家閘道器如何藉由智慧型裝置識別居家護理師的身分,讓居家護理師獲得受照護人員的感測資料之存取權限,則會變成需要解決的重要議題。
    因此本研究提出居家照護系統的護理師身分識別協定,透過公正第三方(Trusted Third Party)發送符記及驗證,減少通信間接費用(Communication Overhead)和協定的複雜性。並且我們會針對幾個常見的網路攻擊作安全分析說明協定的安全性,藉以證明我們的協定能針對居家護理師進行身分驗證,並可以安全地取得受照護人員的感測資料。

    Due to the development of medical technology, the average life age of human beings has steadily increased in several decades and led to new need of long-term healthcare for elders in recent years. One of the newest healthcare technology developments for elders is to adopt the concept of Internet of Things by deploying environmental sensors at the homes of elders and attaching body sensors on the bodies of elders to collect more detailed personal related health data for further diagnosis and treatment usage.
    Based on our observations, in general the storage space of a body or environmental sensor is not large enough to store the sensed data through a longer time period. Therefore, utilizing a home gateway to allow sensors to transmit their sensed data into the larger storage space owned by the gateway is recommended. When a home healthcare medicator visits a patient, he/she should be able to access patient’s health-related sensed data sent from the home gateway onto the mobile device of the medicator via a wireless communication channel. Therefore, how to authenticate the smart mobile device of the medicator to get the data access privilege for the patient’s sensed data through the corresponding home gateway has become an important issue to solve.
    In this thesis, we proposed a medicator authentication protocol for home healthcare system. The protocol adopts token technology to reduce communication overhead and protocol complexity. In addition, we also conducted security analysis against common attacks onto the proposed protocol to evaluate security robustness of our protocol.

    摘要 Abstract 誌謝 目錄 圖目錄 表目錄 第一章 序論 第二章 相關研究 第三章 居家照護系統的護理師身分識別協定 3.1 情境說明及假設 3.1.1 情境說明 3.1.2 假設 3.2 協定中使用的符號 3.3 居家護理師的身分識別協定 3.3.1 初始化階段 3.3.2 符記產生及發送階段 3.3.3 符記驗證及資料傳輸階段 第四章 安全分析 4.1 協定的安全性 4.2 討論 第五章 結論 參考文獻

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