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研究生: 林庭生
Ting-Sheng Lin
論文名稱: 低耦合光學天線陣列應用於矽光子積體化之LiDAR波束成形
Low-coupling Optical Antenna Array based Silicon Photonic Integration for LiDAR Beam Forming
指導教授: 徐世祥
Shih-Hsiang Hsu
Pao-hung Lin
口試委員: 徐世祥
Shih-Hsiang Hsu
San-Liang Lee
Hua-Kung Chiu
Pao-hung Lin
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電子工程系
Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 91
中文關鍵詞: 矽線波導光學相位陣列光達
外文關鍵詞: Silicon waveguide, Optical phase array, LiDAR
相關次數: 點閱:531下載:0
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在現今探測距離技術中,使用LiDAR在對於機器人、無人自駕車等等都佔有一席之地。而傳統LiDAR是以光學與機械式部件作為光束的掃描,在不考慮LiDAR的高價位之情況,其在嚴峻的工作環境下,掃描速度、穩定性及體積小特性需要被顯著地提升,因此快速掃描與積體化的LiDAR是未來的發展方向。透過矽光子積體電路之技術將LiDAR微小化,且為了提升轉向角及減少熱控制器的數量,需將天線陣列之間的間距設計在半波長附近,並使用聯級熱相移器,使得可視場(Field of View)放大至接近180°左右,同時大幅減少熱控制器數量。但因天線陣列間距設計在半波長附近,導致波導非常密集,會衍生出串擾(Crosstalk)的問題,因此本論文將會深入的討論矽線波導與光學天線之間如何降低耦合及相位串擾對於波束成形遠場之影響。

In modern detection and ranging technology, the light detection and ranging (LiDAR) systems are used in almost every robotics and autonomous vehicles. Free-space optics and mechanical components are typically utilized to steer the beam in LiDAR, which is unstable, bulky, expensive, and not suitable in a harsh environment. Moreover, the fabrication maturity in silicon photonic integrated circuit could miniaturize the photonic system. Thus, a high scan rate and solid-state LiDAR on silicon-on-insulator (SOI) platforms are becoming trends currently. To increase the output steering angle and reduce the controller number in an antenna array, the antenna spacing should be as close as the half operating wavelength. The cascade thermal phase shifter makes the field of view (FoV) to approximate 180° while the controller number is significantly reduced. However, if the antenna spacing is too close, the crosstalk between the antenna array will increase. In this thesis, it will be demonstrated to reduce the coupling influence and phase crosstalk between the optical antenna for far-field beamforming.
To reduce overly complicated heat controllers, a cascaded thermal phase shifter array is used. For horizontal steering, the antenna spacing is as close as half of the operating wavelength and shows the low crosstalk using index-mismatched waveguides and phase-compensation. Moreover, the same output optical waveguide mode needs to be further considered to demonstrate the grating lobe-free beam steering. And its FoV experimentally shows 110°.
For two-dimensional beam forming, the low coupling between antenna array consists of the close half-operating-wavelength spacing integrated with a silicon-strip-grating structure. Then the 8 channel array with a 1-μm pitch is simulated through finite difference time domain (FDTD) methods and shows a 3-dB reduction in array crosstalk and 5-dB improvement in grating lobe at a 30° steering angle.

摘要 I Abstract II 誌謝 III 目錄 IV 圖目錄 VII 表目錄 XI 第一章 導論 1 1.1簡介 1 1.2研究背景 1 1.3論文架構 4 第二章 波導與Solid state LiDAR理論 5 2.1波導結構 5 2.2單、多模條件 7 2.3雙折射效應 9 2.4波導傳輸損耗 11 2.4.1材料吸收損耗(Absorption Loss) 11 2.4.2洩漏損耗(Leakage Loss) 12 2.4.3彎曲損耗(Bending Loss) 13 2.4.4散射損耗(Scattering Loss) 15 2.5 光柵耦合器 19 2.6 MMI分光器 22 2.7光學相位陣列理論 25 2.7.1相位陣列理論 25 2.7.2自由空間中的成像繞射理論 29 2.7.3天線間距 30 第三章 Solid state LiDAR與低耦合天線陣列模擬 32 3.1 分光器 32 3.1.1 MMI coupler 32 3.1.2 Star coupler 34 3.2 熱相移器 35 3.2.1獨立控制熱相移器陣列 39 3.2.2聯級(Cascaded)控制熱相移器陣列 39 3.3一維低耦合天線陣列 40 3.3.1 波導線寬天線對光遠場影響 42 3.3.2 相位補償 42 3.4二維低耦合天線陣列 45 3.4.1波導光柵 46 3.4.2矽帶光柵 50 第四章 實驗結果與討論 53 4.1波導耦合平台 53 4.1.1邊緣耦合 53 4.1.2光柵耦合 55 4.2 LiDAR量測系統架設 59 4.2.1 LiDAR光束遠場量測步驟 59 4.2.2 LiDAR量測平台 60 4.3量測結果與分析 61 4.3.1分光器量測 61 4.3.2一維低耦合波導陣列量測 62 4.3.3 MZI結構Vπ量測 63 4.3.4一維低耦合LiDAR波束成形與相位調控 65 第五章 結論與未來展望 71 5.1結論 71 5.2未來展望 71 參考文獻 73

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