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研究生: 詹士慧
Shih-Huei Chan
論文名稱: 附帶口碑之存在與影響──以UrCosme為例
Attached WOM: Its Existence and Influences
指導教授: 劉代洋
Day-Yang Liu
口試委員: 林孟彥
Tom M. Y. Lin
Yau-Sheng Tsai
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 企業管理系
Department of Business Administration
論文出版年: 2009
畢業學年度: 97
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 42
中文關鍵詞: 附帶口碑虛擬社群化妝品
外文關鍵詞: attached word of mouth, virtual community, cosmetics
相關次數: 點閱:353下載:6
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附帶口碑是指消費者在傳遞某一產品的口碑時,順帶提及另一產品口碑的現象。例如:消費者在談及SK II面膜的使用心得中,也提及SHISEIDO面膜的相關訊息或相對比較的情形。附帶口碑(SHISEIDO面膜的口碑)存在的現象其實很普遍,只是過去少有文獻提及此一概念。

Attached word of mouth’s definition is that in the articles about product A, there are other products’ (expect product A) word of mouth be mentioned. For example, in a article about the mask of SK II, the mask of SHISEIDO’s information or the comparison between two products is mentioned in the same article. Although the existence of attached WOM is very common, which like the word of mouth of the mask of SHISEIDO, there are seldom references discuss the appearance of attached word of mouth.
This study selected 2,188 articles about mascaras out from the UrCosme forum during 2007/12/01 to 2008/11/30. By using conduct content analysis, the results indicated that there are 30 percentages of articles have attached WOM. Further, the mascaras which are open shelf and low price have the highest percentage of attached WOM, and frequency of Substitute attached WOM is also the most.
To sum up, this study confirmed the existence of attached WOM, and divided it into two categories which are substitute and Ancillary attached WOM. This paper brings a new concept which could broaden the categories of word of mouth. Enterprises can realize that they must notice competitors’ WOM except care about their own products’ WOM, and finally, finding out new marketing strategies and business opportunities.

目錄 第壹章 緒論1 第一節 研究背景與動機1 第二節 研究目的3 第三節 研究重要性3 第四節 研究流程3 第貳章 文獻回顧5 第一節 口碑相關文獻5 第二節 網路平台7 第三節 口碑類型8 第四節 附帶口碑11 第參章 研究方法14 第一節 內容分析法14 第二節 研究設計15 第三節 個案介紹22 第四節 資料分析步驟23 第肆章 研究結果25 第一節 信度與效度25 第二節 資料分析26 第伍章 結論與建議31 第一節 研究結論31 第二節 管理意涵34 第三節 研究貢獻35 第四節 研究限制35 第五節 未來研究建議36 參考文獻38

3.朱珊玉、郭宣靆、林薇瑄(2002),「網路書店研究:亞馬遜網路書店經營模式及其影響分析」,網路社會學通訊期刊,第20期,【Available at http://www.nhu.edu.tw/~society/e-j/20/index.htm】。

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