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Author: 旭法
Sivabalan - Adinarayanan
Thesis Title: 文句不相關語者驗證使用支援向量機
Text-Independent Speaker Verification Using Support Vector Machine
Advisor: 洪西進
Shi-Jinn Horng
Committee: 王有禮
Yue-Li Wang
Hsing Mei
Jeen-Shing Wang
Chang-Biau Yang
Degree: 碩士
Department: 電資學院 - 資訊工程系
Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering
Thesis Publication Year: 2005
Graduation Academic Year: 93
Language: 英文
Pages: 83
Keywords (in Chinese): 梅爾倒頻譜參數支援向量機語者驗證
Keywords (in other languages): Support Vector Machine, Speaker Verification, MFCC
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  • 系統實作中,以梅爾倒頻譜參數(Mel-Frequency Cepstral Coefficients, MFCCs)做為語者特徵,結合支援向量機(Support Vector Machine)建立語者相依模型。

    This dissertation aims to explore the technology of speaker recognition,
    specifically by researching the technique in current state-of-the-art systems. Current
    state-of-the-art speaker verification systems are based on discriminatively trained
    generative models. In these systems, discrimination is achieved with the linear
    function. We studied the use of support vector machines (SVMs) for text
    independent speaker verification. Two main approaches were considered. The first is
    approach using linear SVMs. The second approach is an utterance based approach
    using kernels SVMs. State-of-the-art speaker verification systems rely on generative
    models to recognize speakers. It is a curious result since discriminative approaches
    for classification should in theory be better than generative ones since the former are
    optimized to minimize the classification error rate explicitly compared to the latter.
    The polynomial kernel and radial basis function kernel are widely used for
    speaker verification task. We examine the properties of the linear SSVMs in
    comparison. By doing so, we will be able to study or adopt a simpler system with
    faster execution time which would yield to high or close performance in term of
    accuracy with the current kernel methods. The approach using linear SVMs is to
    study the method efficiency in simplicity and time consumption in reducing the error
    rate. This is in order to overcome the difficulties arising from an application of
    complex kernel SVMs to speaker verification. We begin with an investigation into
    the similar kernel functions like polynomial and RBF kernels. This technique were
    tested on one of the top ten database named YOHO database and then evaluated on
    the more difficult custom-build text-independent database. This separation of the development from the evaluation is important to ensure that the methods are general
    and that the classifiers have not been tuned to one particular database.
    Experimentally the linear SVMs benefits, by not only out perform current
    state-of-the-art classifiers on the YOHO text-independent speaker verification
    database but even with the kernel functions yielding to a close result and faster
    execution time. This thesis reports equal error rates on the YOHO database that are
    1.81% of equal error rate and 0.65% of equal error rate with our ownbuild textindependent

    Abstract i Acknowledgements iii List of Figures vi List of Tables vi 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Introduction 2 1.2 Goals and Motivation 5 1.3 Overview 6 2 BACKGROUND 2.1 Acoustic Models 9 2.2 Speech Production 11 2.3 Previous Work 14 2.4 Applications 15 2.5 Pros and Cons of Speaker Recognition 18 2.6 Elementary Concepts and Terminology 19 2.6.1 Speaker Identification 20 2.6.2 Speaker Verification 21 2.7 Text-Dependent 22 2.8 Text-Independent 23 3 Feature Extraction (MFCC) 3.1 Introduction 25 3.2 Mel-Frequency Ceptrum Coefficients Processor (MFCC) 28 3.2.1 Frame Blocking 29 3.2.2 Windowing 30 3.2.3 Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) 31 3.2.4 Mel-Frequency Wrapping 32 3.2.5 Ceptrum 34 4 Vector Quantization (VQ) 4.1 Introduction 36 4.2 Vector Quantization 37 5 Support Vector Machine (SVM) 5.1 Speaker Modeling 44 5.2 Conventional Support Vector Machine 47 5.3 Variational Support Vector Machine 54 6 Experiments & Results 6.1 Error Reporting 58 6.2 Corpora 63 6.2.1 Custom-Build Database 64 Custom-Build Text-Dependent Database 64 Experimental Procedure 64 Custom-Build Text-Independent Database 67 Experimental Procedure 67 6.2.2 The YOHO Voice Verification Corpus 70 Experimental Procedure 71 7 Conclusion 7.1 Conclusion 76 REFERENCES List of Tables Page Table 3.1: A summary of some common windowing functions 31 Table 6.1: Speaker Verification Error Rate 74 List of Figures Page Figure 1.1: Speaker Verification Flow 5 Figure 1.2: Training and Testing Flow 5 Figure 2.1: Schematic and circuit model of the vocal tract [4] 10 Figure 2.2: Acoustic tube model of speech production 12 Figure 2.3: Speech production mechanism [8] 13 Figure 2.4: Applying speaker recognition in speech recognition 17 Figure 2.5: Areas of voice (speaker) recognition 19 Figure 2.6: Basic structure of speaker identification system 20 Figure 2.7: Basic structure of speaker verification system 21 Figure 3.1: An Example of speech signal 25 Figure 3.2: Frame-based analysis 27 Figure 3.3: Mel scale filterbank 28 Figure 3.4: Block diagram of the MFCC processor 29 Figure 3.5: How the parameter N and M are utilized in the frame blocker 30 Figure 3.6: Common time windows, with durations normalized to unity 30 Figure 3.7: An example of Mel-spaced filterbank 33 Figure 4.1: Conceptual diagram illustrating vector quantization codebook formation. One speaker can be discriminated from another based of the location of centroids [34] 37 Figure 4.2: The process of VQ codebook generation; the features are shown by blue dots, the group boundary in green and the centroids are in red 41 Figure 4.3: Flow of the binary split codebook generation algorithm. [5] 42 Figure 5.1: Training data is perfectly linearly separated by multiple hyperplanes in R2 49 Figure 5.2: A hyperplane is found by the SVM in R2. The support vectors are circled 49 Figure 5.3: The support vector (circles points) of a soft margin SVM in R2 52 Figure 5.4: An example of kernel mapping 53 Figure 6.1: Imposter Scores Distribution and FAR 59 Figure 6.2: Client Scores Distribution and FRR 60 Figure 6.3: Overlapping of distribution of the client and the imposter, FAR and FRR 60 Figure 6.4: Reporting classifier performance on ROC and DET curves (a): An ROC curve illustrates the trade-off between probability of false acceptances (horizontal axis) against the true acceptance probability or one minus the false rejection probability (vertical axis) 62 (b): The DET curves corresponding to the ROCs shown in (a). The false acceptance probability (horizontal axis) is plotted against the false rejection probability (vertical axis). The conversion from probabilities to the normal deviate scale is shown in (c) 63 (c): The normal deviate is found by computing the percentage area under the normal distribution 63 Figure 6.5: Text-Dependent DET Plot (100 Speakers) 66 Figure 6.6: FAR & FRR Versus Threshold (100 Speakers) 66 Figure 6.7: Text-Independent DET Plot (30 Speakers) 69 Figure 6.8: FAR & FRR Versus Threshold (30 Speakers) 69 Figure 6.9: Text-Independent DET Plot (138 Speakers) 73 Figure 6.10: FAR & FRR Versus Threshold (138 Speakers) 73

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