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研究生: 沈秉勳
Bing-Syun Shen
論文名稱: 基於單類別支援向量機結合集成學習之射頻指紋確認研究
Research on Integration of One-Class Support Vector Machine and Ensemble Learning for RF Fingerprint Verification
指導教授: 劉馨勤
Hsin-Chin Liu
口試委員: 查士朝
Shi-Cho Cha
Hsing-Kuo Pao
Li-Chung Chang
Der-Feng Tseng
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電機工程系
Department of Electrical Engineering
論文出版年: 2023
畢業學年度: 111
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 70
中文關鍵詞: 射頻指紋特徵無線射頻辨識物理層防偽機器學習集成學習
外文關鍵詞: RF fingerprint, RFID, physical layer anti-counterfeiting, machine learning, ensemble learning
相關次數: 點閱:254下載:0
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  • 無線射頻辨識(Radio Frequency Identification, RFID)技術是物理層防偽研究
    領域並在無線通訊領域引起大量關注,並廣泛應用於我們的日常生活中。為了提升用戶的資訊安全,射頻指紋(RF Fingerprint)技術應運而生。此技術提取實體層訊號的射頻指紋特徵並加以識別,可以繞過可能被仿冒或竄改的設備識別標誌,如 MAC 位址或其他軟體設置。它專注於分析無線訊號的物理特性,這些特徵因設備製造時的硬體不完美特性具有強大的防偽能力,受到物聯網和 Wi-Fi 等無線傳輸領域的研究者的青睞。尤其在物聯網應用中,如智慧家電、智慧城市、工業自動化等,以及 Wi-Fi 等 5G 甚至 6G 行動網路網絡中的安全管理和訪問控制。
    本論文針對 ISO 14443A 之 HF RFID 卡片進行研究,提出了基於單類別支援向量機(One-Class Support Vector Machine, OCSVM)作為異常偵測模型,並以研製之特規讀取機錄製不同廠牌的卡片訊號利用該模型進行合法卡和偽卡的辨識,再結合集成學習中之加權軟投票(Weighted soft voting, WSV)機制將不同特徵之辨識模型整合使其具有強大的防偽能力。本論文提出之方法對於保障 RFID 卡片的安全性和推動無線通訊技術的發展具有重要意義。

    Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology has garnered significant
    attention in the field of physical layer anti-counterfeiting and wireless communication. It finds widespread use in our daily lives. To enhance user information security, Radio Frequency (RF) Fingerprint technology has emerged. This technique extracts RF fingerprint features from physical layer signals and identifies them, bypassing potentially counterfeited or altered device identifiers like MAC addresses or other software settings. It focuses on analyzing the physical characteristics of wireless signals, leveraging the strong anti-counterfeiting capabilities inherent in hardware imperfections during device manufacturing. This approach is favored by researchers in wireless transmission domains such as the Internet of Things (IoT) and Wi-Fi, including applications in smart appliances, smart cities, industrial automation, as well as security management and access control in Wi-Fi, 5G, and even 6G mobile networks.
    In this paper, we concentrate on ISO 14443A HF RFID cards. We propose employing the One-Class Support Vector Machine (OCSVM) as an anomaly detection model. The model is trained using recorded signals from cards of different brands captured by a custom reader. It discerns legitimate cards from counterfeit ones. Further, we enhance its anti-counterfeiting prowess by integrating various feature-specific recognition models using the Weighted Soft Voting (WSV) mechanism from ensemble learning. Our approach holds significance in safeguarding the security of RFID cards and propelling wireless communication technology.

    第一章 緒論 1.1 研究動機 1.2 論文貢獻 1.3 章節概要 第二章 文獻回顧與背景介紹 2.1 ISO 14443A 標準規範與程式環境 2.1.1 HF RFID 硬體介紹 2.1.2 ISO 14443A 介紹 2.1.3 讀取機模擬程式與環境 2.1.4 ATQA 訊號介紹 2.2 射頻指紋特徵提取與物理特性 2.2.1 ATQA 統計性質特徵提取與介紹 2.2.2 ATQA 波形特徵提取與介紹 2.2.3 ATQA 正規化功率頻譜密度特徵提取與介紹 2.2.4其餘系統於射頻指紋特徵相關文獻介紹 2.3 辨識演算法 2.3.1 單類別支援向量機(One-Class Support Vector Machine, OCSVM) 2.3.2 集成學習(Ensemble learning)與加權軟投票 第三章 特規讀卡機之設計 3.1 前端即時特徵提取系統建置 3.1.1 模擬讀取機與接收訊號模型架構 3.1.2 ATQA 即時訊號同步 3.1.3 Socket 架構 3.2 後端模型辨識系統建置 3.2.1 訓練資料集錄製 3.2.2 ATQA 訊號特徵提取 3.2.3 後端辨識演算法 第四章 實驗結果與分析 4.1 實驗環境與前端系統 4.2 後端模型辨識系統與演算法整合 4.2.1 MV 實驗結果 4.2.2 採用 WSV 實驗結果 4.3 結果比較 第五章 結論與未來研究方向

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