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研究生: 陳品軒
Pin-Hsuan Chen
論文名稱: 從科技接受模型、印象管理、隱私顧慮與機器捷思觀點探討機器人在諮商領域之應用
Chatbot Application in Consultation: Examining TAM, Impression Management, Perceived Privacy Risk, and Machine Heuristic
指導教授: 葉峻賓
Chun-Ping Yeh
口試委員: 葉峻賓
Chun-Ping Yeh
Hsiu-Ching Ho
Yi-Chi Hsiao
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 科技管理研究所
Graduate Institute of Technology Management
論文出版年: 2021
畢業學年度: 109
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 36
中文關鍵詞: 聊天機器人科技接受模型印象管理隱私顧慮機器捷思諮商
外文關鍵詞: perceived privacy risk, machine heuristic
相關次數: 點閱:535下載:19
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Consulting for personally-sensitive issues is still a conservative manner in Taiwan. Despite chatbots have been widely applied in various kinds of commercial fields, uses of chatbots in sexual education and consultation of sensitive topics are still in nascence. This study aims to explore the intention to use consulting chatbots from the perspective of impression management, perceived privacy risks and machine heuristics to enrich the current existing research of the technology acceptance model (TAM), especially providing more insights from the aspects of confidentiality and user’s mental status, rather than from productive use. A scenario-based experiment is designed to simulate real human-machine interaction in attempt to capture the personal impression management effect, perceived privacy risks and machine heuristic that affect individuals’ behavioral intention to use chatbots. A sample of 109 students completed a two-stage survey that measured their impression management differences between paper-based and online-based conditions, which simulated the conditions of face-to-face and chatbot using. Impression management and machine heuristic were found to be positively associated with behavioral intention to use chatbot, while perceived privacy risk was not. Overall, the findings contribute to the existing TAM literature by providing evidences of non-productivity antecedents of behavioral intention, as well as a conceptual guide for applying chatbots to the consultation of sensitive issues in more conservative Asian countries like Taiwan.

Abstract I 誌 謝 II Table of Contents III List of Tables IV 1. Introduction 1 2. Literature Review and Hypotheses 4 2.1. The Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) 5 2.2. Impression Management Concern 6 2.3. Perceived Privacy Risk 7 2.4. Machine Heuristic 9 3. Research Method 11 3.1. Data and Sample 11 3.2. Variables and Measures 15 3.2.1. Dependent Variable 15 3.2.2. Independent Variables 15 3.2.3. Control Variables 16 3.3. Method 16 4. Empirical Finding 24 5. Discussion 26 6. Conclusions and Suggestions 28 Reference 31 Appendix A. 37 Appendix B. 40

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