Author: |
Thesis Title: |
臺灣指數期貨30分預測系統 Prediction of Taifex based on 30-M candlestick |
Advisor: |
Yen-Tseng Hsu |
Committee: |
Jerome Yeh 洪慧芬 Hui-Fen Hung |
Degree: |
碩士 Master |
Department: |
電資學院 - 資訊工程系 Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering |
Thesis Publication Year: | 2010 |
Graduation Academic Year: | 98 |
Language: | 中文 |
Pages: | 124 |
Keywords (in Chinese): | 臺灣指數期貨 、預測 |
Keywords (in other languages): | Prediction, Taifex |
Reference times: | Clicks: 365 Downloads: 2 |
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本論文將透過『 AiSM 程式交易系統』( AI-based system to Stock Market )建構出一個臺股指數期貨30分鐘預測系統。我們將建置流程分為三個階段,分別為資料處理步驟、研究步驟(一)與研究步驟(二)。第一,資料處理步驟,此為平台開發之前置作業,為使得本論文所建置之平台可以真正貼近實際市場,未來真正能應用於預測未來台灣股價指數期貨市場之用,必須先行蒐集實際金融交易資料(臺灣加權指數歷史資料)。第二,研究步驟(一),此階段會使用技術分析方法發展出五個交易模型(Trading Model,TM),分別定義為TM_1、TM_2、TM_3、TM_4、TM_5。五個模型模擬交易結果根據獲利因子(PF)排名,其順序為TM_1>TM_2>TM_3>TM_4>TM_5。五個模型個別產生績效評量表,其內容應有AT、MDDR、PF、PP、TNP-dr等績效評量指標與PC與4QA圖。第三,研究步驟(二),根據研究步驟(一)選擇完成之模型,利用分析與經驗法則加上人工智慧技術,組成複合式程式交易器(Multi-position System Trader, MST)與單口交易器(One-position System Trader, OST),並比較模型與交易器效能,以證明交易器之優異。
The main purpose of this thesis is to develop the prediction of Taifex based on 30-M candlestick system by using AiSM. There are three stages to build this system.
The first stage is a data processing. It is a very important preliminary work. The second stage is the examination I. In this stage , we will develop five trading models named TM_1, TM_2, TM_3, TM_4, TM_5. Ranking them according to Profit Factor. The order is TM_1, TM_2, TM_3, TM_4 and TM_5. There are several evaluation indicators , AT, MDDR, PF, PP, TNP-dr in this table. In the same time, the system draws the PC graph and 4QA graph to help understanding of profit and loss. The third stage is the examination II. Multi-position System Trader, MST and One-position System Trader, OST, are generated in the third stage. Finally, it proves that the MST and the OST are better than that of single trading module.
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