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研究生: 曾建凱
Jian-Kai Zeng
論文名稱: 不鏽鋼薄板之微流道撓性成形之可行性研究
Feasibility Study on Thin Stainless Steel Sheet for Micro-channel under Flexible Forming Process
指導教授: 黃佑民
You-Min Huang
口試委員: 向四海
Su-Hai Hsiang
Tsung-Chia Chen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 機械工程系
Department of Mechanical Engineering
論文出版年: 2011
畢業學年度: 99
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 66
中文關鍵詞: 不鏽鋼微流道撓性成形
外文關鍵詞: stainless steel, micro-channel, flexible forming process
相關次數: 點閱:334下載:5
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本文主要探討AISI 304不鏽鋼薄板微流道的撓性成形製程之可行性。對於單流道的製造目前有不同兩種加工方式,分別是凹模與凸模,藉由實驗的方法針對兩種類型的變形特性進行分析。使用兩種不同流道形狀之設計,包括了四直槽型與交叉型,進行成形實驗,比較微流道各個流道的成形深度狀況。使用不同硬度的撓性介質進行實驗,研究其微成形製程狀況。

The flexible forming process has the following advantages: only one rigid die must be manufactured, the product shape can be changed easily by changing the die, flexible medium and rigid die do not need to be assembled precisely, and high surface quality. Therefore, the time and cost required for forming process can be greatly reduced.
This study investigated the feasibility of AISI 304 thin stainless steel sheet for micro-channel under flexible forming process. For the fabrication of a single channel, there were two different deformation styles: concave and convex. The deformation characteristics of the two deformation styles were analyzed with experimental method. Two different flow channel designs including both four parallel flow channel and interdigitated flow channel were presented in this study to compare the depth of forming of the micro-channel. The flexible mediums of different hardness were used in the experiment to study the micro-forming process.
It can be found that the convex deformation style has better formability in flexible forming process. Both Four parallel flow channel and interdigitated flow channel have different depth in each channel after forming. The thickness distribution of the formed micro-channel is uneven, and the most dangerous position occurs at the side of the micro-channel. The punch load increases with decreasing hardness in TPU(flexible medium). This will serve as reference for further research on flexible forming process.

摘要 I ABSTRACT II 誌謝 III 圖目錄 VII 表目錄 XI 第一章 緒論 1 1.1前言 1 1.2文獻回顧 2 1.2.1 微成形 2 1.2.2撓性成形製程 7 1.3研究動機與目的 11 1.4論文架構 12 第二章 撓性成形技術介紹與應用 13 2.1薄板成形 13 2.2撓性成形技術介紹 13 2.3撓性成形應用於雙極板 16 第三章 實驗方法 18 3.1實驗設備規格 18 3.2材料基本特性 19 3.3 模具設計 21 3.3.1簡易撓性模具設計 21 3.3.2金屬沖頭與模具 27 3.3.3撓性成形之軟沖頭與模具 30 3.4 不同流道形狀之工具頭 33 3.5刀模設計 36 3.6撓性介質 39 3.7撓性成形實驗步驟 41 3.8量測設備 41 第四章 實驗結果與討論 44 4.1金屬沖頭與撓性成形對位狀況之比較 44 4.2不同的撓性介質沖頭之成形深度比較 48 4.3不同流道形狀之成形深度比較 53 4.4 成形厚度之比較 54 4.5成形負荷之比較 55 4.6 翹曲現象 59 第五章 結論與建議 61 5.1結論 61 5.2未來研究之展望與建議 62 參考文獻 64 作者簡介 66

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