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研究生: 徐嵩閔
Sung-Min Hsu
論文名稱: 探討鎖定式骨板於股骨遠端骨折治療之穩定度分析:有限元素分析與實驗驗證
Biomechanical Investigation of Locking Compression Plate for the Treatment of Distal Femoral Fractures Using Finite Element Analyses and Mechanical Tests
指導教授: 趙振綱
Ching-Kong Chao
Ching-Chi Hsu
口試委員: 釋高上
Kao-Shang Shih
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 機械工程系
Department of Mechanical Engineering
論文出版年: 2014
畢業學年度: 103
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 82
中文關鍵詞: 股骨遠端骨折鎖定式骨板螺絲位置及數量有限元素
外文關鍵詞: Femoral fracture
相關次數: 點閱:375下載:17
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本研究的腰椎後三節、骨盆及股骨有限元素模型使用斷層掃描建立,包括有椎體(硬質骨、鬆質骨)、後方元件、椎間盤、關節軟組織、骨盆、股骨。鎖定式骨板及骨螺絲有限元素模型使用Solidworks建立。模型建立完成後,再匯進ANSYS 14.5有限元素分析軟體,針對兩種模型,其中包含腰椎-骨盆-股骨模型、單純考慮股骨模型;三種不同骨折位置;八種螺絲數量及六種螺絲位置,進行有限元素分析。評估螺絲數量及位置在不同股骨遠端骨折的生物力學特性,是以位移量及骨板表面應力的結果呈現。並且使用INSTRON-8872疲勞測試系統進行生物力學實驗,對六種不同螺絲數量進行壓力測試,並且擷取實驗過程的力-位移曲線,結果是以力-位移曲線的斜率(剛性)來呈現。最後,比較生物力學實驗跟限元素分析的結果。

High-energy impact and osteoporosis are the main causes of femoral fractures. Fixation stability can make a difference between success and failure in surgical operations. Locking-plate system has been widely used in the treatment of a big variety of bone fractures. The chance of occurring complications has been significantly reduced thanks to the invention of the Less Invasive Stabilization System (LISS).There are many screw holes on the plate allow surgeons to insert screws. The number and pattern of screws in use are critical because of the strong link to fixation stability. However, the biomechanical behaviors of plating system with different number and pattern of screw haven’t been investigated and studied in a comprehensive model. Therefore, the aim of this study is to obtain the biomechanical properties, using diverse numbers and patterns of screw and fracture sites in a relatively comprehensive numerical model.
The numerical model used in this study includes lower three segments of lumbar (cortical and cancellous bone), discs, pelvis, joints and femur. They are all created by applying the technique, Computer Tomography Scan(CTS). The plating system including locking plate, screws is developed with the software Solidworks. All numerical parts are imported into ANSYS 14.5 to do analyses. This study takes into account two models (lumbar-pelvis-femur model and only femur model), three fracture sites, eight different screw numbers and six screw configurations. Stresses on the top surface of bone plate and displacement of whole system are available in the numerical results. Biomechanical experiments are conducted with the equipment, INSTRON-8872. Six varying number of screws in use are chosen to carry out compression tests. Force-displacement curves are obtained during the biomechanical tests. Numerical and experimental outcomes are compared in the form of displacement and stiffness.
Biomechanical experiments and numerical analyses show that less number of screws in use can raise the displacement of whole system. The screw configurations with shorter working length are most likely to have low displacement as a result. Nearer to distal end fracture occurs, more unstable the system would be.

致謝 i 摘要 ii ABSTRACT iii 目錄 iv 圖目錄 vii 表目錄 xi 第1章 介紹 1 1.1 研究動機 1 1.2 股骨骨折原因 1 1.3 股骨骨折分類 1 1.4 骨髓內釘(Intramedullary Nail)介紹 3 1.5 鎖定式骨板(Locking Compression Plate)介紹 4 1.5.1 鎖定式骨板優勢 5 1.6 文獻回顧 6 第2章 材料和方法 17 2.1 骨骼與植入物模型建立 17 2.1.1 股骨遠端骨折建立 19 2.1.2 鎖定式骨板系統建立 19 2.2 有限元素模擬分析 20 2.2.1 材料參數 21 2.2.2 網格劃分的方法及大小 21 2.2.3 邊界負載條件 22 2.2.4 腰椎-骨盆-股骨模型位移驗證 25 2.3 生物力學實驗 26 2.3.1 骨板骨螺絲 26 2.3.2 生物力學實驗架設 27 第3章 結果 29 3.1 有限元素分析 29 3.1.1 收斂性分析 30 3.1.2 單純考慮股骨模型的位移結果 32 3.1.3 腰椎-骨盆-股骨模型位移結果 37 3.1.4 單純考慮股骨模型和腰椎-骨盆-股骨模型位移比較 41 3.1.5 不同骨折位置對位移量的影響 42 3.1.6 有限元素應力結果 45 3.2 生物力學實驗 56 第4章 討論 60 第5章 結論與未來展望 64 5.1 結論 64 5.2 未來展望 64 參考文獻 66

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