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研究生: 陳川仁
Chuan-Jen Chen
論文名稱: 轉換型領導與公司績效:人力資本與組織雙歧之聯合中介效果
Transformational leadership and Firm Performance: The Joint Mediating Effect of Human Capital and Organizational Ambidexterity
指導教授: 張譯尹
Yi-Ying Chang
口試委員: 吳宗祐
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 企業管理系
Department of Business Administration
論文出版年: 2013
畢業學年度: 101
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 74
中文關鍵詞: 轉換型領導人力資本組織雙歧組織績效聯合中介效果
外文關鍵詞: transformation leadership, human capital, organizational ambidexterity, organizational performance
相關次數: 點閱:572下載:19
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本研究從組織雙歧的觀點,討論企業中的轉換型領導如何從人力資本強化組織雙歧,進一步提升組織績效,然而在技術日新月異的發展,企業若要保持競爭優勢,必需面對動態的環境,所以企業不斷地發展新的思維,才能提升組織的能力。因此,企業必須創造二個以上的核心能耐,主管以追求探索型與開發型的創新,其組織雙歧的概念越來越多企業重視這個議題。 又因為員工是企業重要的資產,若能了解人力資本的運作,故能強化組織雙歧,因『才』施教,創造更高的組織績效;企業中,主管與員工的關系,密不可分,所以主管的領導風格也會影響員工的各方面發展,如知識、技能、創新能力,因此,企業以轉換型領導風格如何透過人力資本的運作並且強化組織雙歧發展的聯合中介效果,以提升組織績效,為本研究的重點。

In this study, from an point of organizational ambidexterity to discuss how the transformational leadership in an enterprise strengthen and further enhance organizational performance by the organization of human capital. However, today the rapid development of technology, companies have to face a dynamic environment which is necessary if want to remain competitive. The companies keep developing new ways of thinking to enhance abilities. Therefore, enterprises must create two or more core competences. Directors pursue exploration and development-oriented innovation model. The concept of organizational ambidexterity is more and more enterprises are attending. And also because employees are important assets for an enterprise which can strengthen and be organizational ambidexterity when understand human capital. Put right person in right place that make more greater organizational performance. In an enterprise, the relationship of director and stuffs is inseparable, so the leadership style of director will affect stuffs various aspects of development. Such as: knowledge, skills, ability of innovate. So, how the enterprise operate and strengthen to become organizational ambidexterity with transformational leadership to upgrade organization performance which is the point of this study.
This study collect data through questionnaires. Samples were mainly target with Taiwanese businessman and Chinese businessman. Issued: 650 copies; valid questionnaires: 585 copies. First class of director: 62 copies; second: 149 copies; third: 358 copies. Using structural equation modeling to analysis the various variables of relationship. After the empirical, validation transformational will determine the impact of human capital to strength and be organizational ambidexterity , improve organization performance. Finally, based on the research results, analysis shows limitation of study future research directions and practical implications.

摘要2 目錄5 表、圖目錄6 第 一 章緒論7 第 一 節研究背景/動機7 第 二 節研究目的9 第 二 章文獻探討10 第 一 節轉換型領導10 第 二 節人力資本13 第 三 節組織雙歧17 第 四 節轉換型領導、人力資本、組織雙歧與公司績效之關係22 第 三 章研究方法27 第一節研究架構與假說27 第 二 節研究對象和研究程序29 第 三 節研究變項的操作定義與衡量32 第 四 節資料分析方法38 第 四 章研究結果43 第 一 節敘述性統計與相關分析43 第 二 節量表之信度與效度分析47 第 三 節整體結構方程模式分析48 第 五 章結論與建議51 第 一 節研究結論51 第 二 節學術及管理意涵52 第 三 節研究限制與未來研究建議54 參考文獻56 附錄一、第一階層問卷60 附錄二、第二階層問卷64 附錄三、第三階層問卷71

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