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研究生: 朱天來
論文名稱: 以小搏大的策略運用-以塑膠原料通路商(科亞公司)的減法經營為例
The Strategy of "Adopting Minimum to Gain Maximum"-A Minus-managerial Case Study of CO-ACTION CORP
指導教授: 盧希鵬
Hsi-Peng Lu
Tainyi Luor
口試委員: 陳正綱
Cheng-Kang Chen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 管理研究所
Graduate Institute of Management
論文出版年: 2014
畢業學年度: 102
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 53
中文關鍵詞: 創業者以小博大減法經營
外文關鍵詞: Beginning entrepreneurs, David and Gallia, Subtraction operations
相關次數: 點閱:290下載:5
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  • 大部分哈佛個案討論的都是大型企業的經營與策略,很多決策雖然很具參考價值,但對於初創業者,仍是遙不可及。而本個案所探討的是中小型塑膠原料的通路商如何在大型通路商競爭環伺的生態上,以減法經營來以小搏大做單點突破,並透過合作來達到與大型通路商決戰的實力。本文中闡述中小企業最常碰到經營上的困難,以不同的策略,由個人式經營走到絢爛的紅海再駛向獲利較豐的藍海,建立了自己的特色,始能在業界生存。另外也包含了在經營上常會碰到的問題,諸如資金的籌措、倒帳的防止、庫存的預備、週轉率的提升、市場的變化及危機的處理等都有詳細的闡述,希望提供有志創業的朋友們一個參考。

    Most of the cases discussed in Harvard are large corporate business and strategy, although a lot of decision-making has reference value, but for beginning entrepreneurs, is still out of reach. This case we discussed is a small and medium sized plastic material distributor how to break through by subtraction operation in the competitive market which is full of many large distributors, and even cooperate with other small and medium companies to achieve the strength for the decisive battle with large distributors. This article describes the most commonly operational difficulties which SMEs will face, and describes that using different strategies, from personal-run to the Red Ocean Strategy and then next step to the more profitable Blue Ocean Strategy. Only establish one company’s own characteristics, so that it can survive in this industry. This article also describes the problems in detail that will be usually happened when running a business, such as fundraising, bad debt prevention, Inventory preparation, turnover enhancing, changes in the market and crisis management. Hope can provide the friends would like to start a business for reference.
    The main character in the article was graduated from fiber and polymer engineering technology department of National Taiwan Industrial Technology Institute (NTUST predecessor). In listed company he has experienced various departments, factory quality control, construction, manufacturing, after-sales service, research and development and advisor of chairman’s office. At the age of 29, he took in charge of the factory which has three plants (total 600 people). Finally, he transferred to be an engineering plastics distributor. The previous practical experience of factory management and operation is helpful for the following business. In marketing technical support, with previous experiences, he can offer customers complete information and also develop product with customers. Besides, he can provide suppliers much confidence, customer complaints is almost 0 when being an agent. This article mentioned the business model of “subtraction operation” is to use the minimal resources to do the maximum application in a company.
    The theory of " subtraction operations" is to concentrate all resources in one familiar product item, the patterns are like the specialty store and to lower the price and profits, so that besides the original orders from small factory, we also can contact medium-sized factories and get more and bigger orders and quantity, then we can bargain with supplier to reduce the cost. After the cost was lowered, next step is to develop large factories to get more orders. Repeat this kind of operation again and again to increase competitiveness. In addition, employee is downsizing, non-core part, such as warehousing, transportation, customs clearance , simple processing, instead of hiring employees, but find others companies to cooperate, so that we do not need to lay off employees when the economy is in a slump, it is flexibility . The salary is using the system of hard-working bonus system. The bonus is according to the workload of each unit employee. When employee is not enough, the workload will be increased, unit employees also have more bonuses. It can enhance the employees’ engagement. Employee is downsizing, so we do not need to lay off our employees when the economic is in a slump. Transfer small order customers to dealers, although the numbers of customer was reduced, but we can concentrate on servicing major customers and it is easy for operation. By establish the pre-order system with customers to purchasing. After the goods importing, these goods are delivered to customers directly, it can reduce warehouse rent and transportation charge, reduce inventory, and cost savings will be feedback to customers. The profits seem to be less, but turnover rate is increased, so the total profit was improved.
    Financial Strategy we take is self-liquidating, each payment recovered prior to maturity of bank loans, there will not have excessive operation so that we can avoid the situation of Rob Peter to pay Paul. Currency Exchange rage strategy we take is natural hedge, that is, when purchasing goods by USD then receiving customers’ payment by USD, when purchasing by NTD and then receiving NTD. If we pay USD when purchasing (through bank), and receive the payment from customer by NTD. When goods arrive, we will change the loan from USD to NTD, so that the cost will be fixed, funds can be self-liquidating, there will not be much risk of currency, after all, operate rate is not our expertise.

    摘要 ABSTRACT 誌謝 目錄 圖目錄 表目錄 第一章、 緒論 1.1研究目的 第二章、 文獻探討 2.1行銷通路與材料中間商 2.2中間商的角色與價值分析 2.3中間商的功能 2.4製造商配銷策略 2.5工業材料中間商 2.5.1中間商的定義 2.5.2中間商種類Hutt and Speh(1989) 2.6工業性產品市場 2.7代理理論 2.8交易成本理論 2.9彼得原理 2.10彼得現象的危害 2.11彼得原理的因應對策 第三章、 產業與通路特性 3.1石化工業 3.2塑膠簡介 3.2.1泛用塑膠 3.2.2工程塑膠 3.2.3高性能工程塑膠 3.3聚碳酸酯(Polycarbonate) 3.3.1PC製程技術 3.3.2PC加工和用途 3.4抗菌劑 3.4.1抗菌製品概念 3.4.2石塚硝子抗菌劑 3.4.3無機抗菌劑的抗菌機制 3.5擴散劑 3.6塑膠的染色與抽粒 3.7射出成形原理與流程 第四章、 個案本文 4.1十年磨一劍 4.2公司的創立 4.3產業的西移 4.4池魚危機 4.5上帝的祝福 4.6絢爛的紅海 4.7駛向蔚藍海 4.8聯合新艦隊 第五章、 個案討論 5.1減法經營 5.2餛飩理論 5.3氣旋理論 5.4養貓女人 5.5螞蟻雄兵 5.6草船借箭 5.7合縱連橫 5.8暗度陳倉 5.9精兵政策 5.10快樂行銷 第六章、 結論 參考文獻

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