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研究生: 林家樂
論文名稱: 資訊維修服務業的領頭羊-TekCare商業模式之演化
The Powerhouse in Information Maintenance Service Industry- The Evolution of TekCare’s Business Model
指導教授: 王孔政
Kung-Jeng Wang
口試委員: 歐陽超
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 管理研究所
Graduate Institute of Management
論文出版年: 2017
畢業學年度: 105
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 60
中文關鍵詞: 核心競爭力商業模式組織變革企業轉型
外文關鍵詞: Core competence, Business model, Organizational reform, Corporate transformation
相關次數: 點閱:973下載:0
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Small and medium enterprises are constantly looking for innovative business models, however, most of innovative business models are set up on the base of old models or other examples of other industries. Accordingly, current enterprises need the true innovations. In this study, information maintenance service industry is chosen. Because of the lower prices of information products, and the new consumer behavior, “disposable” consumption (Once the machine is broken, consumers will buy a new one instead of fixing the machine.), the revenue of the corporations which sells maintenance service has decreased year by year. Therefore, the corporations have to constantly do the organizational reform and look to new ways to generate revenue. This study takes TekCare for example. This corporation has been founded for eighteen years, since 1995. TekCare is one of the biggest information maintenance corporations in Taiwan. Due to the change of consumer behavior and business tendency, TekCare has constantly done the corporate transformation to operate sustainably and to achieve the sales growth. In the past, four managers took advantage of the existing core competence to create new business models in different stages which changed TekCare’s revenue structure. This study uses case method, investigates the case: TekCare’s evolution, and combines the practice with the related theories, to analyze the case: TekCare’s core competence, business model, organizational reform, corporate transformation, and so on. This study could be divided into two parts: casebook and teacher’s manual. Both two parts can make learners know how small and medium enterprises enhance their competitiveness, create new business models, and transform the enterprises in seek of sustainable management when facing the constant changing dynamic market and under the pressure of achieving sales growth. The author expects to inspire readers with different aspects of the case in this study. To increase the logical thinking ability, to make sure the high effective implementation of operational decisions in seek of corporate transformation.

摘要 I Abstract II 誌謝 III 目錄 IV 圖目錄 VI 表目錄 VII 第一章 個案本文 1 1.1 開場白 1 1.2 個案公司簡介 2 1.3 個案公司發展史 6 1.3.1 三國歸一統 6 1.3.2 啟 -- 銷、服分離模式時期-2000年~ 6 1.3.3 承 -- 服、銷合一模式階段-2007年~ 11 1.3.4 轉 -- 銷、服合一模式第一階段-2014年~ 17 1.3.5 合 -- 銷、服合一模式第二階段【顧問式服務】-2016年~迄今 23 1.4 個案公司各階段經營問題 25 1.5 個案公司下一階段的轉型議題 31 1.6 問題探討 33 第二章 教學指引 34 2.1 個案總攬 34 2.2 教學目標 35 2.3 課前準備 36 2.4 學員課前討論 36 2.5 適用課程與對象 36 2.6 教學總覽 37 2.7 問題與參考答案 38 2.8 教學建議與時間分配 51 2.9 板書規劃 52 參考文獻 58

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