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研究生: 吳建輝
Chien-Hui Wu
論文名稱: 掌握科技脈動的創新策略技術藍圖-台灣IC設計產業義隆電子之蛻變
Master technology pulse of innovation strategy and technology roadmap The transformation of ELAN Microelectronic Corp. in Taiwan IC design industry
指導教授: 王孔政
Kung-Jeng Wang
口試委員: 梁瓊如
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 管理研究所
Graduate Institute of Management
論文出版年: 2017
畢業學年度: 105
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 47
中文關鍵詞: IC 設計產業創新策略策略技術藍圖漸進式創新開放式創新知識型產業
外文關鍵詞: IC design industry, Innovation strategy, Strategic technology blueprint, Incremental innovation, Open innovation, Knowledge industry
相關次數: 點閱:673下載:1
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  • 高科技產業快速變遷與市場瞬息萬變,台灣IC設計產業的創新策略至為重要。本研究以質性單一個案分析方法,探討義隆電子經營團隊,面對巨大的競爭對手Apple、Synaptic,如何以小博大,樹立典範的市場策略,主動出突擊並帶領企業永續經營。義隆電子從企業的初創與成長過程中,一直遭遇到瓶頸與不斷突破,在面對這些挑戰與危難中所依賴的核心技術能力,如何建構技術藍圖並循序漸進地培養及獲得,本研究將提出佐證資料加以深入討論。本研究觀察發現,義隆電子成立已經23年,以敏銳的思維來掌握市場脈動並藉由策略創新突破傳統競爭模式,造就持續獲利。即使在2008年的金融風暴仍有3億元的盈餘,可見在此一動態的競爭環境中,義隆電子不採取極易被競爭者複製的漸進式創新,而是採用集成與開放式創新模式,不僅能因應市場變化而快速切入,更能提高產品獲利能力,故此作法已經跳脫IC設計公司的傳統競爭模式。此外,面對紅色供應鏈的直接挑戰,義隆電子加入積極轉型元素,直接訴求完整模組與解決方案的提供者角色。除掌握原有IC設計核心技術能力,更整合模組製造與生產的中下游產業,未來策略佈局指紋辨識與IOT相關產業,並延伸與創造知識型產業不同的經營型態與價值。

    The rapid changes in the high-tech industry and the ever-changing market, Taiwan IC design industry innovation strategy is essential. In this thesis, we discuss the business team of Elan, in the face of huge rival Apple, Synaptic, how to set up atypical market strategy, take the initiative to assault and lead the business continuity. Elan has been experiencing bottlenecks and breakthroughs in the process of enterprise start-up and growth. In the face of these challenges and distress, the core technology ability, how to construct the technical blueprint and step by step training and acquisition, this study will be corroborated Information to be discussed in depth. The
    study found that Elan Electronics has been established for 23 years, with keen thinking to grasp the pulse of the market and through strategic innovation to break through the traditional competitive model, creating a sustained profit. Even if there is still a surplus of $ 300 million in the 2008 financial turmoil, it can be seen that in this dynamic competitive environment, Elan does not take incremental innovation that is easily replicated by competitors, but rather integrates and mergers and acquisitions. Can respond to changes in the market and quickly cut into, but also improve product profitability, so the practice has been out of IC Design Company’s traditional competitive model. In addition, facing the direct challenge of the red supply chain, Elan added a positive transition element, directly to the full module and solution provider role. In addition to master the original IC design core technology capabilities, more integrated module manufacturing and production of the middle and lower reaches of the industry, the future strategy of the layout of fingerprint identification and IOT related industries, and extend and create a knowledge-based industries different business models and values.

    目錄 摘要……………………………………………………………………………I ABSTRACT……………………………………………………………………II 誌謝……………………………………………………………………………III 目錄……………………………………………………………………………IV 圖目錄…………………………………………………………………………VI 表目錄…………………………………………………………………………VII 第一章 緒論 ………………………………………………………………………1 1.1 研究背景與動機 ………………………………………………………………1 1.2 論文架構與研究流程 …………………………………………………………4 第二章 文獻探討……………………………………………………………… 6 2.1 競爭取決創新………………………………………………………………6 2.2 創新策略指標……………………………………………………………… 7 2.3 策略技術藍圖…………………………………………………………………8 2.4 核心技術能力……………………………………………………………… 11 2.5 專利智慧財產 ……………………………………………………………… 14 第三章 IC 設計產業分析 …………………………………………………………16 3.1 全球IC 設計產業發展概況 ………………………………………………… 16 3.2 台灣IC 設計產業競爭環境 …………………………………………………19 3.3 消費性IC 設計未來發展趨勢…………………………………………………24 第四章 個案分析–義隆電子………………………………………………………26 4.1 公司成長背景……………………………………………………………… 26 4.2 產品創新能力………………………………………………………………31 4.3 競爭優勢分析 ……………………………………………………………… 32 4.4 核心技術價值 ………………………………………………………………33 4.5 深耕專利佈局……………………………………………………………… 33 4.6 參與規格制定……………………………………………………………… 35 4.7 波特五力分析……………………………………………………………… 36 4.8 未來發展策略……………………………………………………………… 38 第五章 個案討論……………………………………………………………… 40 5.1 創新之策略管理……………………………………………………………… 40 5.2 策略技術之架構……………………………………………………………… 41 5.3 技術智財之指標 ………………………………………………………… 42 第六章 結論與建議………………………………………………………………44 6.1 研究結論……………………………………………………………… 44 6.2 後續研究建議……………………………………………………………45 參考文獻………………………………………………………………46

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