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研究生: 劉日晏
Rih-yan Liu
論文名稱: 以數值方法探討有限土體對深開挖之影響
Numerical Analysis of the Effect of Limited Soil Space Condition on Deep Excavation Behavior
指導教授: 林宏達
Horn-Da Lin
口試委員: 楊國鑫
Kuo-Hsin Yang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 營建工程系
Department of Civil and Construction Engineering
論文出版年: 2013
畢業學年度: 101
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 127
中文關鍵詞: 深開挖有限土體有限土體深開挖距牆比L/H沉陷量影響範圍最大沉陷量數值分析
外文關鍵詞: deep excavation, limit soil space condition, limit soil deep excavation, wall distance ratio, L/H, settlement influence zone, maximum ground settlement, Numerical analysis
相關次數: 點閱:336下載:8
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In response to the demand for urban development, now most structures are highrise office and residential buildings. In addition to increasing height of the upper structure, the excavating depth is also increasing. However, in an urban region deep excavation, commonly involves the existing of adjacent buildings. Existing adjacent underground structures and excavation retaining walls from a restricted soil condition, called the limited soil condition. According to domestic and international experience the earth pressure induced by this type of finite soil body is smaller than that caused by infinite soil mass.

This study adopts the finite element method, "PLAXIS" program, to cinduct two-dimension numerical analyses of the the effect of limited soil space condition on deep excavation behavior. First, study a real excavation case to verify the effect of finite soil space on the deformation of diaphragm wall. The results show that when the distance decrease between the adjacent underground structure and the retaining wall, the deformation of the retaining wall decreases; when the distance increase, the deformation of the retaining wall increases. Second, simplify the real excavation profile to establish the hypothetical case, then analyze and discuss several important influential factors. The results verify that the displacement of diaphragm wall increases with increasing wall distance ratio (L/He). Analytical results also show that under different wall distance ratio, different adjacent underground structures depth will affect displacement of diaphragm wall, maximum ground settlement and settlement influence zone and its tendency.

論文摘要 I ABSTRACT III 致謝 V 目錄 VII 表目錄 X 圖目錄 XI 第一章 前言 1 1.1 研究動機與目的 2 1.2 研究內容及流程 4 第二章 文獻回顧 6 2.1主動土壓力理論 6 2.1.1 Rankine土壓力理論 6 2.1.2 Coulomb土壓力理論 8 2.2 設計用土壓力 9 2.2.1 非凝聚性土壤 9 2.2.2 凝聚性土壤 10 2.3有限土體土壓力分析評估 11 2.3.1 開挖深度轉換法 12 2.3.2 庫倫土壓力轉換法 12 2.3.3 有限土體主動土壓力修正法 14 2.3.4 加勁擋土牆窄牆土壓力評估法 17 2.3.5 有限土體極限平衡法 18 2.4 有限土體對深開挖之影響 23 2.5 小結 27 第三章 案例介紹及數值分析模式建立 29 3.1案例工區介紹 29 3.1.1 工區概要 29 3.1.2 工區地質概況 32 3.1.3 工區監測系統概況 33 3.2分析軟體介紹 34 3.2.1 莫爾庫倫模式 35 3.2.2 土壤硬化模式 37 3.3數值模擬參數 42 3.3.1 土壤參數 42 3.3.2 擋土結構參數 49 3.4數值模擬之邊界條件 52 3.5數值模擬步驟 55 3.5.1 數值模擬之說明 55 3.5.2 數值模擬深開挖之步驟 58 第四章 案例分析結果與驗證 61 4.1 案例數值分析 61 4.1.1 C1-II(MC) 62 4.1.2 C1-II(HS) 67 4.2 相關案例介紹 79 4.3 小結 82 第五章 假設案例建立與探討 83 5.1有限土體深開挖數值分析概念 83 5.2假設案例數值模擬之建立 84 5.2.1 影響有限土體因子 85 5.2.2 數值模式建立和分析參數 87 5.3數值模擬驗證及探討 93 5.3.1 有限土體對擋土壁變位之影響 93 5.3.2 有限土體對地表沉陷之影響 105 5.3.3 真實案例與假設案例結果之綜合討論 115 5.4有限土體影響深度探討 117 第六章 結論與建議 121 6.1結論 121 6.2建議 123 參考文獻 125

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