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研究生: 陳均維
Jyum-Wei Chen
論文名稱: 多階加勁邊坡受降雨入滲破壞之試驗與分析研究
Investigation of a Multi-tier Geosynthetic-Reinforced Soil Slope Failure subject to Rainfall Infiltration
指導教授: 鄧福宸
Fu-Chen Teng
Kuo-Hsin Yang
口試委員: 賴世屏
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 營建工程系
Department of Civil and Construction Engineering
論文出版年: 2017
畢業學年度: 105
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 172
中文關鍵詞: 低滲透性土壤加勁擋土邊坡不飽和土壤滲流與應力耦合分析邊坡破壞
外文關鍵詞: Marginal backfill, GRS structure, unsaturated soil, hydro-mechanical coupling analysis, slope failure
相關次數: 點閱:577下載:15
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This paper presents a failure case investigation of a multi-tier geosynthetic-reinforced soil slope with marginal backfill subjects to rainfall infiltration. The considered slope is 26 m high, 4 tier geogrid-reinforced structure constructed for traffic demands in mountain area in Taichung, Taiwan. Contrary to the backfill recommendations in design guidelines, low permeability sandy silt (CL-ML) with over 60% of fines was used as backfill in the reinforced zone. The shear strength of this kind of soil would decrease according to the increasing pore water pressure triggered by the low permeability. This GRS structure first experienced excessive deformation after seasons of typhoon and heavy rainfall from 2010-2012, and the measured settlement at wall crest were 140 cm from June to December 2012. Although an immediate remediation had been conducted for the excessive deformation, the slope finally collapsed caused by two sequential typhoon events in August 2013. A series of soil mechanic laboratory test will be used in this study, including mineral components, physical and engineering properties of the soil. However, not only those properties mentioned above will be done, but also unsaturated one, such like pressure plate test to determine soil-water characteristic curve (SWCC). After soil laboratory tests have been done, a numerical finite element study using hydro-mechanical coupling analysis will be used to investigate the failure mechanisms of this GRS structure. According to the analysis, this study will propose design and construction implication for GRS structures with marginal backfill subject to heavy rainfall.

論文摘要 I ABSTRACT II 誌謝 III 目錄 IV 表目錄 VII 圖目錄 IX 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 研究動機與目的 1 1.2 研究內容與論文架構 6 第二章 文獻回顧 9 2.1 不飽和土壤特性 9 2.1.1 不飽和土壤 9 2.1.2 不飽和土壤之基質吸力 11 2.1.3 不飽和土壤之水分特性曲線 13 2.1.4 不飽和土壤之水力傳導係數 17 2.1.5 不飽和土壤之剪力強度 19 2.2 降雨入滲對邊坡之影響 24 2.2.1 降雨入滲對土壤水文特性及地下水之影響 25 2.2.2 降雨入滲對邊坡穩定之影響 31 2.3 滲流與應力耦合分析之相關研究 32 第三章 案例介紹 34 3.1 地理位置 37 3.2 地形與地質概況 39 3.2.1 地形 39 3.2.2 地質概況 40 3.3 地質鑽探 42 3.4 加勁邊坡設計施工 46 3.5 邊坡量測資料 50 3.5.1 降雨量監測 50 3.5.2 邊坡位移監測 53 3.6 破壞原因 56 第四章 回填土試驗及其他參數性質 61 4.1 試驗計劃及流程 61 4.2 土壤基本物理性質試驗 63 4.2.1 比重試驗 63 4.2.2 粒徑分布曲線 64 4.2.3 阿太堡試驗 65 4.3 X-Ray繞射試驗(XRD test) 68 4.4 土壤修正夯實試驗 75 4.5 土壤工程性質試驗 78 4.5.1 試體準備 78 4.5.2 試驗前置步驟 80 4.5.3 三軸透水試驗 83 4.5.4 三軸壓密不排水壓縮試驗 86 4.6 不飽和土壤水分特性試驗 94 4.7 岩石力學試驗及其結果 102 4.8 加勁材性質 104 第五章 數值模擬 106 5.1 外部穩定分析 106 5.2 數值分析軟體介紹 112 5.3 不飽和滲流與應力耦合分析 113 5.4 邊坡模型建立 123 5.4.1 幾何模型 123 5.4.2 材料參數設定 125 5.4.3 網格及邊界條件設定 133 5.4.4 初始狀態模擬 135 5.5 數值模型模擬驗證 137 5.6 改善措施 143 5.6.1 土釘設置 143 5.6.2 使用排水性佳之砂土 147 5.6.3 結果與討論 148 第六章 結論與建議 150 6.1 結論 150 6.2 建議 151 參考文獻 152

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