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研究生: 謝漢川
Han-Chuan Hsieh
論文名稱: 基植於虛擬化技術之物聯網行動雲端運算平台研究
IoT-Mobile Cloud Computing Platform based on Virtualization Technology
指導教授: 陳俊良
Jiann-Liang Chen
口試委員: 郭耀煌
Yau-Hwang Kuo
Chun-Shiow Chen
Chu-Sing Yang
Bih-Hwang Lee
Ing-Yi Chen
Tsung-Nan Lin
Wei-Kuan Shih
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電機工程系
Department of Electrical Engineering
論文出版年: 2018
畢業學年度: 106
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 100
中文關鍵詞: 物聯網行動雲端運算網路功能虛擬化第五代行動通訊網路行動邊界運算
外文關鍵詞: Internet of Things, Mobile Cloud Computing, Network Function Virtualization, Fifth Generation of Mobile Networks, Mobile Edge Computing
相關次數: 點閱:589下載:0
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下一世代的資通訊(Information and Communication Technology, ICT)發展趨勢,已由單一技術應用邁向多種資訊技術匯流整合,尤其是物聯網(Internet of Things, IoT)發展的全面到來,所引發的技術變革,如萬物聯網(Internet of Everythings, IoE)所創造可觀的全球經濟市場,從日常生活中的各種應用擴展到任何其他用途。隨著網際網路的蓬勃發展,無線通訊技術及行動計算技術也隨之日新月異,行動通訊用戶及服務提供商處於異質網路環境中,物聯網應用管理機制也隨著雲端運算能力(Cloud Computing)、大數據(Big Data)分析與虛擬化技術提升,建立一個具有靈活彈性的網路和巨量連結終端情境,使得實體網路資源得以共享,藉此降低成網路本及達到客製化的服務,以增幅網路頻寬及提升網路控制與管理的彈性。
本研究提出一套整合軟體定義網路與物聯網行動雲端運算(IoT-Mobile Cloud Computing, IoT-MCC)系統平台,透過多重代理人機制(Multi-Agent Scheme),學習及分享異質網路情況,並且能夠迅速又有效率地調整網路資源,滿足異質網路服務品質(Quality of Service, QoS)管理需求。整合軟體定義網路(Software-Defined Networking, SDN)的可程式設計介面掌握網路底層資訊,提供雲端平台虛擬化網路和自動配置適應功能,進行流量工程(Traffic Engineering, TE)機制研究,達到行動用戶之動態資源調配需求,進而將代理模組運作機制使控制信令流量群組化,減少巨量資料傳輸導致信令壅塞的風險,提高系統服務水準協議(Service Level Agreement, SLA)需求,及提升用戶之應用服務體驗(Quality of Experience, QoE)。因應物聯網應用能提供更即時與具彈性的服務,減輕對於雲端平台之運算與儲存負擔需求,導入第五代行動通訊(Fifth Generation of Mobile Networks, 5G)網路架構之整合軟體定義網路SDN與網路功能虛擬化(Network Function Virtualization, NFV)之行動邊界運算(Mobile Edge Computing, MEC)技術進行研究,將運算、傳輸與儲存資源等從雲端伺服中心擴展到較貼近於物件及使用者端,此架構有別於傳統雲端架構需要由物件/使用者直接連上遠端的資料中心才能存取服務,對區域端物聯網應用能提供更即時與具彈性的服務,對於雲平台端也可協助減輕其運算與儲存負擔。雲端平台虛擬化網路和路由配置功能,可符合資源調配需求,將資料轉送至後端伺服器,或將資料於邊界端設備直接進行計算,該系統平台可有效節省核心網路和後端伺服器的15%的系統資源,並顯著縮短平均30%的時延。

The development trend of next-generation Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is already moving away from using a single technology for everything and toward the integration and merging a variety of information technologies. In particular, the comprehensive development of the Internet of Things (IoT), triggered by the technological changes, such as Internet of Everything (IoE) creates a substantial global market, which can be expanded to a variety of applications in daily life and great number of usages. With the spread of the Internet, wireless communications technology and mobile computing technology are also constantly changing, creating a heterogeneous network environment for both users and service providers. IoT application management mechanisms and the development of Cloud Computing, Big Data analytics and Virtualization Technologies have created a lively, flexible network and a large-scale IoT terminal environment. It contains physical network resources and can to be shared by virtualized methods. It is also needed to increase utilization of network bandwidth, flexibility of controls and management capability.
This study developed an IoT-Mobile Cloud Computing (IoT-MCC) platform based on virtualization technology through the Multi-Agent Scheme, learning and sharing heterogeneous network conditions to quickly and efficiently adjust network resources to meet the Quality of Service (QoS) requirements of the network. The proposed Traffic Engineering (TE) mechanism presents a novel cooperative multi-agent system in SDN environment based on a cooperative concept and awareness algorithm for QoS management in heterogeneous network. Groups of Control signaling will dynamically attach request signaling by Agent-Based operations to reduce large scale signaling lead to network congestion risk and to enhance system Service Level Agreement (SLA) and attempts to enhance users’ Quality of Experience (QoE). To offer more readily available and flexible service for IoT applications, Mobile Edge Computing (MEC) integrates with Software-Defined Networking (SDN) and Network Function Virtualization (NFV) technologies toward Fifth Generation of Mobile Networks (5G) is adopted. The architecture is distinctive from traditional cloud-based services which require objects/users to connect to distant servers to store, send or save data. Instead, server centers are expanded to be more accessible to objects and users. The ability to send information for computation can optimize 15% of server resources utilization and help to save a significant amount of resources of IoT gateway to reduce 30% of latency.
Therefore, the integration of Cloud Computing, Mobile Networks, IoT and MEC technologies will be needed to provide a more flexible, highly scalable new-generation network foundation and application architecture, and to utilize unique rapidly deployed and innovative network architecture and communication protocols. It is also needed to increase utilization of network bandwidth, flexibility of controls and management capability. In addition the emulation scheme for QoS management and platform performance evaluation, this IoT-MCC platform will prove to be significant progress for ecosystem applications for IoT integrated architectures in 4G or next coming 5G networks.

摘要 I Abstract III Table of Contents VII List of Abbreviations IX Index of Figures XIII Index of Tables XVI Chapter 1 Introduction 1 Chapter 2 Related Works 4 2.1 IoT over LTE Integrated Architecture 5 2.2 IMS-4G-Cloud Networks Architecture 6 2.3 IoT-IMS Architecture with Agent-based Mechanism 8 2.4 Container-based Virtualization Technology for IoT Applications 9 Chapter 3 LTE Test-bed Framework for IoT QoS Architecture 11 3.1 Background Considerations 13 3.2 Test-bed Architecture 18 3.3 Network Model 21 3.4 Agent Module 25 3.5 Network Implementation 27 Chapter 4 Multi-Agent Scheme in IMS-4G-Cloud Networks 31 4.1 Fundamental Consideration 32 4.2 DMAS Scheme Mechanism 33 4.3 DMAS Support for Service Continuity Management 41 4.4 Implementation and Analysis 45 Chapter 5 Mobile IMS Platform for Internet of Things 48 5.1 General Considerations 49 5.2 Agent-based Mechanism for IoT-IMS Platform 56 5.3 Q-Learning Algorithm Operation 60 5.4 Network Implementation 61 5.5 Performance Analysis 67 Chapter 6 Edge Computing Platform for IoT Applications 70 6.1 Fundamental Consideration 72 6.2 System Modeling 76 6.3 Network Implementation 80 6.4 Performance Analysis 81 Chapter 7 Conclusion and Future Work 86 7.1 Conclusion 86 7.2 Future Work 87 Reference 88

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