研究生: |
陳筠文 Yun-Wen Chen |
論文名稱: |
社企力推動地方創生-以甘樂文創及小鎮文創為例 Using Placemaking Strategies in Social Enterprise to Promote Local Economy |
指導教授: |
Meng-Yen Lin |
口試委員: |
Meng-Yen Lin 黃美慈 Mei-Tzu Huang 呂文琴 Wen-Chin Lu |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
管理學院 - 企業管理系 Department of Business Administration |
論文出版年: | 2021 |
畢業學年度: | 109 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 52 |
中文關鍵詞: | 地方創生 、社會企業 、線上評論 、品牌態度 、文字探勘 |
外文關鍵詞: | Placemaking, Social Enterprise, Online Review, Brand Attitude, Text Mining |
相關次數: | 點閱:1065 下載:22 |
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「地方創生」一詞源自於日本於2014年所提出的地方治理模式,用於解決社會人口結構所面臨的困境。近年來台灣因高齡化社會及城鄉差距擴大所衍生出的社會問題,行政院國家發展委員會於2016年開始推動「設計翻轉 地方創生」計畫,將地方創生概念導入地方鄉鎮發展。隨著計畫實施,各地方以發展當地特色帶動地方經濟,而以觀光模式發展的地方創生型之社會企業也需在達到經濟績效之下,同時兼顧社會績效。本研究選擇台灣最具代表性的地方創生成功案例「甘樂文創」及「小鎮文創」兩家社會企業作為研究對象進行分析。
本研究運用大數據分析,透過 Google Maps 平台蒐集評論,並以文字探勘技術發掘消費者關注面向,接續以準實驗法,設計問卷探究地方創生型之社會企業作為品牌其受試者對行為意圖的影響,而研究結果顯示,品牌態度對「口碑傳遞」、「購買意圖」及「願付更高價格」皆具顯著影響。最後,據本研究結果建議業者應適度地調整訂價策略,並善用社會企業的品牌優勢與地方特色,讓消費者願意支持經營理念,進而提升良好行為意圖之意願。
"Placemaking" is a kind of policy which implemented by Japan in 2014. The purpose is to solve the problem faced by the social demographic structure. In recent years, Taiwan face some problems like aging society and the widening gap between urban and rural area. Therefore the government implemented a project about "Placemaking" in 2016 to promote the development in the rural area. With the implementation of the project, more and more local areas in Taiwan start developing tourism to improve their economic and social problems. However, social enterprises usually using "Placemaking" as a strategy to improve problems in the rural area. Moreover, these types of social enterprises also need to achieve economic performance, while taking into account social performance. This study selected two social enterprises, "Can Culture" and "Town Culture" as the objects of our study.
We used Text Mining technology to obtain the relevant data of these two social enterprises from Google Maps and extracted key dimensions about consumer concerns. Next, we used a quasi-experimental method to explore the relationship between brand attitude and behavioral intention about social enterprise with the "Placemaking" mode. The findings provide useful insights for practice and future research in management.
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