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研究生: 廖筠松
Yun-Song Liao
論文名稱: 班網助教協助班級經營之研究—以龍門國中為例
A Research of Developing Teaching Assistant and Cyber Tutor in Assisting Comprehensive Class Management — An example of Taipei Long-Men Junior High School
指導教授: 王有禮
Yue-Li Wang
口試委員: 徐俊傑
Chun-Chieh Hsu
Wei-Ning Yang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 管理研究所
Graduate Institute of Management
論文出版年: 2006
畢業學年度: 94
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 135
中文關鍵詞: 班級經營班網家教網路學習社群合作式學習建構式學習學習動機
外文關鍵詞: Comprehensive Class Management, Teaching Assistant, Cyber Tutor
相關次數: 點閱:555下載:28
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Comprehensive class management is the fundamental of overall school management. The vision and execution quality of respective class mentor will affect total quality of school management and respective class stakeholders interest. However, many class mentors among junior high school teacher groups might be limited by entire teaching environment, internally or externally, personally or environmentally factors to be effective execution in class management. The 9-year consecutive policy of elementary and junior high school education encourages parents participating the comprehensive school and class management as well. But teachers and school authority are somehow conservative in attitude of parents participation in general class affairs, by the reason of respecting the responsibility and professionalism of class mentor. As matter of fact, the junior high students, are in the stage of diversity, must need to put more attentions and supports on by the intensive cooperation of teachers, parents and the general school administrations.

Furthermore, by an observation of employment in education industry, the formal teacher vacancies become limited recently due to slower personnel renewal. It’s getting harder and harder to be employed as formal school teacher right after graduated from colleges, or even harder to obtain on-site practicing opportunity prior to graduation. “Homeless teacher” is increasing due to teaching personnel demand and supply imbalance, and becomes a abnormal phenomenal which government may need to put attention on.

Therefore, we are proposing a innovative class mentoring model by combining the concerns of teachers(especially class mentors), parents and teacher-to-be college students,Let the teacher-to-be students or unemployed teacher candidates act as teaching assistants and cyber tutors for junior high school class mentors and students, by the sponsorship of parents, in helping of comprehensive class management and learning motives. Through a class level learning website or internet community, teaching assistants and cyber tutors will help students in homework doing, lessons reviewing and problem solving after regular classes. The assistants and tutors are the agents of parents who were providing additional teaching and learning service to protect class relevant stakeholders’ interest.

A experimental web system and team were conducted for testing the innovative mentoring model and gathering opinions. By the permission and support of Long-Men Junior High School in Taipei City, Class 708 and Class 711 were selected to be the testing groups. We had worked closely with both classes members and obtained the feedbacks for feasibility analysis through the study. We hope the finding results could help school, parent and education policy authority thinking about the comprehensive class management effective solution also teaching human resource over supply and relevant issues as well.

中文摘要 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I 英文摘要 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------II 誌 謝 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IV 圖表索引 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VII 第一章緒論 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 1.1 研究背景 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 1.2 研究目的 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 1.3 研究範圍 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 第二章文獻探討 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 2.1班級經營與班網 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 2.2家教 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 2.3網路學習社群 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15 2.4學習動機 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 23 第三章系統規劃與實作 ------------------------------------------------------------------ 28 3.1前言 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 28 3.2實驗系統的設計理念 ---------------------------------------------------------------- 29 3.3計畫沿革及時程規劃 ---------------------------------------------------------------- 32 3.4參與實驗師資生介紹 ---------------------------------------------------------------- 35 3.5大事紀回顧 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 38 第四章系統實施 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 42 4.1OHMYTEN簡介 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 42 4.2實驗階段網站使用功能之介紹 ---------------------------------------------------- 46 4.3實施結果與檢討 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 93 第五章結論與建議 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 99 5.1 結論 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 99 5.2 建議 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 101 參考文獻 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 105 附 錄 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------112 授 權 書

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