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研究生: 李家宏
Jia-Hong - Lee
論文名稱: 全自動即時電腦視覺系統與多階層式人工智慧-應用於臉部美妝保養行為辨識
Real Time Computer Vision Action Recognition System using Hierarchical Machine Learning Models for Facial Makeups Behavior Analysis
指導教授: 王靖維
Ching-Wei Wang
口試委員: 郭景明
Jing-Ming Guo
Hui-Hua Chiang
Wei-Chun Hsu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 應用科技學院 - 醫學工程研究所
Graduate Institute of Biomedical Engineering
論文出版年: 2016
畢業學年度: 105
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 71
中文關鍵詞: 臉部物件偵測臉部物件追蹤行為辨識機器學習多階層演算架構學習影像特徵值擷取
外文關鍵詞: face detection, face tracking, action recognition, machine learning, hierarchical learning, feature extraction
相關次數: 點閱:614下載:2
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本研究利用自身建立的影片資料庫,此影片資料庫擁有多動作類別影片與動作類別資料量分布不均的特性,對此影片資料庫裡每個動作影像序列進行人臉物件偵測與追蹤來擷取出人臉區域視窗,之後調整人臉區域視窗到合適的大小來產生區域影像,對所有區域影像做影像特徵值擷取演算法得到三維MHI影像特徵值,然後利用三維MHI影像特徵值資料庫來結合機器學習演算法隨機森林(random forests)和多階層式AdaBoostM1來做演算法分析,在演算法分析的結果中發現多階層式AdaBoostM1演算架構能有效與精確地辨識行為。

In recent years, due to rapid development of computer instruments
and computer vision and machine learning techniques, the action
recognition technology has been progressed constantly. Action
recognition techniques can be applied widely into the computer
vision applications with artificial intelligence in the human
living environment. Two of the most popular research topics in the
field of computer vision with machine intelligence are human
action recognition and face recognition.

In this thesis, a real time computer vision action recognition
system with hierarchical machine learning models is presented. The
system consists of face detection, face tracking, feature
extraction and action recognition techniques and can be applied to
recognizing facial makeups behaviors. It is extremely challenging
to develop this system because of the complexity of the targeting
applications, which is constituted of 77 kinds of actions for
recognition. Apart from high dimensionality of the data to deal
with, real time computation is critical for live streaming data

In this work, a real time action recognition system has been
built. A large video dataset were constructed for training and
quantitative evaluation. The proposed system conducts face
detection and tracking to locate the facial region of interests
for each video frame. Then, the system normalizes the size of each
region of interests and applies feature extraction to extract 3D
Motion History Image (MHI) features. In experiments, we compare
two different machine learning algorithms and learning frameworks,
including a single layer random forest and a multi-layer
hierarchical AdaBoostM1 ensemble model. In evaluation, we found
that the multi-layer hierarchical AdaBoostM1 model performs more
efficiently and effectively, producing the models only one-fifth
of the size that the single layer random forest model requires.

中文摘要..............iii Abstract.............iv 發表文獻..............v 致謝..................vi 目錄..................vii 表目錄................ix 圖目錄................x 1. 緒論...............1 1.1 研究動機.........3 1.2 研究目標.........4 1.3 研究貢獻.........4 1.4 論文架構.........5 2. 研究背景............6 3. 研究方法............17 4. 實驗設計與結果分析...53 5. 結論與未來展望.......67

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