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研究生: 吳國修
Kuo-Hsiu Wu
論文名稱: 基於離散小波轉換與形態學硬體實現多個車牌偵測
Multiple License Plate Detection Based on Discrete Wavelet Transform and Morphological Hardware Design
指導教授: 許孟超
Mon-Chau Shie
口試委員: 張延任
Yen-Jen Chang
Shanq-Jang Ruan
Wen-Yao Liang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電子工程系
Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering
論文出版年: 2008
畢業學年度: 96
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 77
中文關鍵詞: 離散小波轉換形態學車牌偵測
外文關鍵詞: Discrete Wabelet Transform, Morphology, License Plate Detection
相關次數: 點閱:439下載:3
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本論文以FGPA實現小波離散轉換以及形態學硬體,提供一個更快速的讀取與演算硬體設計,並且達到多個車牌偵測與機車車牌偵測。利用上述的方法,我們不僅可以偵測汽車車牌,也可以偵測到機車車牌,並且達到多個車牌的偵測。經過實驗,系統可以有95% 的車牌偵測率,本論文系統實現上除了在應用面的研究之外,還提出改善離散小波轉換讀取模組與形態學演算的學術研究成果,經過實際硬體的實現驗證,該兩項模組均達到可觀的執行速度改善。

The field of license plate detection has been widely researched and developed in the region of academic and business. According to the feature of text and shape of license plate, this paper presents an improved method.

First, the vertical features are extracted via 2-D discrete wavelet transform (DWT). Second, the features will be grouped with the license plate shape by morphological process (Closing and Opening). Final, the candidate regions will be filtered via many dimension thresholds with 4-Connected Components, and then to obtain the license plate region. All the characters of license plate region are segmented through binary, 4-Connected Component and many dimension thresholds. Then we use OCR to recognize those characters for verifying the capability of license plate detection.

This paper presents two hardware modules that involve DWT and mathematical morphological (MM). Faster data access and multi-licenses detection are realized through the hardware accomplishment in FPGA. Not only the license plates of the automobile are located but also motorbike and multi-plates are both be located via the method we mention above. Beside the application field, this paper improves the DWT module into a simple design as well as speed-up the MM module with an advanced algorithm in academic field. In the experiment, the faster performance of these tow hardware modules is verified.

論文摘要 i Abstract ii 誌謝 錯誤! 尚未定義書籤。 目錄 iv 圖索引 vi 表格索引 ix 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 研究動機與目的 1 1.2 研究方法與目的 2 1.3 論文內容概要 4 第二章 相關知識 5 2.1 離散小波轉換 5 2.1.1 一維離散小波轉換 6 2.1.2 二維離散小波轉換 9 2.1.3 升級式小波轉換 11 2.1.4 升級式小波轉換的整數運算 14 初始步驟 15 平行步驟 16 完成步驟 17 2.2 數學形態學 18 2.2.1 膨脹 18 2.2.3 斷開與閉合 20 2.3 其他影像處理相關知識 25 2.3.1 二值化( Binary ) 25 固定門檻值 25 像素平均門檻值 25 統計式門檻值 26 2.3.2 連通物件 27 2.4 開發平台與 Avalon MM 30 2.4.1 Avalon Memory-Mapped 31 Avalon 相關訊號埠 32 Avalon read_master 狀態機 33 第三章 硬體模組設計與效能 34 3.1 離散小波轉換硬體模組 34 3.1.1 硬體設計原理 34 DWT processor設計 35 DWT r/w controller 設計 38 3.1.2 DWT 硬體設計架構 39 3.1.3 DWT 效能 41 3.2 形態學硬體模組 43 3.2.1 硬體設計原理 43 原型設計 43 改良設計 47 原始與改良設計原理推估與比較: 54 3.2.2 硬體設計架構 60 3.2.3 Morphological 效能 63 第四章 系統整合與實驗 66 4.1 NiosII Stratix Development Board 66 4.2 車牌偵測硬體系統架構 67 4.3 候選車牌與字元選取 69 4.3 其他實驗結果 71 第五章 結論與未來展望 74 5.1 結論 74 5.1 未來展望 74 參考文獻 75

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