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研究生: 官婉玲
論文名稱: 世界金融科技趨勢下我國金融業之展望
The Prospect of Taiwan's Financial Industry under the Trend of Global Fintech
指導教授: 陳俊男
Chun-Nan Chen
Pin Luarn
口試委員: 陳俊男
Chun-Nan Chen
Pin Luarn
Yung-Ming Li
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 財務金融研究所
Graduate Institute of Finance
論文出版年: 2018
畢業學年度: 106
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 86
中文關鍵詞: 金融科技行動支付P2P 網路借貸智能理財機器人金融沙盒
外文關鍵詞: financial technology, mobile payment, peer-to-peer lending, smart finance robot, financial sandbox
相關次數: 點閱:898下載:4
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本研究彙整世界金融科技發展趨勢,並且專注於行動支付、P2P 網路借貸、以及智能理財機器人發展狀況,這也是台灣目前銀行較為熱門的金融科技發展領域。

美國、中國大陸與丹麥行動支付發展狀況。根據統計資料,美國 2017 年行動支付交易金額達到 492.9 億美元,2019 年預估將高達 1,417 億美元,2021 年交易金額預估將達到 1899.7 億元。中國行動支付交易金額在 2016 年也已經超過 50 億美元,未來金融科技發展看好。丹麥行動支付交易金額於 2015 年的統計資料為 8,400 萬美元,預估於 2021 年時,將成長至 37 億美元,每年將以 2-3 倍速度增長。

P2P 網路借貸之世界發展趨勢,本研究蒐研美國、中國大陸與英國發展情況。美國方面,P2P 網路借貸具有高投資報酬率以及平台有效管控投資風險,因此吸引投資者資金挹注,發展前景看好。中國目前是全球擁有最多 P2P 借貸平台的國家,規模約為 669 億美元,是美國的四倍。英國 P2P 截至 2015 年為止,貸款人數達 12.8 萬人,借款人數則達 27.3 萬人,產值於 2015 年 4 月為止至少已經累積至 13.9 億英鎊。

智能理財機器人,本研究列舉美國、中國大陸、以及英國發展狀況。美國預估 2016年與 2017 年美國理財機器人投資顧問業者的資產管理規模約達 3,000 億與 5,000 億美元。中國大陸到 2020 年,預計中國人工智能理財規模將達到 5.22 兆人民幣。



This study collected data and analyzed trends on the development of global financial
technology and focused on the development of mobile payment, peer-to-peer (P2P) lending, and smart finance robots. These are also popular fields of financial technology development in Taiwan.

The total transactions of mobile payments in the United States reached US$49.29 billion in 2017 and are estimated to reach US$141.7 billion in 2019 and US$189.97 billion in 2021. The total mobile payments in China exceeded US$5 billion in 2016 and demonstrate the potential for development. In Denmark, total transactions were US$84 million in 2015 and are estimated to grow two to three times annually to reach US$3.7 billion by 2021. This study researched the United States, China, and the United Kingdom for global development trends for P2P lending. In the United States, P2P lending has a high return on investment and effective control of investment risk and, therefore, attracts the capital investment of investors and shows favorable development prospects. China currently has the highest number of P2P lending platforms in the world and a scale of approximately US$66.9 billion, which is four times that of the United States. As of 2015, the number of P2P lenders in the United Kingdom was 128,000, whereas the number of borrowers reached 273,000 people, and the accumulated production had reached £1.39 billion by April 2015.

The United States estimates that the scale of asset management of finance robot
investment consultants in the United States reached US$300 billion and US$500 billion in 2016 and 2017. By 2020, China estimates that the scale of artificial intelligence finance in China will reach US$5.22 trillion. With the passing of the Retail Distribution Review in the United Kingdom in 2013, low-cost Internet investment services emerged, facilitating the rise of the finance robot investment consulting industry.

To compare global financial technology development trends with those in Taiwan, this
study used interviews to investigate the development of financial technology in Taiwan to discover the position of Taiwan in the wave of financial technology development. As Taiwan was at an early development stage for financial technology, consumer acceptance had much room for improvement. Respondents stated that cross-border consumption or cross-border finance industry cooperation should be opened up to break out of the current situation. Industry–academia cooperation should be increased for schools to understand the needs of enterprises and increase the quality and quantity of financial technology talents.

Finally, respondents emphasized the importance of the financial regulatory sandbox
when asked about the difficulties regarding financial technology laws and regulations in Taiwan.

Under the supervision of competent authorities, practitioners at this experimental site Taiwan tested innovative products, services, and even business models as much as they liked and enjoyed temporary exemption and guidance from regulations. They had many interactions with supervisors and worked closely with them to jointly solve supervision or legal problems that were discovered or generated during testing。

摘要 ........................................................................... I ABSTRACT ..................................................................... III 目 錄 ........................................................................... V 圖目錄 ........................................................................ VII 表目錄 ....................................................................... VIII 第一章 緒論 ...................................................................... 1 1.1 研究動機與背景 ............................................................... 1 1.2 世界金融科技趨勢 ............................................................. 2 1.3 我國金融科技發展現況與困境 .................................................... 4 1.4 研究目的 .................................................................... 7 1.5 研究流程 .................................................................... 8 第二章 世界金融科技發展狀況 ...................................................... 10 2.1 行動支付發展現況 ............................................................ 10 2.2 P2P 融資發展現況 ............................................................ 20 2.3 智能理財機器人發展現況 ....................................................... 25 第三章 研究設計 ................................................................. 30 3.1 研究方法與架構 .............................................................. 30 3.2 訪談對象 ................................................................... 31 3.3 訪談問題架構 ................................................................ 33 第四章 研究結果 ................................................................. 35 4.1 行動支付訪談結果 ............................................................ 35 4.2 P2P 網路借貸訪談結果 ........................................................ 39 4.3 智能理財機器人訪談結果 ....................................................... 41 4.4 我國金融科技發展訪談結果 ..................................................... 43 第五章 結論與研究建議 ........................................................... 47 5.1 本文結論.................................................................... 47 5.2 研究限制與未來建議 .......................................................... 50 參考文獻 ....................................................................... 53 中文文獻........................................................................ 53 英文文獻 ....................................................................... 54 網際網路 ....................................................................... 54 附錄 ........................................................................... 56 附錄一 世界金融科技趨勢下我國金融業之展望-訪談題目 ................................. 56 附錄二 世界金融科技趨勢下我國金融業之展望-訪談逐字稿 ............................... 58

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