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研究生: 曾綉珍
Hsiu-Chen Tseng
論文名稱: 居家物件之處境共同推測: 利用已有的App推測居家物件的三種方法
Situated co-speculation of home objects: Three methods of speculating home objects using existing Apps
指導教授: 梁容輝
Rung-Huei Liang
口試委員: 蔡文傑
Wenn-Chieh Tsai
Neng-Hao Yu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學院 - 設計系
Department of Design
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 100
中文關鍵詞: 推測設計物聯網纏結
外文關鍵詞: Speculative design, Internet of Things, Entanglement
相關次數: 點閱:459下載:31
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物聯網(Internet of Things)透過數據收集提高了設計水平,數據為生活提供新的可能,但我們仍不確定科技數據的應用僅是讓生活更便捷優化的創新嗎?在人機互動(Human-computer Interaction, HCI)領域展開一連串人與物的互動經驗探討,透過推測設計(Speculative design)推展出多重可能的未來,本研究透過三種推測方法,進一步探討當前推測設計與科技數據的可能,並設想未來的人機互動(Human-computer Interaction, HCI)如何有效的透過虛擬科技與生活經驗結合,創造出具深度推測思維的產物。

IoT (Internet of Things) improve the level of design through data collection. Although data provide new possibilities for human life, we still can’t make sure whether the use of technology data is merely an innovation for a more convenient life, though. In the field of HCI (Human-computer Interaction), series of discussion of the interaction experience between human and things have been explored. Expanding the multiple possible futures through Speculative design, this thesis steps forward to discuss the possibilities of current speculative design and technology data using three methods of speculation. Furthermore, the research also imaging how the future human-computer interaction effectively integrated with life experience through virtual technology and create products with deep speculative thinking.
Presenting different situations of home environment and things, the research makes participants explore home objects through three perspectives: the first person, the third person and explaining other’s objects. Different visions make various degrees of entanglement or limitation.
The contribution of this thesis is comparing different research of speculative design to reopen a possible method of speculative design. Moreover, using the method of designing the experiment, this thesis keeps exploring and reviewing materials such as life objects, virtual App stickers and different methods of situated speculation. Also, the research proposed new possible form of workshop, re-discussing the entanglement experience of home objects generated by the speculative. Then, we re-analyze and explain the output and qualitative interview results of the workshop.
The four possible futures of IOT have been speculated, including the imagination of commitment to spirit, the reflection of the space, home helper with consciousness, and the interaction of food production, which help us understand the predictable IOT home imagination proposals between human and things. At last, this thesis concluded the results of how to use the material, which is entangled within the speculative design workshops, to recall human’s life experience.

目錄 摘要1 ABSTRACT 2 目錄 3 圖目錄 6 表目錄 9 第一章 緒論 10 1.1研究背景 10 1.2研究動機 11 1.3研究目的 12 1.4 研究流程及架構 13 第二章 文獻探討 14 2.1推測設計(Speculative design) 14 2.2數據訊息的展現 15 2.2.1數據驅動產品未來 15 2.2.2訊息可視化的方法 16 2.3探索IOT推測物件的方法 18 2.3.1以定製手冊探索共同推測 18 2.3.2真實與虛構的纏結 19 2.3.3 IKEA未來型錄 21 第三章 研究方法 22 3.1 透過設計做研究(research through design) 22 3.2 三次工作坊之研究流程 23 3.2.1處境貼紙推測 23 3.2.2共同處境推測 24 3.2.3報紙推測 24 3.2.4後續評估、詮釋 24 第四章 推測初探 25 4.1居家處境貼紙推測 25 4.1.1 虛擬Icon與居家物的結合 25 4.1.2照片的二次詮釋 27 4.2推測提案詮釋 28 4.2.1個人經驗詮釋 29 4.2.2概化詮釋 32 4.3 小結:場域視野的侷限 33 第五章 居家共同處境推測 34 5.1共同處境推測實驗流程 34 5.2 製作實驗素材 35 5.2.1刺激小書製作 35 5.2.2推測手冊製作 37 5.3實驗過程與變化 38 5.3.1 P2A、B組意料外的實驗困難 38 5.3.2 P2C、D、E改良組的實驗過程 42 5.3.3推測提案詮釋 45 5.3.4小結:處境推測的限制 50 第六章 報紙推測實驗 51 6.1現代報紙推測 51 6.1.1推測實驗過程 51 6.1.2報紙標題文本的刺激 55 6.1.3推測提案詮釋 56 6.2舊報紙推測 60 6.2.1推測實驗結果 61 6.2.2報紙標題文本的刺激 62 6.2.3反烏托邦的未來 63 6.2.4推測提案詮釋 65 第七章 綜合評估比較 68 7.1第三方推測質量評價 68 7.1.1質量問卷製作 68 7.1.2三種推測方法之評比 69 7.1.3與舊報紙推測之比較 69 7.2報紙二次介入前兩次實驗 70 7.2.1報紙介入實體空間 70 7.2.2透過報紙詮釋居家照片 71 7.3質性評估四次推測提案 73 7.3.1食物互動演變 73 7.3.2心靈寄託轉換 74 7.3.3空間的體現 75 7.3.4居家幫手的意識 76 第八章 討論與建議 77 8.1處境視野的不同 77 8.2鉤起推測思維的纏結資料 77 8.3展開線性未來與反向推測 78 8.4過去與未來間的連結 78 8.5受測者的背景差異 79 第九章 結論 80 參考文獻 81 附錄一 83 附錄二 91 附錄三 95


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