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研究生: 葉心寬
Xin-kuan Yeh
論文名稱: 社群網路中考量互斥因子之自動分群機制
An automatic clustering mechanism considering conflicts among friends for social network
指導教授: 查士朝
Shi-Cho Cha
口試委員: 楊立偉
Li-wei Yang
Nai-Wei Lo
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 資訊管理系
Department of Information Management
論文出版年: 2013
畢業學年度: 101
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 87
中文關鍵詞: 社群網路社群偵測分群演算法個人網路分析
外文關鍵詞: social network, clustering algorithm, community detection, ego-centric network analysis
相關次數: 點閱:409下載:3
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在現實生活中使用者透過Facebook社群網站分享資訊時,為了管理分享資訊的散播,此時可以針對分享資訊個別選擇特定的朋友,可是當特定的朋友數越多時會讓造成使用者花費更多的管理成本,所以為了方便分享資訊時的操作,在Facebook 社群網路允許使用者將朋友分至特定的朋友名單,讓使用者在分享資訊時就能限制朋友名單中的所有朋友,簡化操作,此外雖然可以透過智慧型清單或自動分群機制能協助朋友名單管理,然而過去不論是智慧型清單或自動分群機制皆是將相似的朋友直接分成相同群組,卻未考量到朋友之間彼此衝突的情況。

因此本研究提出考量互斥因子之自動分群機制,主要是比較多種分群演算法進行群組適當性和時間複雜度的探討,最後選擇 BGLL 分群演算法為基礎進行改良,主要考量到朋友之間彼此衝突的情況,讓使用者提供回饋資訊進行條件設定之後,再針對使用者在Facebook社群網路中之個人網路進行分群,此時將會產生符合使用者回饋資訊的需求條件的群組。


When users use social network services, such as Facebook, Twitter and Google+, to share information, users may cluster their friends into groups and share information based on the groups to reduce costs of setting who can access the information. In this case, the more friends a user has, the more cost the user needs to put the user’s friends into groups.

Therefore, researchers develop approaches to help users to cluster or group their friends in social network services automatically. For example, Facebook provides a function to put friends of a user into friend lists based on user profiles. Therefore, users can restrict the information to be accessed by friends in selected friend lists. However, current automatic friends grouping researches focus on the similarity among user friends. We may consider conflicts among friends to increase effectiveness of friends grouping.

In addition to similarity among friends of users, this paper proposes a novel approach to group friends of users in social network services considering conflicts among friends. After comparing several current friends grouping approaches, this study select BGLL as basis and extend BGLL to consider conflicts among friends. This research further implements a system to help users consider conflicts among friends and put their friends into groups based on the proposed approach automatically.

Finally, current researches usually do not collect user feedback to evaluate effectiveness of grouping results directly. This paper proposes a method to evaluate precision and recall of friend grouping approaches base on user feedback. Therefore, this research also contributes to provide a scheme for evaluating effectiveness of friend grouping approaches in social network services.

第一章、 緒論 1 1.1 研究背景 1 1.2 研究動機 6 1.3 研究目的與貢獻 7 1.4 章節簡介 8 第二章、 文獻探討 9 2.1 社群網路之社群偵測 9 2.2 Modularity – Q值 14 2.3 BGLL 分群演算法 24 2.4 社群網站之群組應用 31 2.5 評估分群結果 34 第三章、 問題定義與解決機制 43 3.1 問題定義 43 3.2 做法說明 44 3.3 範例驗證 48 第四章、 系統開發與實作 59 4.1 基本介紹 59 4.2 應用說明 66 第五章、 實驗與評估分析 74 5.1 實驗設計 74 5.2 評估分析 78 第六章、 結論與未來建議 81 6.1 結論 81 6.2 未來研究方向與建議 83 參考文獻 84

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