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研究生: 張喬欽
Chiao-Chin Chang
論文名稱: 基於資訊韌性之金融資安保護
Financial Cybersecurity Protection Based on Information Resilience Management
指導教授: 吳宗成
Tzong-Chen Wu
口試委員: 楊傳凱
Chuan-Kai Yang
Wei-Ning Yang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 資訊管理系
Department of Information Management
論文出版年: 2021
畢業學年度: 109
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 65
中文關鍵詞: 資訊韌性金融資安保護永續發展
外文關鍵詞: Information Resilience, Financial Cybersecurity Protection, Sustainable Development
相關次數: 點閱:448下載:0
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因此,本研究提出使用資訊韌性工程框架及網路狙殺鏈模型(Cyber Kill Chain),透過文獻分析法規劃從“資安治理”、“識別與保護”、“偵測與響應”、“測試”,以及“態勢感知與學習和發展”等5大風險構面為基礎,設計具備資訊韌性的資安保護框架。再輔以網路防禦矩陣(Cyber Defense Matrix, CDM)模型,探討設計金融資訊韌性管理的方法及應用,發展金融資安保護之架構,以作為金融機構規劃辦理資訊韌性管理之參考。

Information Resilience is the key concept to sustainable development of the enterprise. With numerous investigation institutes and organizations jumping into the research, we still focus on passive defense strategies and tools when it comes to financial cybersecurity protection in Taiwan while the proactive protection approach of information resilience development still stays at the exploring stage.
Hence, this study comes up with the engineering framework of Information Resilience and Cyber Kill Chain. The Study also discusses how to design an information security frame based on the 5 rick facets: “Information Security Governance,” “Identification and Protection,” “Detection and Response,” “Test” and ”Situational Awareness and Learning and Development” through Document Analysis. With the CDM (Cyber Defense Matrix) model, it also probes into the methods and content of designing financial information resilience management and developing the protection structure for financial information security as a reference for when financial institutions plan and conduct information resilience management.
The study finds financial institutions can refer to the 5 risk facets mentioned above since they cover the CDM model of banking information security completely. Therefore, financial institutions are encouraged to adopt the management framework of information resilience designed by this study, which will start from multi-management facets, raise awareness of information security culture, reinforce information security management, fortify information security surveillance, complete information security drills, and build up a contingency system for it to enhance the overall protection. It will also further improve the protection of information security in financial ecosystems, which enables users to enjoy financial technologies and service innovation with their privacy and financial information protected.

摘要 ABSTRACT 第1章 緒論 1.1 研究背景與動機 1.2 研究目的 1.3 研究方法與架構 1.4 研究限制 第2章 文獻探討 2.1 資安威脅模型 2.2 資訊安全模型 2.3 資訊韌性工程框架 第3章 金融資訊韌性管理之規劃與設計 3.1 資安治理 3.2 識別與保護 3.3 偵測與響應 3.4 測試 3.5 態勢感知與學習和發展 第4章 資訊韌性管理案例探討 4.1 強化資安監理 4.2 深化資安治理 4.3 精實金融韌性 4.4 發揮資安聯防 第5章 結論及未來研究建議 5.1 研究結論 5.2 未來研究建議 參考文獻

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