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研究生: 周政勳
論文名稱: 顱顏顎面模型編輯改善與應用
Improvement of Editing Craniofacial and Maxillofacial Models and Their Applications
指導教授: 鄭逸琳
Yih-Lin Cheng
口試委員: 許維君
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 機械工程系
Department of Mechanical Engineering
論文出版年: 2014
畢業學年度: 102
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 72
中文關鍵詞: 電腦斷層掃描顱顏顎面逆向工程三角網格
外文關鍵詞: Computed Tomography, Craniofacial and Maxillofacial, Reverse Engineering, Triangular Mesh
相關次數: 點閱:410下載:2
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醫療軟體從CT輸出stl檔案,而此檔案的構成原理為三角網格堆疊出模型表面所組成的模型屬於圖形的檔案並無”實體”的概念,因此檔案在構成後便無法進行編輯,使用Geomagic studio經由格式轉換的技術將三角網格的模型,藉由重新鋪成輪廓線與頂點的方式構成曲面片,轉換成由初始圖形交換規範 (Initial Graphics Exchange Specification, IGES)的格式,所組成的模型不僅能夠編輯進行修改,且在各式的軟體中皆能匯入進行相關的處理,使得後續的編輯與設計得以進行,因為能匯入各式工程軟體因此加工的選擇增加,本研究以下顎骨模型為例,說明各個上述之原理與方法並建立一標準流程設計常見的牙科應用模型、匯入solidworks進行應變分析。

關鍵字: 電腦斷層掃描,顱顏顎面,逆向工程,三角網格

The making of a craniofacial and maxillofacial model starts with molding from the patient's mouth and then finishes production of the model. Today, this methodology is mostly used for diagnosis of patient conditions, dental restoration, preoperative simulation, and design of auxiliary tools. But for patients with server illness or surgical resection where direct molding is not applicable, medical imaging is needed for reconstructive modeling, and the model exported from the medical software is stored in a file called stl, which is nevertheless not editable. This research proposes how to transform the file into an editable format to facilitate subsequent editing of the file.
The constructive principle of the st1 file exported from a CT device is using triangular mesh to stack up the sphere of the mold in a graphic form which has no concept of "solid entity", and that's why the constructed file is not editable. This research uses Geomagic studio's format technology to repave the contours and vertexes for a curvature surface which allows transformation of the mold in triangular mesh into the Initial Graphics Exchange Specification (IGES). Not only this resulted model is editable, but also the exported file is compatible with other software for import and further processing. This flexibility greatly empowers subsequent design editing with numerous choices of software tools. This research takes a jawbone model as an example to discourse the mentioned principle and methodology and build a standard workflow for the design of general dental models, which are imported to the software SolidWorks for strain analysis.

Keywords: Computed Tomography, Craniofacial and Maxillofacial, Reverse Engineering, Triangular Mesh

目錄 摘要.............................II Abstract........................IV 誌 謝............................V 圖目錄...........................X 表目錄...........................XV 縮寫表...........................XVI 第一章 緒論.......................1 1.1前言..........................1 1.2 研究動機及目的.................2 1.3 研究方法......................3 1.4 論文架構......................4 第二章 文獻.......................6 2.1顱顏顎面之構造..................6 2.1.1 上顎骨構造.................8 2.1.2 下顎骨構造................9 2.1.3 牙齒結構..................11 2.1.4顏面神經.....................12 2.2放射技術.......................14 2.2.1 3D(立體式)影像...........14 2.2.2 CT影像於醫學工程的應用.......16 2.2.3醫療影像處理軟體..............19 2.2.4逆向工程軟體Geomagic studio介紹【14】.22 2.3生物模型應用....................25 第三章 Avizo醫療影像編輯處理方式......27 3.1 基本原則.......................27 3.2 Avizo編輯流程.................31 3.3 stl檔案.......................40 第四章 三角網格轉換NURBS曲面 .........41 4.1轉換軟體之選擇...................41 4.2 Geomagic studio..............42 NURBS曲面【21】....................42 4.3 Geomagic studio標準編輯流程.....43 第五章 NURBS曲面之顱顏顎面模型應用.....56 5.1 實體化.........................56 5.2 咬合板應用......................57 5.3 防磨牙牙套之應用.................59 5.4 閉孔器應用......................60 5.5 應變分析........................62 5.6 齒型切削........................64 第六章 結論與未來方向.................68 6.1 結論...........................68 6.2 未來展望........................69 參考文獻............................70

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