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研究生: 翁瑞華
Ray-Hwa Wong
論文名稱: 耦合適應性自組織滑動模糊控制器在雙軸同步控制之研究
Study of Coupled Adaptive Self-Organizing Sliding-Mode Fuzzy Controller in Dual-Axis Synchronous Control
指導教授: 修芳仲
Fang-Jung Shiou
口試委員: 施明璋
Ming-Chang Shih
Shiuh-Jer Huang
An-Chyau Huang
Mao-Hsiung Chiang
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 機械工程系
Department of Mechanical Engineering
論文出版年: 2013
畢業學年度: 101
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 124
中文關鍵詞: 泵控系統閥控系統耦合適應性自組織滑動模糊控制器學習率適應性增益
外文關鍵詞: adaptive self-organizing controller, coupled controller, adaptation gain, sliding-mode fuzzy controller, valve-controlled system, pump-controlled system
相關次數: 點閱:779下載:11
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The double-axial pump-controlled and valve-controlled systems are coupled systems and have significant structural interaction. Pump-controlled system has two power units to drive two sub-systems, the synchronous difference is low. Valve-controlled system has one power unit to drive two sub-systems, the synchronous difference is a little bit higher.
This dissertation proposes a coupled adaptive self-organizing sliding-mode fuzzy controller (CASOSMFC) to improve their level control performance. CASOSMFC is associated with two basic single-axial sliding-mode fuzzy controllers, self-learning fuzzy rule mechanisms, adaptive laws, coupled controllers and regulators. Then, it can base on variety parameters to study their parametric effects individually. Experimental results indicate that the learning rate of self-learning fuzzy rule mechanism can reduce synchronous error and improve the tracking performance. Besides, astringency in steady state of valve-controlled system has also been improved. Adaptive law improves tracking error. However, the improvement in valve-controlled system is insignificant. Coupled controllers and regulators improve synchronous error.
Different loadings are used to simulate different work pieces and various coupled intensity folding processes. Experimental results indicate that CASOSMFC applied in the pump-controlled and valve-controlled system has excellent level control performance and has strong robustness to different coupled intensity.
Via a variety of loading experiments, this dissertation provides comparisons of control performances between pump-controlled and valve-controlled system. Experimental results indicate that pump-controlled system is an option to replace valve-controlled system in synchronous control application.

目錄 摘要 III Abstract IV 誌謝 VI 目錄 VII 符號索引 X 圖目錄 XIII 表目錄 XVI 第一章 緒論 1 1.1研究動機與目的 1 1.2文獻回顧 2 1.3論文大綱 9 第二章系統架構 12 2.1雙軸液壓泵控系統 12 2.2雙軸液壓閥控系統 16 第三章控制理論 22 3.1傳統的模糊控制器 22 3.2滑動模糊控制器 25 3.3自組織滑動模糊控制器 26 3.4適應性自組織滑動模糊控制器 30 3.5耦合適應性自組織滑動模糊控制器 32 第四章 雙軸液壓泵控系統控制器的參數設計 35 4.1前言 35 4.2 PCS學習率的設計 36 4.3 PCS適應性增益的設計 38 4.4 PCS耦合適應性增益和調節器的設計 41 第五章 雙軸液壓泵控系統不同耦合強度的實驗 44 5.1前言 44 5.2 PCS Case 1對稱負載的實驗 45 5.3 PCS Case 2中度不對稱負載的實驗 47 5.4 PCS Case 3高度不對稱負載的實驗 49 第六章 雙軸液壓閥控系統控制器的參數設計 52 6.1前言 52 6.2定閥控系統的基準 52 6.3 VCS學習率的設計 54 6.4 VCS適應性增益的設計 56 6.5 VCS耦合適應性增益和調節器的設計 59 第七章 雙軸液壓閥控系統不同耦合強度的實驗 61 7.1前言 61 7.2 VCS Case 1對稱負載的實驗 62 7.3 VCS Case 2中度不對稱負載的實驗 64 7.4 VCS Case 3高度不對稱負載的實驗 66 第八章 泵控系統與閥控系統之控制性能比較 69 8.1前言 69 8.2 Case 1 PCS與VCS對稱負載實驗的比較 69 8.3 Case 2 PCS與VCS中度不對稱負載實驗的比較 72 8.4 Case 3 PCS與VCS高度不對稱負載實驗的比較 73 第九章 結 論與未來展望 76 9.1 結論 76 9.2 未來展望 78 參考文獻 79 附錄 87 授權書 108

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